Tips for your baby’s first teeth

Teething is a stage that causes discomfort to your baby, can you relieve it somehow? We help with some advice.

baby first teeth

Everyone is different, and this is already shown in the first stage of life. The stage where babies get the teeth can vary greatly from one child to another. Usually the first tooth comes from six to eight months of age, but can be extended beyond ten months, and contrary to what many fathers and mothers think, the delayed onset is not due to a lack of calcium. The first to go are the lower central incisors, mouse teeth, around 6-8 months, and ends with external molars, upper and lower, at 24-30 months.

There babies are extremely sensitive to their first little teeth out, and until the tooth breaks through the gum can cause slight disturbances. It is natural that the gums swollen and inflamed during teething, can sometimes cause fever and chills, and sometimes diarrhea and rashes. Alteration is common in the cycles of sleep and decreased appetite, because the process of teething cause discomfort such as itching and even pain. We suggest some tips to help your baby at this stage:

  • Rub gently with very clean finger the gums of your baby, this will soothe the discomfort by pressure on the gums. Similarly, it also feel relief biting everything they have to reach. Thus, a liquid-biter to place in the refrigerator can be a good option for the baby chew and cold soothe his discomfort.
  • At this stage it is normal for your baby to produce more saliva, and that therefore he dribbles. Always have a tissue handy to dry, as the drooling can cause rashes on his skin.
  • Fever and diarrhea are quite common during teething, but also, when these symptoms occur, should permanently monitor the baby not to confuse the arrest with a symptom of viral or bacterial illness.
  • You can decrease appetite because the suction to drink milk increases the pain of gums. To receive the food at a lower temperature can be a good option to relieve discomfort, it is also comfortable for the baby eat gelatin.

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