Exercises for stronger bones

exercise for stronger bones

All we know: Osteoporosis is a ghost that stalks us constantly. But besides food, some activities can help strengthen our bones and keep them healthy for longer.

exercise for stronger bones

Although as we get older our bone mass is decreasing, the arrival of menopause represents a period of important vulnerability, therefore it is necessary to work from early prevention to strengthen our bones and reduce the effects of aging.

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Tips for your baby’s first teeth

baby first teeth

Teething is a stage that causes discomfort to your baby, can you relieve it somehow? We help with some advice.

baby first teeth

Everyone is different, and this is already shown in the first stage of life. The stage where babies get the teeth can vary greatly from one child to another. Usually the first tooth comes from six to eight months of age, but can be extended beyond ten months, and contrary to what many fathers and mothers think, the delayed onset is not due to a lack of calcium. The first to go are the lower central incisors, mouse teeth, around 6-8 months, and ends with external molars, upper and lower, at 24-30 months.

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Dukan Diet – How it Function

dukan diet

The number one rationale the majority of people are unsuccessful with dieting is due to a lack of consistency. But, do not fret… this isn’t your fault on your own! You could possibly believe that an absence of consistency concerns you and you simply on your own, but, it a lot more so concerns the kind of program you go on in addition.

dukan diet

In the following paragraphs here, we will present you tips on how to find the ideal variety of diet program software that may not only operate incredibly effectively for finding you amazing weight loss benefits, nevertheless it will even enable it to be pretty basic for yourself to remain reliable with also! Carry on reading through to understand extra…

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Social Jet Lag: The reason for your fatigue

social jetlag

Experts from around the world in the field of sleep disorders and social ways of life have been studied for years some of these sleep disorders, such as social jet lag calling one of the most common sleep disorders.

social jetlag

When we speak of social jetlag, although it may seem an unknown name, we do it to mean a deviation syndrome or sleep we all suffer or have ever suffered. The social jet lag is the imbalance between our body time and real time. That is, the common, social jet lag occurs when we sleep at odd times.

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Identifies foods that dirty your teeth

maintain white teeth

No matter how much you brush, when you go to the dentist or how much effort do to maintain your white teeth. The time step has been commissioned to spot them, but the fault may lie in your feeding.

maintain white teeth

It is clear that dental hygiene is the basic step to maintain our healthy and beautiful smile, but is not the only thing we can do. And it is that the key may be also in what we eat, because certain foods are partly responsible for that with the passage of time the dental enamel will take a yellow color, nothing similar to the teeth with which we dream.

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Viral Warts: Causes, Treatment and Home Remedy

viral warts

The wart is a small bump in the hard and often rough skin. Appear most frequently on the hands and face. Its occurrence is more frequent in childhood and adolescence.

viral warts

Often spontaneous disappearance of warts but can sometimes takes several years. In adult patients tend to be more persistent.

Symptoms of viral warts

The viral or petty warts usually do not cause pain or other discomfort, while the plantar warts can be painful, especially when walking, since the infected person feels as if he had a stone in his shoe; with the passage of time it is common the slight bleeding inside the lesion, characteristic that gives it the appearance of “fish eye”; in both cases, as in other types of skin infections, warts usually spread to other parts of the body through scratching.

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Homeopathy medicine without side effects

uses homeopathy

Although it is a type of alternative medicine, homeopathy is now so widespread that few think of it as such, but rather consider it as a branch of scientific medicine, but this is not really so.

uses homeopathy

Since its inception, homeopathy was based on that diseases were caused by a kind of life force that comes from the outside, and its fundamental mission was to control that force to eliminate disorders causing and convert complaints into positive aspects for health.

Currently, the person who uses homeopathy it does this by looking for a cure to any type of illness that does not cause him any type of side effect similar to those that may cause any medication based on chemical compounds.

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Teeth Whitening: Am I be a good candidate?

teeth whitening

Nothing is more powerful and attractive than a beautiful smile with neat teeth. And is that new aesthetic treatments allow this reality is also at your fingertips but before … How to know if we are the ideal candidates to submit to a teeth whitening?

teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is without doubt one of the hottest treatments in recent times, the madness of celebrities and anyone who wants to look a smile with envy. But the reality is that not everyone can opt for this procedure and that before doing this is important to pause to analyze some aspects.

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Vital Information about Cholesterol – Symptoms, Causes and Remedy


What exactly is cholesterol? It is a waxy substance found naturally in our body cells and if found in excess, it can make great changes in your health condition.


It exists in two forms namely Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL) and High Density Lipoproteins (HDL). Of this, LDL is the bad cholesterol since it is the protein substance released from the liver and retained in the arteries in large amounts causing serious problems like heart attack and stroke. HDL is the good fatty substance, which is thrown out from the arteries and absorbed by the liver again, thus reducing any potential risk to the body.

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Type 2 diabetes: 6 Keys to prevent it!

type 2 diabetes

The lifestyle we lead and our bad habits are mainly responsible for type 2 diabetes that touches on our door. But some fundamental recommendations can help you to prevent it.

type 2 diabetes

It is the most common of diabetes and in recent years the number of patients has increased dramatically, becoming a major concern for all healthcare sectors. Poor diet and lack of physical activity are important responsibility, but change is in our hands. We give six basic steps by which to begin.

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