Diet against cancer: Fiber and Micronutrients

diet against cancer

Follow a healthy life style is the best shield for our health, and not only as an effective preventive measure to reduce the risk of cancer but also other diseases such as cardiovascular disease. A diet should be varied and balanced to be healthy. A diet in which, among other tips, it’s good to go for the consumption of dietary fiber and micronutrients. In what food can we find them? What properties we reported for our health?

diet against cancer

It is estimated, according to medical data, lifestyle, and that includes healthy habits such as eating healthy and varied influences 80% of cancer cases. A careful diet helps prevent the development of diseases and, including cancer. Modify the diet passes through something as simple as replacing the products or less natural food by others that they are recognized preventive properties against cancer, a term that includes different types of diseases that are characterized by an uncontrolled growth of cells.

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How to Find a Dentist When Moving

find dentist

Moving can be a very stressful time in your life, especially if you happen to be relocating to another state far from home. While finding a new dentist or doctor might be one of the last things on your mind, once things settle down it will be that time again to schedule a checkup. Things … Read more

Jacobson Method: Learn this method of progressive relaxation

jacobson method

Who denies the pleasure of enjoying a few minutes of relaxation? It is not a trivial matter, on the contrary, our body needs and body relaxation, among other reasons, to combat the effects of stress, the anxiety or nervousness. Not only the rhythm or lifestyle can provoke stress, also the physical and vital changes that we will be facing throughout our lives. The Jacobson method is based on the principle of stress/relaxation muscle.

jacobson method

Before starting the session, should follow a series of preparatory tips such as choosing a comfortable place, best in the evening; wear comfortable clothing and ensure that the temperature is adequate. Good to accompany the session with soft music and dim light and, if possible, do it sitting in a chair or stretched out on the bed.

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Yoghurt: The replacement of natural milk


There are many dilemmas about whether milk is good or not. Many people will seriously affect the stomach and did not finish tolerate at all, while on the other hand yogurt not only tend not to sit wrong but also protect, assist and regulate our stomach and our intestinal system.


One yoghurt per day favors our flora also facilitating tolerance of different foods that otherwise would be much heavier, burning and damaging.

Yogurts are the basis of different recipes. And it is that they serve for almost everything, and any sauce, in any recipe, gives an exquisitely, in addition to being very natural and very digestive.

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Diabetes: Activate to control sugar

diabetes and exercise

The benefits of exercise are many, and among them is to help control blood sugar levels, making it a good ally for those diagnosed with diabetes. Playing sports, stay active, lowers risk of developing a complication of diabetes or cardiovascular disorder.

We must also not forget that a sedentary lifestyle or lack of physical exercise is one of the main enemies of health by making us more vulnerable to other problems behind which diabetes may also appear, such as the problems of obesity.

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Incontinence: A controllable discomfort


Incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine, an uncomfortable problem and is usually more common as we get older. But likewise, has a solution and can be controlled in some cases easily, as can be performing Kegel method exercises and controlling the intake of certain foods and beverages may increase the need to urinate. First, … Read more

Ginseng: Tonic and restorative


It is one of the herbs most known and used primarily to recover energy during times of fatigue or decay, but it is not its sole proprietorship or therapeutic effect, because the ginseng also increases the defenses, helps reduce inflammatory processes and combat effects of stress and nervousness. In addition, this is an herb that can be given different uses, both culinary and cosmetic chapter, since it has a revitalising effect on the skin.


Ginseng is a native herb to China but which has spread across the world thanks to the countless properties and therapeutic effects attributed to it. Tonic or adaptogen and restorative, ginseng is the herb used to recover lost energy, combat mental fatigue and activates brain activity. That is why ginseng, for example, is most often used during examination periods or those times when work demands a grass intellectual exertion. Similarly, ginseng also helps us relax and free from the tension of stress, anxiety or a specific episode of nervousness. In other words, it improves the ability of our body to cope with a stressful situation.

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Breast milk: More benefits, strengthens the intestinal flora

breast milk benefits

Breast milk is the most complete food for baby, essential for their development and growth during the first six months of life. Benefits of breast milk to which researchers have added one more, and that is to be the best shield protecting against diseases and infections.

breast milk benefits

An effect that occurs due to its role in the growth of the intestinal flora. And it is that as researchers have found Duke University, USA, in a paper published in Current Nutrition and Food Science, the development of the intestinal flora is different in babies who are breastfed. Specifically, favors greater protection to promote growth of the microbial flora in the intestinal tract. This results in better absorption of nutrients and increased protection of the immune system.

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Sweat: How to prevent heat in summer

prevent excessive sweating

With the high temperatures and the sun of summer, sweat becomes a constant companion during the day. This is cause for much concern, because we feel embarrassed when we sweat, because we fear what people might think of the sweat marks on the shirt, if smell bad…

It is very difficult to avoid sweating during the summer and also sweating is a physiological process that the body needs to regulate temperature, but there are some tricks to prevent sweating is excessive and could become a problem in our social relations.

prevent excessive sweating

Sure that ever has not raised hands for fear that you had sweat marks in the armpits or close to someone in summer you felt insecure about your smell, Here are a few tips so sweat does not become your most recurrent nightmare this summer.

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Children’s Oral Health: Prevention Tips

child oral health

It is estimated, according to medical data, it is estimated that one of every three children under six years of age have or had cavities in the teeth. A fact confirms the importance of continuing a series of preventive measures from childhood. Measures not only hygienic, i.e., on proper cleaning of the teeth and mouth, also diet. Cavities, or the progressive destruction of the tooth, not related to age, can appear at any stage.

child oral health

It is also includes the milk teeth, because the children teeth is also vulnerable to suffer one of the most common oral health problems. Factors such as dental plaque bacteria, the degree of susceptibility of our teeth and feed (in acidic foods such as soda or ketchup or fermented carbohydrates, like candy) contribute to demineralisation teeth of teeth and thus to the onset of decay.

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