When you need to finish a lot of tasks, it’s annoying when you end up catching a cold. You keep sneezing, and your sense of smell gets blocked. When you get colds, the illness will last for up to seven days. In some instances, though, it could take up to two weeks or longer. These are the reasons why the illness wouldn’t go away even if you’re already taking medicines.
You’re not getting rest
It helps if you take a rest as soon as you feel unwell. You have to take it easy, especially in the first three days. If you force yourself to keep working hard as if you’re okay, it could prolong the illness. You would rather stop working for a while until you get better than to be absent for longer due to the cold that won’t go away. If possible, you need to sleep for at least seven hours. Even when you start to feel better, you should continue getting enough sleep to prevent the illness from coming back.