Climbing stairs: Healthy benefits

climbing stairs

A simple exercise, which we can incorporate into our daily routine, we can draw the interesting benefits as climbing stairs helps strengthen our muscles, improves cardiovascular health and also helps to burn calories.

climbing stairs

Improving our heart and helps us to lose weight, because climbing stairs is one of the most effective ways to burn calories. A simple practice that we can be incorporating into our daily routine so that it does not turn out to be to us too strenuous. As walking is one of the most natural exercise, climbing stairs is an everyday action that virtually without noticing it, we can find a number of benefits to improve our physical condition, with the particularity that consumed two times more calories than walking.

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Pharyngitis: Natural and effective relief


Pharyngitis is one of the conditions or infectious diseases caused by common action of cold or sudden changes in temperature. An inflammation of the mucosa that surrounding the pharynx caused by bacteria or viruses. Pharyngitis may occur at any age and most common symptoms include headaches, difficulty in eating (swallowing) and loss of appetite, sore throat, malaise, as well as fever and inflammation of the lymph nodes. We can relieve symptoms with some natural solutions.


In the cases of pharyngitis, in addition to consult a doctor to determine if we need to follow some pharmacological treatment, also we can use some natural and effective solutions to mitigate or relieve typical symptoms of pharyngitis, among which are found from the sore throat and head, to the general malaise passing through the muscle pain, dry cough, the inflammation of the lymph or episodes of fever.

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Physical exercise: What suits you to keep fit

choose exercise

There are plenty of different exercises that anyone can practice in the gym, the outdoors or in our own house, and there is almost always someone who stands fashion and promises to be the panacea, for so all we set out to do. As this is a serious mistake, because depending on the needs of each exercise can be good and bring results, or conversely may be even harmful. It is best to learn on the internet, or an expert in the field, as some exercises can have very serious consequences.

choose exercise

Each person is different, and every body needs a series of exercises, depending on what we want to do. Not the same that wants to lose weight that only wants to stay, and we must take into account problems of each.

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Pre-eclampsia: More risk after childbirth


To experts are concerned about both the risks of high blood pressure before and after pregnancy, called postpartum hypertension. A risk after childbirth and will be higher if pregnancy has had problems with hypertension. Reason why experts advise to be tracked for at least 72 hours after childbirth, to control the risks of further complications in women diagnosed in pre-eclampsia.


Pre-eclampsia, diagnosed during the period of gestation, can make us more vulnerable to complications after childbirth. Once you are discharged, monitoring should be maintained, at least two weeks. A monitoring of blood pressure and, in the case of persistent, check if symptoms have an underlying cause.

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Hypochondria: Fear of being sick


We all are concerned about suffering from any health disorder, but the problem is when the concern is constant, excessive, and when it becomes an unrealistic fear and continuing to suffer the symptoms of a serious illness. Any mild symptoms, such as a slight headache, are interpreted by the patient as a health problem, symptoms resulting from their own state of anxiety and constant worry. Hypochondria can and should be treated. But how do you identify a hypochondriac person? When does it start to be a problem for the health concerns?


Hypochondria, although have physical symptoms such as breathing difficulty, palpitations or insomnia is a disease included in the group of psychiatric diseases and which also includes the anxiety, phobia or obsessive compulsive behaviors.

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Allergy skin: Causes and symptoms of intolerance to cosmetics

allergy skin

It should be noted that, cosmetics are a completely safe product; they are also a combination of chemicals, so it is not disposable, that they may be the cause of irritation or allergic skin reactions.

Allergies to food, allergies to the medicines: and the cosmetics? Yes, they may also be behind an allergy. Not always the answer to allergic reactions to cosmetics is in the product itself, but in the use we give, as cosmetics, for example, expires.

Another common mistake, also apply the cream before have been washing properly hands or use a product or cream to another area of the body to the recommended. There are some of the most common mistakes when using cosmetics, which also must maintain at suitable locations, avoiding letting them properly open or very high temperatures or exposure to direct sunlight.

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Hand and wrist pain: Why does it happen?

wrist pain

Arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome are two of the most common problems, which often come accompanied by pain and loss of mobility. Hand, although we pay less attention to proper, is one of the most complex areas of our body as it consists of a total of 19 bones, 17 joints and 19 muscles. A slight discomfort or pain in the hands or wrists treated incorrectly can worsen quality of life, as are countless movements we make with them throughout the day.

wrist pain

Among the most common ailments that affect the hands and wrists is osteoarthritis. A degenerative disease to which women are more vulnerable, especially from the 50. Their cause is, as a rule, in the breakdown of cartilage surrounding the bone in the joints.

However, when OA affects the hands typically have a number of features. The first one is that this type of arthritis is hereditary, especially from mothers to daughters. It’s appearance also often related by the use of excessive joint. Thus, for example, is a condition associated with certain professions, such as musicians, athletes or hairdressers.

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Fever: How and when to measure temperature

measure temperature

Fever is not a disease itself, but the response of our body against infections caused by viruses or bacteria. Its appearance, however, of concern and some other questions, including how to measure fever, how to control or that drug can take to mitigate it. It is recommended to take at least three times the temperature throughout the day, assuming that the normal body temperature is 36.8 degrees centigrade.

measure temperature

The temperature should be taken several times a day (at least three): one in the morning, once in the afternoon between 16 and 18 hours, and a third for the night, before bedtime. The body areas most suitable for measuring the temperature the doctors speak four: underarm, rectum, mouth and ear.

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Back: 5 Steps to take care of fitness

back exercise

Do you exercise daily? Much of the back pains are the result of a sedentary life. And it is not just poor posture, sitting cross-legged, with the back bent while it is in front of the computer or do not do stretching exercises – can end up by spending invoice to our back.

back exercise

Something as simple as walking at least half an hour a day, we will bring benefits and help us protect the health of our backs.

Lack of time is no excuse for not taking a few minutes of attention at our backs. Some simple exercises to get up and go to bed will help us regain our back flexibility and elasticity, while protect of discomfort as common as cervical pain or lumbar. In this case, the proposal goes through five simple exercises.

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