The dangers of excess salt

excess salt

The salt mineral is a great need for proper functioning of the body. However, excess salt in foods may lead dangers and it is important to be aware of it. So you should pay attention to this article to add salt to food in a healthy way.

excess salt

The impact of a diet high in sodium are:

  • Raises blood pressure, which in turn can cause heart disease and stroke.
  • New studies find that a diet of these features is related to osteoporosis, dementia, cancer and other serious health problems.
  • It can also be considered one of the main reasons for being overweight.

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When psoriasis affects the scalp

psoriasis afftects scalp

In case of psoriasis, it is common that the scalp is affected. However, this location causes the hair to lose its aesthetics and causing a series of itching. In parallel, the treatment of psoriasis is difficult and more specific. It is based on the calcipotriol, an analogue of vitamin D3.

psoriasis afftects scalp

Variable locations of psoriasis
Psoriasis is a disease that can be cataloged benign, but whose impacts on daily life are very important. The disease manifests itself in a number of red patches, covered with pearly white scales, more or less thick. The number, size and location of the plates are very variable and evolve with time even in a same person.

The most common is to be presented at the elbows, the folds, and knees. The scalp is often one of the areas most affected by psoriasis.

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Effects of dietary sugar

dietary sugar

You have certain elements of control in a diet is something possibly important, because as we all assume the excesses are bad fellow athletes, and in general, of all people. But if we are athletes should be more careful if it fits with our diet, and in this case, today we’ll talk about the effects of sugar in the diet, or rather, what consequences can have an excessive intake of simple sugars in our common foods.

dietary sugar

When we take sugar in the diet, basically what we do is because an increase in triglycerides, which are called “bad cholesterol” and that among many other effects, can lead to various cardiovascular diseases. In addition, heavy drinking can also lead to liver disorders and some diseases, some of which are reversible in most cases, but may not always be possible, so prevention is especially important in this case.

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Ideal food for diet


In this article we will talk about foods that have great mineral wealth and lots of health benefits and are ideal for the diet. Of course, as we cannot talk about all going to describe the properties of some foods that we have chosen because they are easy to find in the supermarket.


First, we will make mention of turmeric, which is characterized by grant to any food dish or an intense aroma and a very special color and flavor. It is one of the components of the Indian curry which gives it the characteristic intense yellow color, and which has the virtue of being a possible weapon in the fight against Alzheimer’s.

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Ultrasound used to relieve chronic pain

chronic pain

There are two distinct forms of the acute pain caused by trauma such as physical and chronic disorders that can cause a person for years, and is currently used ultrasound to relieve chronic pain.

chronic pain

Acute pain can be caused by physical trauma and is usually treated with analgesics.

Reason for study, this type of pain according to the researchers is actually a behavioral state that begins with the actual injury but where the pain lasts more than enough time and then become pathology.

Patients suffering from arthritis for example depends on analgesics are powerful enough to soothe the pain and this commonly come a situation that becomes cyclical pain from inactivity and finally to depression.

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Type 2 diabetes, metabolic surgery may cure

type 2 diabetes

Obesity leads to many health problems to the sufferer. A disease that can silently generate the appearance of other diseases such as type II diabetes.

type 2 diabetes

However, there is now an alternative that through surgical practices allow patients with this type of diabetes is directly related to obesity and overweight can achieve complete remission of the disease.

The so-called bariatric surgery, sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass surgeries as well as metabolic, used to combat morbid obesity type, characterized by patients who have a body mass index above 38 points, would be the solution for these patients.

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The oral anxiety

oral anxiety

If you have too many problems and the only solution is to find food, then stick reading the following article which will discuss a recurring theme in our society: oral anxiety.

oral anxiety

People with this disease suddenly pounce on food and consume it within minutes, but the guilt will not wait.

This escape route is usually characteristic of women, has no other causes than the anxiety, stress and anxiety, a combo according to our times. This is how many people channel their emotions through all kinds of food, and eventually can not escape the vicious circle that is generated.

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Exercise reduces incontinence

morning exercise

This is a problem that affects two hundred million people worldwide, incontinence is a disorder that today can be overcome or at least improved through exercise.

Incontinence is a problem that causes various complications in life who suffers from limiting it considerably.

The first World Week of incontinence, organized by the International Continence Society (ICS), an international scientific body that brings together a large group of experts in incontinence. Under the theme “Exercise and pelvic floor”, was held this conference in search of solutions to a problem despite not take much to know is not a minor case.

The latter conference’s main objective was to enhance the fact that physical exercise is one of the alternatives to help solve incontinence, especially if done to strengthen the pelvic floor area of the body essence that well treated can prevent incontinence.

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Hypertension and sports

Hypertension and exercise

In this article we will discuss a disease afflicting many people in the world and needed to treat or at least reduce it to a good diet and physical exercise. We are referring to the “high blood pressure or hypertension”.

Hypertension and exercise

It refers to the trip that the blood carries out the arteries to a greater pressure that the desirable one for the health. In some cases, the disease is manifested as dizziness, nosebleeds, and headaches, but not necessarily has to onset of symptoms. It is that the majority of those affected do not have symptoms; this does not mean that hypertension is not dangerous. Many of the deaths that occur each year are directly related with hypertension and its implications on the cardiovascular system or the kidney.

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Supplements to prevent influenza

preventing influenza

Influenza is a disease that annually kills about 36,000 people being mostly children and the elderly. According to a study by Consumer Reports, 50% of people tested in the present range of substances and products to combat the disease, the most chosen vitamin D supplements and so-called multivitamins.

preventing influenza

Supplements for preventing influenza are very expensive products and according to a national survey on the use of these, which have proved most effective are those that produce the leading brands in the market as supplements “elderberry” and “N-acetyl cysteine” were rated by Consumer Reports Health (CRS) as possibly effective for fighting the flu symptoms.

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