Seborrheic Dermatitis: How is it treated?

seborrheic dermatitis

Redness and peeling of the skin are the most common symptoms of this type of dermatitis that mainly affects the scalp, but it can also spread to other parts of the body.

For adults, we have a chronic problem and require that we follow a treatment to reduce outbreaks and intensity. Outbreaks can increase if in addition we are prone to suffer from stress or in periods of tiredness and fatigue.

seborrheic dermatitis

What is seborrheic dermatitis?

The mildest form is commonly known as dandruff, but this skin disorder goes beyond, because although mainly affects the scalp, can also spread to other parts of the body, from face to chest or buttocks.

Its main symptoms are redness and flaking of the skin. When this happens in babies, usually in the first three months of life, also called cradle cap.

When it occurs in adults the main difference is that it is a disorder or chronic problem, which evolves as outbreaks, whose intensity can be increased when it is associated with an episode of stress or fatigue.

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Tomato: Essential for health and beauty

benefits of tomato

The natural tomato is one of the richest foods in our diet. However, and despite what many people think, not only is good for our health because they have many properties that make this a perfect supplement for our body, but also have very important properties for different beauty treatments. In this article we show not only the nutritional properties of the tomato, but also some other trick to maintain a perfect complexion using this delicious fruit orchard.

benefits of tomato

There are fruits and vegetables that are essential for its numerous properties, for the proper functioning of our body in our diet. For this reason, we strongly recommend that occurs a higher intake of them and that we try that child incorporate it in their diets.

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Magnesium carbonate: Perfect natural complement to the diet

Have problems with constipation and/or gases? Well thanks to magnesium carbonate you will not have it again. While it is true that we should ask the opinion of our doctor before taking it, one of the most useful remedies against this problem that affects a large part of the population and also leads to other more serious diseases. It is also particularly recommended in diets because it facilitates the expulsion of harmful agents and purifies our body. Do you want to know what are the properties of magnesium carbonate?

Bowel problems, gas and constipation are some of the problems society beset by more and more concerned. Especially in the summer, we change our eating habit, we go more times to eat away from home or live outside of our home in the place where we live during our holidays, it is in these moments when more we notice that our body needs a few habits and when broken, our system also suffers.

Moreover, these problems do not exist only when we abandon our routine, but for many people it is a daily problem throughout the year. And it also hurts the different diets.

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How to prevent prostate cancer?

prevent prostate cancer

Today we can find a lot of health-conscious men and occupied in preventing problems and diseases typical of them, such as prostate cancer.

prevent prostate cancer

It has been shown in several studies that the feed may have a positive impact on the prevention and, in some cases, in the treatment of patients with cancer. So we give you some recommendations.

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5 foods that kidney care

foods for kidneys

Maintaining a healthy weight is very important for the good of our kidneys, because overweight and obesity are risk factors for development of diseases that can damage these organs.

foods for kidneys

There is a way to prevent being overweight is eating a proper diet, including foods that help the kidneys to remove toxins.

5 beneficial foods for the kidneys
Foods that are recommended to protect the health of the kidneys are those rich in calcium, such as the following.

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Soft tissue injuries of the foot

soft tissue injuries of the foot

What bones, muscles and tendons make up the foot?
The foot consists of numerous bones, if we named proximal to distal, the bones that articulate with the ankle are the tarsal bones, then are metatarsal bones, there are five and are called first, second, third, fourth, fifth, that articulate with the phalanges, each finger has 3 phalanges, except the first finger only have two. The first is called phalanges (which articulate with the metatarsal), the second and the third (most distal).

soft tissue injuries of the foot

The foot bones are interconnected to form the plantar curvature as the foot rests on the floor in the front by the metatarsal heads and in the back of the foot rests with the calcaneus. The plantar arch is maintained by muscle and tendon structures that give this characteristic form:

There are many muscles that have their origin in the leg and inserted in the foot and are responsible for flexion and extension of the fingers, toes and eversion (turning the sole of the foot out) and investment (turn the sole of the foot inward).

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5 tips for exercising outdoors without damaging your health

exercising outdoors

Perform 30 minutes of daily exercise improves physical and emotional health. However, what happens when agents such as pollution, not only puts at risk this activity but that it puts at risk the life? According to the National Health mortality from respiratory disease is the third leading cause of death for children aged zero to four years.

exercising outdoors

A study of the Zuyd University in the Netherlands, said that exposure to the pollutant gases causes an oxidative effect which, in addition to age prematurely, is linked to neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

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4 Home Remedies for Sunburn

home remedies for sunburn

At some point, we’ve all experienced the burning effects of the sun. Whether on vacation or daily walking in the city, and more in spring in which the solar radiation is particularly intense. Despite that prevention is the best thing, it does not serve us welcome when the burns appeared already; what we require is … Read more

5 common myths about epilepsy


The Epilepsy is a common neurological condition that affects around 1 to 2 percent of the world population. Being a very frequent problem is of medical care and treatment of time, so it is listed as a public health problem.


Myths About Epilepsy
A patient with epilepsy had seizures or attacks repeatedly with varying frequency, due to excessive discharge of neurons.

From that starts, epilepsy has paroxysmal manifestations, i.e. start abruptly, lasting from a few seconds up to two minutes, the person recovers, highlights the neurologist.

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Does the diet gives you hungry?

diet gives hungry

Can you not follow the diet? The serious problem is that while you limit your diet to a few dishes, which also serve in limited portions, you can not stop thinking about all that just eat is terminating your plan.

diet gives hungry

This is one of the principles that explain the reason why diets do not achieve permanent success, as everything depends on you, your habits and having understood the real reasons and advantages of taking care of your health.

How is it possible to be successful if one does not intend on eating? Deprivation is not the way to achieve a loss healthy weight and permanently.

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