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pilates method

If you do not like too intense exercises to practice but still want to strengthen your mind and body, Pilates is the sport you are looking for, as this method is perfect to improve flexibility and endurance, and help to combat stress.

pilates method

It is very clear and simple: the practice of Pilates is to achieve and maintain a harmoniously developed body in addition to achieving a healthy mind that is able to undertake daily tasks in a natural way.

What muscles are worked?
The key to this method is in the central part of the body which is known as a “power plant”. The areas that are working mainly are the transverse abdominal and straight; internal oblique, the superficial and the pyramid; the muscles of the buttocks and the back and side muscles.

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Recommendations to avoid eye redness

avoid eye redness

If you are due to work several hours a day at the computer, Tablet or Smartphone, it is likely to walk with your irritated eyes.

avoid eye redness

An important fact to consider is that 75% of users suffer from eye irritation of the overexposed product, but we detain this on time we can damage our eyes.

The good news is that there are some methods to prevent irritation of the eyes and give a break in areas avoiding eye redness and itching. The first thing to consider is to prevent any situation that endangers our eyes.

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Fit Healthy Carbs Into Your Daily Diet

healthy carbs

Carbohydrates have been demonised in recent times to such an extent that dieters actually shudder at the very thought of consuming carbs in any form. However, despite the bad reputation, there are healthier forms of carbohydrates than others and it is important to understand why certain types of carbohydrates are extremely critical for good health while at the same time it is important to know which carbs need to be chosen for consumption.

healthy carbs

When it comes to any form of a weight loss program, carbohydrates often get a bad rap. But not all carbs are evil. Given their innumerable health advantages, they actually demand a rightful place in an individual’s healthy diet. For a body to function optimally well, it is important to get the right kinds of carbohydrates.

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Requirements to become a donor

donate sperm

To be a sperm donor must meet many requirements that make the candidate of percentage is very high. Donors must not only have perfect health, but also must have high quality semen and a family history of inherited diseases that do not appear.

donate sperm

They are also taken into account factors such as physical appearance and personality, although these features are primarily collected to help select a candidate based on their affinity for the receptors of the sperm donation. In terms of the intelligence just have a normal IQ to be a donor.

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Health begins with prevention

prevent health deteriorate

Before reaching the point where our health is affected by following a few bad habits, we need to decant to maintain a lifestyle habits that prevent our health deteriorate. That there is what is known as preventive medicine that specializes in anticipating all symptoms and thus prevent the development of diseases whose cure and treatment would be much more complicated and expensive, sometimes even impossible to cure.

prevent health deteriorate

One of the things we need to do to prevent our body from getting sick is to dedicate the hours needed to rest. Neither likely or unlikely but we need, since sleep less or more can cause overweight problems that can drag syndromes such as diabetes, obesity or excess cholesterol, the result can lead to other health problems which is much more serious.

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The main symptoms of pregnancy

pregnancy symptoms

When we get pregnant our body gives us some signals. Then we tell you what, for you are careful and know to identify them.

pregnancy symptoms

Tenderness and swelling of the breasts
The increased hormone levels can cause bloating and breast tenderness. This sensation is similar to that experienced during the period, but more intense.

In the first weeks of pregnancy is very common to feel very tired and fatigued. This may have to do with the increase of the hormone progesterone.

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Jump rope to keep you in shape

jumping rope

Jumping rope is one of the most complete exercises to keep the figure you want. It’s cheap, fun and simple. Gives very good results in the short term if you do it right.

jumping rope

This exercise is very entertaining, and you can perform alone or in the company of friends or with your children if you have, to make it more dynamic yet. Skills can do, create a routine, laugh and have a pleasant time together.

To begin this practice you do not need minimal equipment, you can perform anywhere, at any time but the ideal is that you’re comfortable and avoid discomfort. The best practice is to do with running shoes, appropriate clothing (fresh and light) and with the hair taken.

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The truth about carbohydrates

eating carbohydrates

Surely you’ve heard a lot about carbohydrates. Well, in the next article we tell you the truth and clarify all your doubts.

In recent decades has been installing a kind of phobia of carbohydrates. They have been called the forbidden diets and enemy number one if what you want is to lose weight. But, what’s true in all this?

eating carbohydrates

The reality is that carbohydrates are not the villains. Eating foods rich in carbohydrates is not synonymous with fat, so you can quietly enjoy a plate of pasta, rice, potatoes and bread. Carbohydrates are needed in our daily diet, as they give us enough energy to function during the day.

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Prefer to eat fruits with empty stomach

eat fruits

Intake of fruit is the only food that makes the brain work. This provides the maximum amount of energy and requires minimum time to be digested, therefore is the perfect food.

eat fruits

The fruit can be readily converted into glucose and fructose which is basically also is mostly water, specifically between 90 and 95%. This means that while always fulfilling the function of nourishing and cleansing the body.

In general people do not know when is the best time to eat fruit and assimilate nutrients from it. In nutritional terms tell you that when you’re with your empty stomach, this will be the right time to eat fruit.

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How to care for eyes in front of the computer

care for eyes

Do you know that headache; fatigue, eye redness and a poor performance can be caused by the effort that our eyes are carried out every day while in front of a computer screen?

care for eyes

Every day that passes more often many hours in front of screens, therefore it is important to take precautions so that does not leave your sight impaired.

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