Statistics and causes of cancer in France

causes of cancer

For years researchers have tried to find out why France apparently dedicated to smoking, drinking, and bad eating habits have remained healthy. However, in recent findings, it has been revealed that the general opinion of France as a healthy country is quickly becoming out-of-date. The current study showed that French male populace has the highest level of cancer-related death of any nation in Europe. Researchers determined that the rising death rate was directly caused by unhealthy lifestyles.

causes of cancer

According to information collected from 1999, the latest year for which figures are available, the French population has a far higher number of deaths from throat, lip, lung and liver cancers than bordering countries. With lung cancer contributing mainly to the death rate it gives a clear indication that the primary cause of cancer is excessive consumption of alcohol and tobacco. While fewer women are dying from cancer in France, the study cautioned that this number is set to increase in the coming years unless the government takes action to control rising numbers of female smokers.

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Diet for oral cancer prevention

What to eat to keep out oral cancer of your mouth? Diet is one of the best allies for the prevention of oral cancer.

The diet for oral cancer prevention puts special emphasis on healthy habits and bet on natural and seasonal foods (vegetables, fruits, and fish).

Fruits and vegetables are key to a healthy and balanced diet, a source of essential nutrients (antioxidants, vitamins and minerals) and an excellent protector against oral tumors. Something as simple as eating 5 pieces of fruit and vegetables a day helps prevent the onset of this type of cancer. Food alone does not prevent cancer but does favor a reduction in the risk of developing it.

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Preventive Mastectomy: Tightens the risk of breast cancer by 95%

preventive mastectomy

Preventive mastectomy is surgery for the partial or total removal of one or both breasts in order to reduce the risk of breast cancer. A technique that can reduce risk by 95% in cases of genetic predisposition, as has been shown by science.

In our country, Public Health carries out a genetic test in cases where it is detected that there is a genetic risk, although it is only applied in extreme cases and always under medical prescription.

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Immunotherapy: Advances in the fight against cancer


Immunotherapy consists of the treatment of diseases through the support of the immune system. It is a considerable help for our own body to be able to defeat the enemy in this case, many different types of cancers that have little or little chance of being overcome by the body naturally. Below we tell you more about this hopeful news about immunotherapy and its power to treat cancer.


What is immunotherapy?

Immunotherapy focuses on the problem directly. It is the introduction of the drug directly into the focus of infection of the disease. Currently in the University of Navarra, has developed an experimental drug called BO-112 that would be able to destroy the majority of cancer cells with difficult treatment such as those with large malignant tumors.

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What are the preventable causes of colon cancer?

causes of colon cancer

It is estimated that each year in the US about 140,000 new cases are diagnosed of colorectal cancer, among which is the colon cancer and rectal cancer.

Colon cancer is a disease that usually appears on a polyp in the mucosa of the colon, which from different causes evolves into a malignant tumor. Usually the malignant cells are located in the longest part of the large intestine, as well as in the intermediate portion.

causes of colon cancer

As surely you know, the colon is the place where stool is stored before being expelled to the outside through the anus. That is, it accumulates waste substances, so it becomes a place certainly conducive to the appearance of a malignant tumor.

It is a type of cancer that usually appears from the age of 40. That is why more and more experts are asking for early detection tests to be carried out at younger ages, rather than from the age of 50-55.

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Nutrition in childhood cancer

nutritional status of children

The nutritional status of children with cancer is of great importance, because both cancer and its treatment can affect the child’s appetite, tolerance to food and the body’s ability to absorb nutrients.

A suitable nutrition can improve the clinical evolution, outcome and quality of life of patients undergoing cancer treatment. Recommendations during treatment may focus on eating foods high in energy, protein and micronutrients to help maintain nutritional status. The habitual nutritional advices include eating many fruit, vegetables and cereals, with a moderate consumption of meat, fatty products and milk derivatives.

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Known Ways That You Can Reduce Your Risk of Cancer

risk of cancer

The statistics for people who have or people who know someone who suffer from cancer are startlingly high, thankfully the last 20 years have seen some incredible advancements in cancer care and treatment and the number of people who now die from cancer related illnesses has come down by up to 75% in some forms of cancer and the improvements continue to be made year on year.

risk of cancer

Whilst medical treatment can give you amazing results should you find yourself with cancer, the onus is still on you to do all that you can to cut your risk. Even cancers that are hereditary can be avoided for a longer period of time if you live your life right and here are just some of the ways that you can cut your risk of cancer.

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Remedies for prostate cancer

symptoms of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in the prostate; gland the size of a walnut, located below the bladder and produces the fluid portion of semen.

symptoms of prostate cancer

Initially, the tumor remains within the outer capsule of the prostate, but with increasing size, is spread through the capsule and into the tissues surrounding the prostate.

Cancer cells also can be inferred from the primary tumor.

The lymphatic ganglion, near to the prostate, traps and becomes secondary tumors, or metastases. In addition, the tumor can spread through the blood vessels, producing metastases in the back, spine and pelvis…

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Symptoms of cancer that men should not ignore

symptoms of cancer

Only 2% of people who present symptoms of “alarm” of cancer is considered as one of the causes. And men tend more often ignore signals that something is wrong with their health.

symptoms of cancer

Symptoms of cancer are not always recognizable, however there are some physical changes that denounce it and that should not be ignored by men, but they are, as a inexplicable bleeding.

When there is blood in the urine of a man, it may be an early sign of bladder cancer or a more advanced of the prostate. And in the dreg can be linked to colorectal or anal cancer.

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Breast cancer: A curable disease

battle against breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most common tumor type among women. In fact, doctors and specialists, estimated at one in 10 women suffer this type of cancer. When previously detected, the greater the chances of winning the battle and healing. Knowing the risk factors, like the programs or tests (mammography, breast self-examination), will help us to anticipate the diagnosis. Factors among which include not having children or having the first pregnancy after age 35.

battle against breast cancer

Delay of childbearing age is not the only factor that makes women more vulnerable to breast cancer, there are also others such as history of relatives (mother, sisters) with cancer, feeding (diet too rich in fats and proteins) and stress, one of the enemies of our being and can influence our lives and our health.

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