Fibromyalgia: Possible Problems in Sexual Relationships


The fibromyalgia is one of the pathologies with woman’s face, that is, these are the most vulnerable to suffer from it.

A disorder whose main symptoms are fatigue and continuous muscle aches, that others may also have difficulty sleeping, headache, generalized or localized stiffness in the morning, tingling or numbness in the hands and feet, digestive disturbances, difficulty concentrating or painful menstrual periods.

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Menstrual pain, infertility and sexual intercourse pain: What causes these symptoms


The endometriosis is a disease that affects 10% of women in their childbearing years, still higher than the percentage of women with endometriosis when infertile reaching up to 35%.

Endometriosis can be developed from the first menstruation however it is often not diagnosed until the 25 or 35 years. This disease also affects women during menopause.


The endometrium is the tissue lining the inner layer of the uterus, and endometriosis is generated when this lining grows in other areas of the body. When growing outside the uterus can be located in the muscle layer of the uterus, the fallopian tubes and ovaries.

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Why Do You Have A Low Sex Drive?

low self esteem

If you believed everything you read in the media, you would think it impossible that any man could have a low sex drive. Men are sexual beings, aren’t they? Yes, men, like women, are sexual beings. And, like women, men also suffer from a low libido. You could well be one of the many thousands of men that are dealing with this condition, and you want it to stop. To make it stop, you need to understand why the conditions exist in the first place. Below are the reasons why you have a low sex drive and how to treat it.

low self esteem

Low Self-Esteem

Again, this is a condition that most people don’t associate with men. Men don’t care about their looks or about how they feel – they just get on with life. That is a myth because men are just as susceptible to low self-esteem as anyone else. And, like everyone else, it affects their sex drive. If your confidence is low, your sex drive will lower too. The two are directly linked because you feel your most sexual when you feel your most confident.

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Detection of STDs/STIs

Detection STDs/STIs

The detection is the process in which the medical staff requested tests for the patient without these show symptoms. Belonging to the following categories of people puts in a risk group (not necessarily indicate that they have an infection). These screening tests are part of public health policies that support the prevention and early treatment of STDs/STIs.

Detection STDs/STIs

From 13 to 64 years

It is recommended that all people in this age range were tested for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) with a blood test can confirm or rule out if it is a carrier of the virus. For this test you can choose Central Park Medical Associates.

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Testing for STDs

STD test

The sexually transmitted diseases are those that typically are transmitted or spread during sex. The main routes of transmission are the mucous membranes of the mouth, genitals and anus, so there is the risk of infection during sexual intercourse with vaginal, anal or oral sex.

STD test

If you have symptoms of a sexually transmitted disease, it is important to get the evidence. Some common symptoms of STDs include genital pain, discharge from the penis or vagina, itching and burning during urination.

But remember that many infections often produce no symptoms. Many people have sexually transmitted infections and never know. Many people get infections or transmitted without having any symptoms.

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