If you believed everything you read in the media, you would think it impossible that any man could have a low sex drive. Men are sexual beings, aren’t they? Yes, men, like women, are sexual beings. And, like women, men also suffer from a low libido. You could well be one of the many thousands of men that are dealing with this condition, and you want it to stop. To make it stop, you need to understand why the conditions exist in the first place. Below are the reasons why you have a low sex drive and how to treat it.

Low Self-Esteem
Again, this is a condition that most people don’t associate with men. Men don’t care about their looks or about how they feel – they just get on with life. That is a myth because men are just as susceptible to low self-esteem as anyone else. And, like everyone else, it affects their sex drive. If your confidence is low, your sex drive will lower too. The two are directly linked because you feel your most sexual when you feel your most confident.
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