Child Health – Chickenpox


Chickenpox is a common contagious childhood disease. The disease occurs mainly in children, because most adults have become immune to. The severity of chickenpox is small unless newborns, pregnant women and adults are infected with it. They experience the illness as violent and have a greater chance of complications. What is chickenpox? How do you get it? How do you deal with? And when should you go to the doctor?


Chickenpox is characterized by spots, blisters and scabs on the skin. It is a very common childhood disease. 75% of the people get chickenpox between the 1st to 6th years of life. When the disease among members has had one here is generally immune. If the disease is a mild disease course had then the chance that a child again in a load can get chickenpox. A mild course of disease is most common in babies until their first birthday, as they have antibodies to that time with them that they have inherited from their mother.

The probability that an adult gets sick of chicken pox is very small, even if they never become infected with the virus. Over the years, builds a person had sufficient antibodies to counter the disease at bay. Touch your old age will become infected the disease process and potential complications are more severe than in children. Even newborn babies and pregnant women will experience severe disease.

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Psychotherapy and yoga for healing in our lives

Kundalini Yoga

Today’s society are suffering from increasing disease both physically and mentally, and requires powerful solutions to prevent and cure among these solutions include psychotherapy and yoga.

Kundalini Yoga

Humanity now probably through a very difficult time in history, because of living conditions, especially in large cities where the disease is spreading, not just physical but mental, emotional, economic, and relational.

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Nutritional advise to control cholesterol levels and diabetes

control cholesterol levels

Diet plays an important role in prevention against high cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia) and diabetes (hyperglycemia). Discover what foods you should include and avoid controlling your cholesterol level and blood sugar:

control cholesterol levels

1. Regime, the first step:
The plan is the first step towards the treatment of hypercholesterolemia; never take medical treatment before trying the diet for at least six months.

In addition, in the case of diabetes, we find that the low blood sugar level rises by eating fatty foods, sugar… which brings us to say that there is a relationship between eating and the rate of blood glucose and cholesterol, the evidence is that most people who suffer from overweight are reaching cholesterol and diabetes.

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Daily exercise helps fight Alzheimer’s

fight alzheimer's

The relationship between exercise and brain health is well known given the multiple investigations in this regard. Now, is there any type of exercise capable of lifting the mood, improving memory and at the same time protecting the brain from cognitive deterioration caused by age?

fight alzheimer

With aerobic exercise, researchers refer to any exercise that increases heart rate, movement and sweating for a minimum period of time: walking, running, cycling or basically any exercise that involves moving – performing weight lifting would be exercise mostly anaerobic, for example.

According to the researchers, some of these benefits can occur almost immediately or within a few minutes of physical exercise – such as improving mood. Others, on the other hand, require several weeks – such as memory improvement. To note these benefits, the researchers suggest that aerobic exercise should be done on a regular and constant basis, with a minimum of 45 minutes of continuous practice.

If there is a disease concern and much is Alzheimer’s. So they are increasingly frequent in research being conducted around the world about this mental illness.

Exercise for Alzheimer’s

The latest to be published in the journal Neurology notes the importance of daily exercise to prevent this disease. According to these results, the daily physical activity, even in older people, may help slow Alzheimer’s disease and improve their health and well-being.

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Foods to beat fatigue

overcome fatigue

Sometimes our health suffers hiccups without being serious; they can end up causing occasional disruption to our welfare. Now, in spring, for example, is very common spring asthenia, a condition which, without being diagnosed as disease, occurs very pronounced in this season and is characterized by symptoms such as tiredness, fatigue and physical and mental weakness.

overcome fatigue

Advice to overcome fatigue

Although its origin is uncertain and can affect very differently to the health of the sufferer, it is true that food plays an important role. If you also suffer these symptoms and want to know what foods help you fight it, here’s a list of healthy foods that can help in some way, to combat it.

  • To incorporate into our diet oats and wheat germ.
  • Add to your food sesame. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and what is more interesting: it facilitates the absorption of nutrients from other foods.
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Visual development in children

child vision

The vision of the child develops gradually over time. The main stages of visual development are:

child vision

  • Follow the light that shines: from the earliest days of birth.
  • Contact with the mother: from 6 weeks
  • Interest shiny objects: 2 to 3 months
  • Eye movements coordinated: 4 months.

The vision of the child is less than that of adults and progresses through time:

  1. 1 month: 5% of the vision of the adult
  2. 2 to 4 months: 20% of the vision of the adult
  3. 1 year: 30 to 40% of the vision of the adult
  4. 3 to 4 years: 80 to 100% of the vision of the adult.

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Pregnancy and Health

pregnancy and health

Every pregnant woman should care for a healthy way of living. No alcohol, no drugs, no medications. This is the best way to guarantee the well-being of the unborn child.

pregnancy and health

But of course, there are also many examinations during the pregnancy which can provide useful information about the state of the fetus, the size, sex or position. During the first weeks, one can witness a fast development of the human body in miniature via ultrasound check-ups.

Antibody screen

In the first trimester, it is important to check the blood type of mother and baby in order to avoid problems like HDN (Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn) in case the blood types are different. This may cause complications because of an antigen-antibody reaction. The mother may develop antibodies against the antigens in the unborn baby’s blood which can cause complications and may harm the baby.

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Should We Keep Our Family Health Insurance?

Over the last few weeks many of us have been questioning whether we should keep our family health insurance. The government changes that come into effect on July the 1st will add an increasing amount of strain on many of our family budgets.

The changes mean that families earning a combined total of over $168,000 will lose their rebate privileges and end up paying a higher premium on Medicare levy. For individuals earning over $84,000 the same will apply. However, family health insurance premiums are higher than those for individuals and many of us are worried about how much this will affect our income.

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The problem of flat feet in children

children flat feet

The flat foot is one of the reasons that lead parents to consult pediatricians in general. Spurred by painful problems in children or personal experience of the parents during childhood, parents are concerned for this problem and its consequences on the future life of the child and the possible influence of the vertebral column.

children flat feet

Many children across generations have been treated for the problem of the flat feet on the soles of special shoes, surgery to correct the shape of the foot.

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10 advices to live long and stress-free

advices to live long

We offer 10 advices to improve your life, live long and healthy.

advices to live long

  1. Always take a good breakfast: The breakfast is the most important meal of the day to help you achieve energy required for a day charge.
  2. Moving: Exercise is important, walk instead of taking a taxi because it allows to relax.
  3. Take an energizing bath: It enable you to be comfortable in your body and it will eliminate stress.

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