Apply a hot compress for muscle pain

hot compress for muscle pain

To place a hot compress is necessary to consider several important factors, such as the temperature of this can not be too high as it can cause burns on the treated area. Then you must gently applied copper to the affected area and leave for at least consecutive periods of five minutes. If muscle pain is not very sharp, feel relief almost immediately, but will take much longer.

hot compress for muscle pain

The best compresses

There are several ways to make a homemade good hot compress; one is soaking a towel in water at high temperature. Importantly, the ideal temperature, in this case, it is when the liquid comes to fire and you start to see small bubbles on the surface at this point and the water is ready. Then dip the towel well, drained and placed on the sore area for five minutes, the same procedure is repeated at least ten times in a row.

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How to overcome the continuous headaches

continuous headaches

Headaches are such a nasty disease as widespread among the world population, which leaves behind the goal of eliminating as far as possible the appellant of this evil.

continuous headaches

The most important face to solve the problem is to certify if headaches are transient or persistent. If these are problems may be due to lack of sleep, sun exposure or stress to any specific event. If instead we felt a usual pain associated with any of these or similar circumstances we think that our evil is permanent and, therefore, will not be solved with the intake of recurrent pills.

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10 physical effects of stress

effects of stress

Are you one of those who thinks the tension nerve is already part of your daily emotions? Watch out! The consequences of stress impact on your mood and your health, so it is important to consider in relax a few seconds a day.

effects of stress

When a person perceives a threat or feel down, the hypothalamus initiates an alarm system in the body through the nervous system and hormones like adrenaline and cortisol.

The adrenalin increases heart rate, blood pressure and increases the power supply, while the cortisol favors the production of glucose in the blood, alter immune responses, digestive system, reproductive and growth processes.

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Ways to protect joints

protect joints

Joints are the places in our body where bones meet, thanks to these we can perform various functions such as running or jumping, but as time goes on our joints are susceptible to wear and the arthritis. Therefore it is important to take care of our body and protect joints to maximize its use, mobility and function for as long as possible.

protect joints

Over time, even normal, healthy joints deteriorate, but the effects can be minimized by following these basic steps. And if your joints are already with some discomfort, the following tips in this article will alleviate the pain and make your life a little easier.

Work comfortably influences joints
Many of us spend much time sitting at desks in front of the monitor. To create a good working environment, do not use a chair too low. The larger, less you have to bend the back to enter and exit it, your knees and hips will appreciate it.

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Methods to combat migraines

combat migraines

Both the origin of migraines and its cure are still mysteries unsolved. In any case prevention and strategies to avoid certain that you can get to trigger any crisis, are the best steps to take to combat it.

combat migraines

Why do it occur?
It is said that migraines are the way in which the brain says “enough” when it is for different reasons as concerns or work reaching force our stamina to maximum capacity, moment in which our organism activates an alarm signal that jumps and produced intense, disabling and prolonged pain requiring sufferers to move away from the world and locked up in a dark place and silently until the crisis disappears. The problem is that the pace of modern life can not always stop so it is necessary to continue in the best possible way when the key therefore, to avoid that appear or put brake as soon as possible.

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Relieves migraine with these tips

relieves migraine

Migraine can go from an annoying episode an enemy that affects our daily performance. But we provide some suggestions for the fight it effectively.

relieves migraine

It is not just a little pain, headache, migraines go far beyond that, making the trouble arises with such intensity that developing any parallel activity almost impossible. For those who suffer from migraine headaches the occasional problem is no more, but those women who are constantly seen as many of their days is made unusable by this condition.

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Home remedies for sciatica pain

sciatica pain

Did you know that the sciatic nerve is the longest and thickest of the human body? At some points it can reach up to 1.5 cm in diameter! It begins in the spinal cord, in the lower part of the back, runs the entire leg and reaches the foot. It controls the muscles of the entire leg, from the thigh to the sole of the foot. When there is pressure or damage to this nerve, it causes sciatica, which in reality is not a disease in itself but a symptom of other conditions.

sciatica pain

The sciatica pain occurs when there is pressure on the nerve caused by lesions of the lumbar vertebrae, nerve inflammation or contractions of the muscles around the sciatic nerve.

Several homemade recipes you can use to relieve sciatic nerve pain, relaxing muscles, activating the circulation and reducing inflammation.

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How to combat constipation

combat constipation

Constipation is a disease that afflicts many people. This may be momentary or constant, and we try as far as it affects our quality of life. Let’s look at how to combat changing some habits.

combat constipation

There is some difficulty in determining the number of times that a person should have a bowel movement, as each agency has its customs, and regular defecation frequency ranges from a few times a day, three times a week. It is clear that can be considered a disorder or disease, the extent to alter the quality of life.

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How to prevent flatulence

prevent flatulence

The causes of flatulence may be many, but generally depends on the food. Consider how to prevent gases and prevent overproduction of flatulence.

prevent flatulence

Definition and causes of flatulence
Flatulence is the condition which is called the ejection of gases from the body. Normally, have a characteristic smell unpleasant and sometimes produce noise. These gases are a mixture of bacteria and yeasts symbiotic located in the intestinal tract, and contain nitrate, carbon dioxide, oxygen, hydrogen, and up to methane.

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Relieve the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome

carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that occurs when the narrow passageway, through which pass nerves, veins and muscles to move the hand, is compressed by a repetitive task, normally produced in the workplace.

carpal tunnel syndrome

Treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome
According to specialists, the treatment to relieve the symptoms of this syndrome varies according to the seriousness and the degree of intensity of pain. For example, if the pain and tingling are just beginning, the treatment is to change hand position, stretching exercises and put some ice on your wrist to undo inflammation.

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