Although it is a type of alternative medicine, homeopathy is now so widespread that few think of it as such, but rather consider it as a branch of scientific medicine, but this is not really so.
Since its inception, homeopathy was based on that diseases were caused by a kind of life force that comes from the outside, and its fundamental mission was to control that force to eliminate disorders causing and convert complaints into positive aspects for health.
Currently, the person who uses homeopathy it does this by looking for a cure to any type of illness that does not cause him any type of side effect similar to those that may cause any medication based on chemical compounds.
Homeopathy is popularly confused with natural medicine. The main difference is that the homeopathic products are comprised primarily of water, that is to say, that the principal components are so diluted that the healing of the sick, rather than to the compounds in if, is due to the memory of the water to get the most out of the products that have been diluted into it.
Gradually homeopathy is ceasing to be an alternative medicine to become part of scientific medicine. In fact, there are many doctors in their practices prescribed some homeopathic products, a practice that is perfectly allowed by law.
One of the latest developments in this regard has been the creation, a new proof of the effectiveness of homeopathy has an important scientific basis and that its effects are entirely beneficial to health, never harmful or dangerous.