How to stop nails biting?

stop nails biting

At any age it is affected by this concern: because it was the habit for a long time (like the cigarette), or – and this remains the most widespread – when we are in a period of stress: frustration, fear, fatigue, etc.

stop nails biting

Sometimes this habit affects people who hyperactivity. Those who need to stir constantly or do not stop bite their nails when they bother: still in the classroom or in front of a computer for hours for example.

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Questions and answers about menarche


I have to give a clear and accurate information is essential in the education of the human being. I know that many teachers are not, but as parents we must be alert and inform our children about their development.


I asked many girls, big misinformation that exists in many homes. Dear parents, we are not in the sixteenth century, currently there is sin or taboo to talk about human anatomy, menstruation or sexual intercourse. Do not be afraid, and to inform their children, I can only say that misinformation does not bring anything good.

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Why morning exercise is beneficial?

morning exercise

In a moment of our life in which the physical aspect is turning, for lucky for some and misfortune of others, in a aspect too important in our society, anything we do to keep our body in shape.

morning exercise

Increasingly, people across the world who decide to try to get the figure of dreams and although many of these people do this by simple and mere aesthetics, people are increasingly conscious that in order to maintain an enviable health care is also necessary. Both men and women. No matter the sex, age or occupation of each person, the important thing is to take care of both physically for aesthetic reasons and for reasons of health.

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Common Problems of Digestive System We Can Suffer From

digestive system problem

The digestive system is one of the few important body systems. Stomach, esophagus, small and large intestine, rectum and anus are parts of the digestive system. These organs join together to make digestive system.

digestive system problem

Food is broken down to various small parts and nutrients are absorbed in the walls of the intestine. So, if our digestive system faces any problem, the whole body will suffer and will get the adverse effects. Here, we are discussing some common problems of diseases which our digestive system can suffer from.

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Habits to increase your defenses

green leafy vegetables

In these months of cold and temperature changes, it is important that our immune system is well prepared. Therefore, it is suitable that attention you lend to your defenses and extra contributions help to your body. Continue reading and discover the habits and foods that will help you.

green leafy vegetables

The power is more than essential to have defenses in good shape. Nutrition experts recommend contributes to our body vitamin A, C, E and minerals such as zinc or iron, to encourage our immune response.

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Six Suggestions to Get and Maintain Good Health

maintain good health

Now a day we are really busy with so many different things. Professional life, social life and the kids all are so demanding that it’s difficult to match the pace of time. In all these busy schedules, what actually suffers is our health.

maintain good health

It is really important to keep ourselves healthy, but at the same time it’s really difficult too. Here we are discussing some suggestions, which will help you to get a good health. These are not really difficult to follow, but you will see an improvement in your overall health and increase in your ability to avoid everyday medical diseases.

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Effective Diet Plan for Busy People to Get Rid of Extra Body Weight

diet plan

Do you want to lose weight? Looking for a workout routine, but quite busy with hectic schedule? If you are one of them, then you should think about your diet plan on a serious note. Following a restrictive diet plan is not enough for you. Your diet plan requires taking specific food for each meal. Here you can discover some guidelines, which can be of enormous benefit to people who have a busy schedule but still worried about their physical fitness.

diet plan

Considering your needs, there are different inexpensive choices available in market. Such as you can have an easy to follow pre packaged or pre-made meals with low calories. Some food delivery companies offer such plans to lose weight with diet programs and also deliver it at your door step for providing you a convenience. These types of foods have been prepared to suit your requirements, they do not require any refrigeration or cooking and you can easily prepare them in a microwave. Most of the offices have microwaves for their employees. You can take benefit of these pre-cooked meals and can easily track your diet plan.

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What is olfactory memory?

olfactory memory

Smell is one of our most powerful senses, but is linked not only to taste but also emotions, do you know why? We will explain it.

olfactory memory

Just dropped a big downpour, the streets are wet, looks a little sun and begins to dry everything. A special air condenses in the atmosphere and leaving home as quickly notes: smells of the place where you spent the summers in your childhood.

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Does low mood? Perhaps you are missing vitamin B1

low mood

Do you feel listless, irritable or weak? One possible cause is that you lack vitamin B1, which helps transform carbohydrates into energy. It affects the nervous system, in intellectual ability and mood. Check if you take all that you need.

low mood

How much do we need

The recommended daily allowance for adults is between 1.1 mg for women and 1.5 mg for men, although there are conditions that may increase this amount, such as pregnancy and the period of lactation or stages in which we carry out a great physical effort. The best way to make a contribution just follow a balanced diet, rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and as varied as possible.

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Green Tea and How It Can Fight Disease

green tea

We can make a little stretch and consider green tea a magical potion. It has been used for centuries to treat various afflictions – in Asia they knew it lowered blood pressure and prevented cancer thousands of years before we even know of its existence.

green tea

Green tea also has more health benefits than black tea does because of the method through which they are processed – the black tea goes through a fermentation process whereas green tea doesn’t; this keeps all the substances inside the tea leaves, such as antioxidants. Let’s take a look some of the tea’s benefits.

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