Breast cancer: A curable disease

battle against breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most common tumor type among women. In fact, doctors and specialists, estimated at one in 10 women suffer this type of cancer. When previously detected, the greater the chances of winning the battle and healing. Knowing the risk factors, like the programs or tests (mammography, breast self-examination), will help us to anticipate the diagnosis. Factors among which include not having children or having the first pregnancy after age 35.

battle against breast cancer

Delay of childbearing age is not the only factor that makes women more vulnerable to breast cancer, there are also others such as history of relatives (mother, sisters) with cancer, feeding (diet too rich in fats and proteins) and stress, one of the enemies of our being and can influence our lives and our health.

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Pregnancy: How long to work?

work during pregnancy

Can we work until the end of pregnancy? We can, but we should not, because as recommended by doctors and specialists work beyond the eighth month of gestation period can be as harmful to the baby as the habit of smoking during pregnancy.

work during pregnancy

There might be exaggerated comparison, but in terms of medical and health, it is not, since among other risks has found that babies of mothers who continued to work during the final stages of pregnancy are born with less weight. A similar effect to that produced by nicotine and other unhealthy substances that enter our body through the cigarette. In fact, being pregnant is one of the best arguments for quitting.

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Alzheimer: Disorders of eating behavior

eating disorder

It is a common problem among patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease characterized by the deterioration of intellectual functions, primarily memory, but can also be affected other areas such as language, the ability to make decisions or carry out everyday tasks, attention, changes in mood, behavior and personality. In this case, we will focus on a specific disorder associated the eating behavior. How can we help to prevent it?

eating disorder

The problems of eating behavior in patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease may be due by overfeeding or malnutrition, through rejection of food behaviors, difficulties in swallowing or play with food.

We can not forget that we are in patients with memory problems and guidance, so their habits and how they behave at mealtime can be see disrupted, come to forget in a given phase of the illness if eaten or how successfully use cutlery. It’s a direct consequence of the disease, the same way you can also have sleep disorders or depression. The diet should be balanced and adapted to their needs.

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Bruxism: Why grind your teeth at night?


Bruxism is defined as teeth grinding during the hours of sleep, so involuntary. However, it should not be a problem to not pay attention, quite the opposite, as it can take even another set of problems for our health, both of the mouth in particular and our health in general.


So, physicians and specialists remember that bruxism not only damages teeth, but can also cause pain in head, neck, face and ears.

When speaking of bruxism, dental health specialists distinguish between bruxism downtown (characterized by a tightening of the jaw) and eccentric (teeth grinding). Why bruxism appears? The main risk factor is the stress, but it is also related to a problem of stability when biting, i.e., there is no a correct gear assembly of the teeth.

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Diet against cancer: Fiber and Micronutrients

diet against cancer

Follow a healthy life style is the best shield for our health, and not only as an effective preventive measure to reduce the risk of cancer but also other diseases such as cardiovascular disease. A diet should be varied and balanced to be healthy. A diet in which, among other tips, it’s good to go for the consumption of dietary fiber and micronutrients. In what food can we find them? What properties we reported for our health?

diet against cancer

It is estimated, according to medical data, lifestyle, and that includes healthy habits such as eating healthy and varied influences 80% of cancer cases. A careful diet helps prevent the development of diseases and, including cancer. Modify the diet passes through something as simple as replacing the products or less natural food by others that they are recognized preventive properties against cancer, a term that includes different types of diseases that are characterized by an uncontrolled growth of cells.

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How to Find a Dentist When Moving

find dentist

Moving can be a very stressful time in your life, especially if you happen to be relocating to another state far from home. While finding a new dentist or doctor might be one of the last things on your mind, once things settle down it will be that time again to schedule a checkup. Things … Read more

Jacobson Method: Learn this method of progressive relaxation

jacobson method

Who denies the pleasure of enjoying a few minutes of relaxation? It is not a trivial matter, on the contrary, our body needs and body relaxation, among other reasons, to combat the effects of stress, the anxiety or nervousness. Not only the rhythm or lifestyle can provoke stress, also the physical and vital changes that we will be facing throughout our lives. The Jacobson method is based on the principle of stress/relaxation muscle.

jacobson method

Before starting the session, should follow a series of preparatory tips such as choosing a comfortable place, best in the evening; wear comfortable clothing and ensure that the temperature is adequate. Good to accompany the session with soft music and dim light and, if possible, do it sitting in a chair or stretched out on the bed.

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Yoghurt: The replacement of natural milk


There are many dilemmas about whether milk is good or not. Many people will seriously affect the stomach and did not finish tolerate at all, while on the other hand yogurt not only tend not to sit wrong but also protect, assist and regulate our stomach and our intestinal system.


One yoghurt per day favors our flora also facilitating tolerance of different foods that otherwise would be much heavier, burning and damaging.

Yogurts are the basis of different recipes. And it is that they serve for almost everything, and any sauce, in any recipe, gives an exquisitely, in addition to being very natural and very digestive.

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Diabetes: Activate to control sugar

diabetes and exercise

The benefits of exercise are many, and among them is to help control blood sugar levels, making it a good ally for those diagnosed with diabetes. Playing sports, stay active, lowers risk of developing a complication of diabetes or cardiovascular disorder.

We must also not forget that a sedentary lifestyle or lack of physical exercise is one of the main enemies of health by making us more vulnerable to other problems behind which diabetes may also appear, such as the problems of obesity.

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Incontinence: A controllable discomfort


Incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine, an uncomfortable problem and is usually more common as we get older. But likewise, has a solution and can be controlled in some cases easily, as can be performing Kegel method exercises and controlling the intake of certain foods and beverages may increase the need to urinate. First, … Read more