Five Tips For Keeping Your Aging Parents Healthy and Safe

aging parents

If you have elderly parents, chances are that they are not as healthy and strong as they used to be. That is why it so important for you to take care of them and look out for their best interests. Here are five tips for keeping your aging parents healthy and safe.

aging parents

Prepare Their Meals
Aging parents sometimes have trouble cooking for themselves and will not always eat the healthiest foods. If you have the time, you should prepare your parent’s meals. Cooking them healthy and nutritious meals will improve their health and make them liver longer.

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Proteins, sugars and fats: Base of our nutrition

protein food

All foods in a balanced diet, are formed by basic nutrients: protein, sugars and fats, they are responsible to provide nutritional balance to our body. As we all know, the engine of our health is the stomach, due to bad habits produced by modern life, it costs us to maintain a good standard of living: eating fast food or eating unhealthy or abusive.

protein food

Meat, fish and vegetables are among the foods that contain protein (there are animal and vegetable proteins), milk, eggs and sausage are those containing fats, fruits, grains and starches are those that have more content in sugars or carbohydrates carbon.

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Learn to sleep without sacrificing your back

sleep well

The back is one of our weaknesses. But relax and have a good night without suffering discomfort is possible by following some recommendations.

sleep well

The stomach and back are the two areas of the body that concentrate most of the tensions. Before stress it is common to feel this charged area, much more when the rest turns into a nightmare of pain and discomfort the next day.

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15 foods rich in vitamin K

vitamin K

Vitamin K is an important nutrient and necessary for the synthesis of various proteins that function as mediators in coagulation and anti-coagulation of blood.

Vitamin K deficiency in an individual increases the risk of hemorrhage (bleeding). Another important function of this vitamin is the activation of a protein called osteocalcin, which is responsible for building and strengthening bones.

vitamin K

This vitamin is available in the form of dietary supplements, however, usually do not need to take these supplements; you only need to consume foods rich in this vitamin. These foods also provide the body with other vitamins and minerals that help vitamin K function properly.

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How to carry the pregnancy if you are diabetic

diabetes in pregnancy

We want to start this article by reassuring expectant mothers with insulin problems: If a woman with diabetes maintains a rigorous control of their situation, are as likely to have children as a completely healthy person.

However, it is necessary to take note of what you have to consider in this type of pregnancy, and of course, to ignore anything that say your doctor.

Some people have diabetes before pregnancy, but others are diagnosed after conceiving. One of the reasons attributed to this case is poor diet, due to hormonal changes.

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How to clean baby’s nose

clean baby nose

Clean the baby’s nose is usually a difficult task, especially as the child gets upset, so it is necessary to do it with patience. If your baby is cold and congested, surely he will plug nose and it will be turned hard to breathe and to sleep peacefully. That is why it is necessary to release his nostril of this so annoying mucus.

clean baby nose

Tips for cleaning baby’s nose
When you start to do it, talk to your baby in a calm voice, so that he can feel your peace and feel secure. The first few times will surely be frightened and try to prevent you wipe his nose, but do not worry, in little time you will manage to do it without problems.

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Heart rate monitors to lost your weight

monitors to lost weight

All of us aspire to better ourselves in some way. For many, one facet of this is to gain a better physique. Of course, losing weight to look better is important, but getting fitter should also be a motivator for both your physical and mental health.

monitors to lost weight

Unfortunately, millions of people are suffering from obesity across the globe, but especially in the west. While it may seem like such ailments are purely in the hands of the individual, culture and socioeconomic status can have a lot to do with it. However, our destiny is always held within our own hands.

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How to recognize the hyperthyroidism symptoms


Hyperthyroidism is a disease caused by the poor functioning of the thyroid gland, due to an overproduction of the hormone levels in the blood plasma.


The most common cause of hyperthyroidism is the side effect of other diseases, such as diffuse toxic goiter and Graves – Basedow, among others.

The most important component of the hormones produced by the thyroid (thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3)) is iodine, which regulates the body’s energy, and during the first years of life, regulates growth. Thus, an imbalance in the production of this hormone can cause significant changes to the physical level.

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How to do your child stop breathing through the mouth

child stop breathing

Are you concerned that your child snores at night, or ride all the time with his mouth open? This is because he can not breathe normally, but calm, according to some studies is common that children have this difficulty due to a chronic inflammation of the tonsils.

child stop breathing

When child has annoying little runny nose, or mouth can not close, there is a strong chance he has adenoid hypertrophy, a disease of the adenoids which reduces the space through which the air passes through the nose into the larynx and trachea.

The adenoids are the first system of child protection. They are structures found in the pharynx, whose function is to control the entry of organisms’ attackers. When the adenoids become infected, they swell and increase in size, causing breathing difficulty.

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Avoid heat stroke in children

heat stroke in children

On summer days we must be extremely careful to avoid heat stroke in children. Follow these tips for high temperatures do not bring bad consequences.

heat stroke in children

Although more common in elderly people or with a health problem, heat stroke can also affect children. Exposure to the sun for a long time or inadequate exercises for hours of high temperatures are some factors that can cause heat stroke in a child, and yet can be avoided easily.

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