5 benefits of eating spinach

eating spinach

The spinach are considered one of the foods with health benefits for people, because in addition to having a high content of vitamins and minerals, helps prevent various diseases, among other things, for its high content of antioxidants.

eating spinach

Spinach Benefits

Protect your vision. Both antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin are especially plentiful in spinach and protect the eye from cataracts and macular degeneration related to age. When you eat cooked spinach your beta carotene goes straight to your eyes; it can help people suffer from vitamin A deficiency, as well as itchy eyes, sore eyes and dry eyes.

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Atopic dermatitis in children

atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic disease that occurs in young children, from birth until they reach the first months of life. This is produced by a dryness in the skin resulting in it is that outbreaks of eczemas, producing inflammation, doing so the baby feel itchy and have risk of infection. The baby does not understand, want to scratch, thus making worse.

atopic dermatitis

To prevent this type of disease to appear in our babies, we should seek to have a charge on it hygiene. Wash skin but not abruptly, as in the first months of life is still weak. Ensure that have well hydrated, that does not mean spend all day in the shower, but pass some wipes or so he feel refreshed. Note that prolonged bath more than five minutes might not have good consequences.

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Keeping Skin Looking Healthy As We Age


As we age, sun damage and high levels of the stress hormone cortisol can cause skin to become thin and fragile, or papery. This is often referred to as crepey skin. The loss of the production of estrogen and testosterone beginning when menopause starts can also cause thinning skin.


Aside from never sleeping on your side or face down, there are other tips to keep skin looking good as you get older. Remember, those creases in your face that you wake up with in the morning, just like the ones from squinting will eventually become lines and wrinkles, so sleep on your back and remember these timeless tips:

Tips for radiant skin 24/7

Remember, only you can prevent skin from aging too quickly. Hence, they’ve actually come up with a solution that may work quickly, although unproven: refrigerator facelifts.

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Preeclampsia: Leading cause of maternal death

prevent preeclampsia

By its consequences, preeclampsia is considered the leading cause of maternal death. This is a medical complication that occurs during pregnancy, even in the postpartum period, which can cause seizures, stroke, multiple organ failure and death, both of them and the product.

prevent preeclampsia

It is not known exactly what causes this disease, is presented in the second half of pregnancy (from week 20) and is more common in the case of the first, if multiple, adolescent, or older than 35 years.

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Leukemia in children: Most common cancer in children

overcoming leukemia

The leukemia is cancer more common in childhood. Any child can have it, from a newborn to a teenager, however, most small diagnosed with this disease are between 4 to 9 years old.

overcoming leukemia

It is proved that there is a better prognosis for children between 1 to 9 years. Those with 10 or more years are at increased risk for leukemia more aggressive, not responding to treatment, and children younger than 1 year have a more delicate situation.

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10 physical effects of stress

effects of stress

Are you one of those who thinks the tension nerve is already part of your daily emotions? Watch out! The consequences of stress impact on your mood and your health, so it is important to consider in relax a few seconds a day.

effects of stress

When a person perceives a threat or feel down, the hypothalamus initiates an alarm system in the body through the nervous system and hormones like adrenaline and cortisol.

The adrenalin increases heart rate, blood pressure and increases the power supply, while the cortisol favors the production of glucose in the blood, alter immune responses, digestive system, reproductive and growth processes.

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What you can not eat if you have gastritis

gastritis avoid food

Do you have gastritis? This is a stomach problem that causes us a lot of discomfort and distress. Today we will give you tips on what to feed and what to do when you suffer, you should know that there are some foods that should allow us in these cases, since our situation worse, today we show you what they are.

gastritis avoid food

Gastritis is an irritation of the gastric mucosa and is usually taken for bad eating habits, stress, anxiety, abuse of certain drugs or other occasions by the appearance of Helicobacter pylori.

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5 remedies for teeth whitening

whitening teeth

Many products guarantee you more white and bright teeth, but with really high prices. Even you can also brush your teeth twice a day and use some of the economic and natural remedies that will help you get soft and shiny teeth. These are some of the most popular remedies to whiten teeth naturally.

remedies for teeth whitening


Celery is a vegetable with a lot of health benefits, lower blood pressure, prevents cancer and also has much calcium that teeth needed. Celery has a fibrous texture and is composed mostly of water that is very good for whitening teeth. We recommend eating celery because it helps prevent germs.

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Myths and truths: breast implants

breast implants

The cosmetic surgery to enhance breast size are in full swing, some for aesthetic reasons, others for self-esteem, but always with many questions and concerns that some are true and some are myth. Here the clarifications.

breast implants

There are many theories, concepts, ideas and words that revolve around the growth of breast and begin to practice many have if over time, your breasts begin to acquire a little more size.

We must clarify that excessively large bust and not an idea to be handled, but if a little remarkable, then those who do not have and do not know an effective growth method, resorting to cosmetic surgery to increase the size. But we have to take care to not be noticed much, that they are not overly plastic, which look elegant, not exaggerated or vulgar.

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Recommendations to control hunger

control hunger

In order to lose weight or keep the weight are the main thing is not to eat more than it should and we must be able to control hunger. Moreover, we do physical exercises at least three times a week.

control hunger

Here we explain some key tips to control hunger:

  • Keep hydrated, you should consume at least two liters of water per day, you can make natural fruit juices that your body absorbs the properties of the fruits and stay hydrated at the same time.
  • Do not skip meals, quitting breakfast, lunch and dinner you will not slim. On the contrary is proven that people who skip meals hunger accumulate and when they eat they do in large quantities and body fails to digest everything they ate.
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