The power of light and versatile spinach


It is one of the leafy green vegetables more beneficial for our health, and that is few can resist its low calorie and its many uses.


Spinach is a great ally for our health, but not able to get stronger can, for example, join our fight against cellular aging and the free radicals due to its important contribution of antioxidants. It is one of the recommended foods when it comes to prevent cancer and its ease of cooking does not leave any excuse to avoid eating it.

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Sports Massage: Types, benefits and effects for health

sports massage

Every day, more people are addicted to the sport, discovering its benefits both physical and psychological and social. It is for this reason that sports massage is becoming increasingly important in society.

sports massage

This massage is used both as advance preparation for athletes who will perform a physical activity to stretch and relax the muscles after performing a full year. This does not include cases where the injuries from the sport make it indispensable.

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Look after your health: respiratory fitness against asthma

asthma attack

The asthma attacks produce a collapse of the airways that make difficult the flow of fluid and regulate the air. The bronchodilators products favor the correct circulation through the canals of the respiratory system.

asthma attack

But what else can we do to address the crisis? What is the best way to deal with an asthma attack?

Medicine and medical treatments are essential in most acute cases. But sometimes knowing simple rules of relaxation will help to mitigate and overcome the crisis. Relaxation is an effective method to control the emotions that can lead to a crisis and, above all, rely on it to restore the correct breathing pattern. The basis of relaxation therapy is to maintain control over the mind. This prevents anxiety and overexcitation.

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Effective tips to stop teeth grinding

teeth grinding

Bruxism is a terrible behavior that is capable of anything other complications, so, unfortunately, few people understand this. It’s a habit that has to do with grinding or clenching of enamel in the course of rest, either day or night.

teeth grinding

From the health perspective, bruxism can cause headaches, jaw pain, disorder consuming, despression symptoms, insomnia, broken tooth symptoms, toothache pain, TMJ, and assorted others. From observation, the people who grind their teeth when asleep normally generate some noise that affects people in different.

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What is Marma massage?

Marma massage

The Ayurvedic medicine has a variety of therapies to improve health, and one of them is the Marma massage, which is used to stimulate specific vital points.

Marma massage

What is Marma massage?
In this massage oils are based on herbal infusions, and pressure on the points made by hand or feet (depending on the point). Marma points are known and are characterized by being in areas where two or more tissues (muscles, veins, ligaments, joints, bones).

What is Marma?
According to ayurveda, the marmas represent areas of vital energy, so they stimulate those areas can achieve improved health. The relief is achieved by activating the prana or life energy that controls the function of cells and systems.

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Benefits and negative aspects of licorice


The licorice is more than just the famous sweets and candy, as this plant can be applied in the treatment of various conditions such as eczema and peptic ulcers or sores, and a good source of iron.


But while their properties are many and very useful, its use should not be done indiscriminately, it may cause some contraindications.

Here we provide details on the various benefits and downsides of licorice.

Stomach pains

Problems associated with the stomach, such as heartburn, stomach ulcers or gastritis, are the main frame for implementing the licorice, proving particularly beneficial for these ailments when combined with other elements such as balm of caraway, milk thistle, lemon and chamomile.

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The effects of meditation on the mind, body and spirit


The practice of meditation leads to gaining a degree of internalization that is healthy for body, mind and spirit. Meditation is both a means and an end in itself, is a means to help improve physical and mental health, and an end as tends to the spiritual elevation to allow an approach to the transcendent consciousness.


What is meditation?

A meditation practice always begins with a harmonization exercise body through physical relaxation, mental and breathing. At this stage the meditator will gradually withdrawing from the circumstances of the outside world, which act as stimuli on the organism causing tensions, and by the concentration started to cultivate sensitivity to their inner reality.

The most notable effect of meditation is possibly occurring on brain waves. The brain emits waves of different frequencies that vary in different states of consciousness.

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Chagas disease and its symptoms

Chagas disease

Chagas disease is a clear growing rapidly across the world. So be careful. Chagas disease is transmitted by parasites, the one-celled animal parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. We know that T. cruzi, especially in South American countries such as Peru and Bolivia, but the area of distribution seems to expand. The infection occurs via the blood.

Chagas disease

Think of a blood transfusion with contaminated blood or transfer of a mother on an unborn child. Note: where you travel and observe the symptoms. The well-known malaria and dengue fever has been a great competitor.

Chagas disease is named after its discoverer in 1909, Carlos Ribeiro Justiniano Chagas. Relatively new is that we know this disease especially in Latin America on further outbreak seems to stand to the United States of America, Canada, but also some South European countries. What a relatively local, but very serious problem, may be represented by the greatly increased mobility in the world, spreading further.

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Nutritional advise to control cholesterol levels and diabetes

control cholesterol levels

Diet plays an important role in prevention against high cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia) and diabetes (hyperglycemia). Discover what foods you should include and avoid controlling your cholesterol level and blood sugar:

control cholesterol levels

1. Regime, the first step:
The plan is the first step towards the treatment of hypercholesterolemia; never take medical treatment before trying the diet for at least six months.

In addition, in the case of diabetes, we find that the low blood sugar level rises by eating fatty foods, sugar… which brings us to say that there is a relationship between eating and the rate of blood glucose and cholesterol, the evidence is that most people who suffer from overweight are reaching cholesterol and diabetes.

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Daily exercise helps fight Alzheimer’s

fight alzheimer's

The relationship between exercise and brain health is well known given the multiple investigations in this regard. Now, is there any type of exercise capable of lifting the mood, improving memory and at the same time protecting the brain from cognitive deterioration caused by age?

fight alzheimer

With aerobic exercise, researchers refer to any exercise that increases heart rate, movement and sweating for a minimum period of time: walking, running, cycling or basically any exercise that involves moving – performing weight lifting would be exercise mostly anaerobic, for example.

According to the researchers, some of these benefits can occur almost immediately or within a few minutes of physical exercise – such as improving mood. Others, on the other hand, require several weeks – such as memory improvement. To note these benefits, the researchers suggest that aerobic exercise should be done on a regular and constant basis, with a minimum of 45 minutes of continuous practice.

If there is a disease concern and much is Alzheimer’s. So they are increasingly frequent in research being conducted around the world about this mental illness.

Exercise for Alzheimer’s

The latest to be published in the journal Neurology notes the importance of daily exercise to prevent this disease. According to these results, the daily physical activity, even in older people, may help slow Alzheimer’s disease and improve their health and well-being.

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