Ayurveda, being focused on prevention


Ayurveda is a holistic system of health and focuses primarily on prevention, free of all side effects that may be negative and can treat diseases from its source.


The mind-body connection is essential to maintain and restore health when it is unwell, providing a significant number of techniques that make our own defenses can revive and do so through the body, mind, senses, intellect and the environment.

The Ayurveeda takes the body with three basic principles called “doshas” which must be balanced by providing health and wellness.

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Obesity and snoring


Snoring is the direct consequence that causes the difficulty of the passage of air in the upper airways. The whole area of the throat collapses easily and when the structures that form the so-called “crossroads oropharyngeal” make contact and begin to vibrate causing snoring.


But if this problem is the fact that the person who snores suffers from obesity and therefore has a greater amount of abdominal fat, the ventilation capacity of the thorax decreases.

While you sleep the obese need better ventilated and that is why open your mouth and snores louder than usual. With the addition that the obese tend to sleep face up to its own weight forces him to do so to be more comfortable.

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Coffee and stress

consumed coffee

Many people have the habit of drinking several cups of coffee a day, whether you do it for pleasure or habit. Through various studies we know that caffeine is a stimulant that acts on the brain and helps fight fatigue and sleepiness.

consumed coffee

The benefits of coffee are many, among which are: the protection against diabetes, liver damage, Alzheimer’s disease, to name just a few. But what about stress?

Few people who know that this drink usually helps women cope with stress, but makes men take longer to complete tasks and make them more insecure.

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Gymnastics Abdominal Hipopresiva

Gymnastics Abdominal Hipopresiva

Gymnastics Abdominal Hipopresiva is a set of postural techniques, which causes a pressure drop intra-abdominal, a synergistic activation of the muscles of the perineum and the muscles of the abdominal area.

Gymnastics Abdominal Hipopresiva

In the long term, daily implementation leads to an increased tone of the pelvic area and abdomen, significantly reducing the risk of urine leakage in women.

Studies show that the intensive use of traditional abdominal exercises can significantly increase intra-abdominal pressure and have dire consequences on the perineal support, in the medium term. In short, the consequences depend on individual factors and functional and morphological type of exercise performed.

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The virtues of the cucumber on the Mediterranean diet


The cucumber is the quintessential food of any self-respecting regime. However, many people who complain of being a product indigestible. Despite this small drawback, you recognize virtues anticancer properties and excellent care skin tone.


The cucumber and slimming regime
Cucumber is a fresh vegetable. Composed of 95% water, is part of food that have less calories. Therefore, it is an excellent ally for those who undergo a hypocaloric diet to lose weight, besides being an excellent satiating to suppress hunger.

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Responses of homeopathy to anorexia and bulimia

eating disorder

Eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia are a real problem not only have the youngest, too many adults today have begun to be affected by this condition.

eating disorder

Many experts speak of the longing that many people have to imitate the “models” socially accepted beauty as well as oppressive family environment as a basis for developing such problems.

Homeopathy has not been kept out of this problem of modern society and offers to those who suffer from eating disorders such as emotional support as drugs that help to successfully overcome these ailments.

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Bach Flower Therapies

Bach Flower Therapies

Bach Flowers have no risk of toxicity or contraindications. There is no kind of placebo effect or tolerance. Bach Flowers can be used worldwide.

Bach Flower Therapies

Mother’s essences are presented in liquid form, and can be taken separately or associated to each other (the mixture should not exceed 6 or 7 flowers).

For better conservation, it is advisable to keep the products in a cool, dry, sheltered from sunlight.

Two possible uses:

Pure Intake: This method allows to treat the emotions of this, usually related to an accurate and timely event. The intake is two drops in the mouth, two to four times daily, or more if you see necessary.

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What is BDD?


What are we talking about when we say BDD? It is a disease that causes those affected in dealing with a disproportionately themselves. Normally often related to a physical defect almost imperceptible, but ending it haunting to the person that suffers from.


You can treat an incipient baldness, an imperfect nose, a slight cellulite, or any other part of the body deemed to not be perfect. However, common sense says that this is a slight imperfection, and quite normal, especially after a certain age.

For these people, it is a living hell, as it becomes obsessive, impossible to overcome. Even when a doctor or someone says his fitness is normal, your brain is able to get the message, but its rejects emotional intelligence.

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Urinary incontinence in men

male incontinence

Incontinence is not confined to men of a certain age. This is a male problem that occurs in young people too. According to a recent study, men think it is a severe handicap to their social life, and that calls into question his manhood.

male incontinence

The male incontinence results in different ways:

The most popular is one called the “trickle down” has the feeling of not completely emptying the bladder and can not “push” to urinate properly. This is usually due to an enlarged prostate.

Imperative: Manifested by the need to get up several times throughout the night. This incontinence is linked to a dysfunction at the level of the bladder.

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Cholesterol, the bad guy


Cholesterol is a lipid, a type of fat that is found in the bloodstream and the cells of the body, is an important component of a healthy organism; cholesterol is used in our metabolism to produce cell membranes and some hormones, as well as participating in other vital processes in the body.


Refers to two types of cholesterol, the good and the bad, but cholesterol is actually one single and this classification refers to the lipoprotein that transports it.

LDL or low density lipoprotein is associated with the “bad cholesterol” because it makes the transport of cholesterol into artery walls and thence to the tissues, and HDL or high-density lipoprotein that transports cholesterol from tissues to the liver for metabolism, is associated with “good cholesterol”.

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