Dignicap: an alternative to save the hair in chemotherapy

Dignicap testing

Dignicap testing

For women with cancer, hair loss can be devastating. However, there is a clinical trial a device that can save their hair, Called “Dignicap”. It’s used to cool the scalp during chemotherapy.

According to investigators, the scalp cooling reduces blood flow to this and follicles, to build the capillaries. Less blood means less damage to the follicles, and less hair loss. Before chemotherapy, an investigator placed a cap refrigerator directly on the patient’s head. This cap contains tubes through which coolant is pumped. Above, there is another cap to keep cool. Both are connected to an external refrigerator unit, and reach the temperature of 5 degrees Celsius. The patient must wear the cap during chemotherapy and an hour later.

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If you have blurred vision or it is good but has headaches, rolling eyes or other discomfort, you may suffer from astigmatism.


Astigmatism is a condition that prevents the eye to form a clear image on the retina. This is usually due to an irregularly shaped cornea (the clear outer layer that covers the front of the eye). Sometimes, astigmatism is due to scarring of the cornea or abnormalities in the shape of the lens (the lens fine focusing inside the eye). This condition can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. Most people have astigmatism to some degree, but in many cases are so slight that it should be corrected.

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Cardiovascular Disease

cardiovascular disease

What are cardiovascular diseases?
The CVD are a class of diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels (arteries and veins). In most cases, this is due to the progressive effects of atherosclerosis in the arteries. Common examples of cardiovascular disease are related to coronary arteries, stroke and peripheral vascular disease.

cardiovascular disease

What are the symptoms of cardiovascular disease?
Symptoms of cardiovascular disease depend on the location of the disease in the body. Common symptoms include symptoms of stroke, angina symptoms, and symptoms of peripheral vascular disease.

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Idiopathic Hyperprolactinemia

The classification of hyperprolactinemia based on its etiology aims to provide an individualized diagnostic and therapeutic approach. It can distinguish five different groups of this pathology: iatrogenic, reflex, secondary to hypothyroidism, idiopathic and tumor.

With the end of idiopathic hiperprloactinemias are included all that could not be included in any of the other categories (iatrogenic, reflecting, thyroid, etc..). They are very common, although the percentage is reduced by increasing the sensitivity of different diagnostic techniques for detecting microprolactinomas.

It is considered that more than 50% of these correspond to hyperprolactinemia tumor processes not detected by standard methods. Other cases have been attributed to alterations in the synthesis, release and/or metabolism of dopamine, of the routes of neurotransmission, or a hypothetical liberating factor of prolactin release not yet identified.

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Natural medicine as a solution to circulatory problems

natural medicine

No doubt people go to a specialist when illness occurs, get your doctor’s instructions but in many cases do not comply with the letter. Whether the side affects that can produce drugs or the high cost of these, there are a lot of individuals who favor the use of natural products, known as natural medicine.

natural medicine

This term is intended primarily as a preventive medicine, which at the time of attending the event and his constant becomes curative treatment.

People look for natural products for the confidence to fully heal the condition, permanently following their consumption without suffering any side effects, as they often cause some drugs. They are people with circulatory problems who come constantly looking for products.

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What you should know about artificial insemination

artificial insemination

First of all the affected couple should seek and take into account your medical history. The first step after the medical history is often the exploration of the reproductive tract of women. Using ultrasound will discard any gynecological problems that could interfere with pregnancy or fertilization. You must also take samples for possible infections.

artificial insemination

To rule out possible hormonal diseases will conduct a study of women’s hormone levels. The serology of both partners must confirm that there is no risk of hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, rubella, toxoplasmosis and syphilis.

At this point, and as appropriate, may also be needed hysterosalpingography (radiological study of the female reproductive system), to see if the tubes are permeable or not.

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4 Steps to eliminate fat from your body

remove excess fat

Are you ready to finally remove excess fat in your body, quickly and permanently? Well, take a few minutes of your time and read this article, you will find a few points which would guide easily.

remove excess fat

  1. Raise your metabolism, accelerate the same doing to burn the fat faster. Make sure no fad diets (low in carbohydrates, low in calories from fat, etc..). In addition, recommend you avoid diet products. To grow your natural metabolism, recommend that you choose to do with the routine of eating right and most appropriate subject is the natural food.
  2. Speaking of nutrition, make sure you get all types of nutrients in your diet to get best results. Your body loves many types of nutrients and while restricted to get any other, that go into making your body … consequently altered their metabolism slow.
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What to eat to have stomach pain?

stomach pain

Do not worry, have stomach pain is not uncommon, and less if you play sports, even if you keep a good diet, can have moments that our stomach decides to have a few headaches and remember its existence. Before this, if we do not want to go to the doctor why aren’t pains very deep and consecutive, we can take various alternatives to minimize this pain, although it is clear that much pain in stomach, should seek medical advice immediately.

stomach pain

For starters, you may have eaten undercooked fish and have a Anisakis in the stomach, for example. On the other hand, you should stop smoking if you smoke because it makes secretes more acid in the stomach. Avoid foods such as tomatoes (raw or fried), onion, and foods high in protein and/or fat. You can also eat pasta, cereals (but not excessively), grilled fish, grilled meat (no oil or cuts with Bacon too) all kinds of vegetables except those mentioned, beans, green or white beans, salads, egg, etc.. Always respecting the meal that has little protein and/or fat. Oh, and requested a second opinion! (If you can, to a specialist).

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Stress, an evil of our time


In the seventeenth century, the word stress mean “state of distress”, symbolizing the idea of ​​oppression, hard life, deprivation, fatigue, and adversity. From the eighteenth century, begins to mean strength, pressure or strong influence acting on a physical object or a person.


In the 20th century, comes the idea that certain aggressive living conditions (stress) can cause some physical or mental diseases (strain). In 1951, Hans Selye highlights the “General adaptation syndrome” or “Biological stress syndrome”, defining the stress as an interaction between force and resistance that is opposite.

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Diet to reduce belly

reduce belly

Thanks to a diet to reduce belly is possible to get a flat stomach, the dream of many people. The first thing to know is the cause of the abdomen prominent: food causes? Sedentary lifestyle? Constipation? Stress?

reduce belly

Tips to reduce belly
To reduce the belly we must integrate the following foods to our diet:

Skim milk: However if you drink milk you feel bloated and skim milk replaced by soy milk.

Low-fat yogurt: Regulate the intestinal flora.

Vegetables: All, whether raw or cooked vegetables.

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