Look after your health: respiratory fitness against asthma

asthma attack

The asthma attacks produce a collapse of the airways that make difficult the flow of fluid and regulate the air. The bronchodilators products favor the correct circulation through the canals of the respiratory system.

asthma attack

But what else can we do to address the crisis? What is the best way to deal with an asthma attack?

Medicine and medical treatments are essential in most acute cases. But sometimes knowing simple rules of relaxation will help to mitigate and overcome the crisis. Relaxation is an effective method to control the emotions that can lead to a crisis and, above all, rely on it to restore the correct breathing pattern. The basis of relaxation therapy is to maintain control over the mind. This prevents anxiety and overexcitation.

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Flat stomach

flat stomach

Keys to a Flat stomach – Do it Now!
If you want to get flat stomach you have to put some effort in sports and lead a healthy diet.

flat stomach

How to maintain a flat and smooth stomach?

  • It is important to put effort and follow daily dietary guidelines which will be complemented by specialized cosmetics.
  • Prohibited carbonated beverages. It is the first element harmful to your belly swell.
  • Goodbye to alcohol, especially beer. With two canes and you will feel bloated and upset you.
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Effective tips to stop teeth grinding

teeth grinding

Bruxism is a terrible behavior that is capable of anything other complications, so, unfortunately, few people understand this. It’s a habit that has to do with grinding or clenching of enamel in the course of rest, either day or night.

teeth grinding

From the health perspective, bruxism can cause headaches, jaw pain, disorder consuming, despression symptoms, insomnia, broken tooth symptoms, toothache pain, TMJ, and assorted others. From observation, the people who grind their teeth when asleep normally generate some noise that affects people in different. mouthguardsforteethgrinding.com will help you if you suffer from bruxism.

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Diet during pregnancy

diet during pregnancy

During pregnancy it is recommended to increase consumption of fruits and vegetables to contribute to the health of the pregnant woman.

diet during pregnancy

At all stages of life, fruits and vegetables are the most important part of a healthy balanced diet. But during pregnancy, fruits and vegetables provide coverage of the daily quota of different micro-nutrients, especially vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium and magnesium. But in addition, also help to consume more water, which prevents discomfort of pregnancy such as poor blood circulation and fluid retention.

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Blepharoplasty: Eyelid Surgery

eyelid surgery

Blepharoplasty or Eyelid surgery is a type of cosmetic surgery of removing excess fat that forms on the upper and lower eyelids.

eyelid surgery

Blepharoplasty removes the bags that appear with the passage of time under the eyes and improves the appearance of tired eyes; returning to face a brighter look, youthful and fresh.

Types of Eyelid Surgery
There are two different types of blepharoplasty operations:

Blepharoplasty: The aim is to remove excess upper eyelid skin, which produces the look tired or sad expression. In the upper blepharoplasty incision is made in a small crease to remove the excess skin. Also with this technique are raised eyebrows and crow’s feet tense.

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Lowering Cholesterol

lowering cholesterol

The concern about lowering cholesterol is due to the fact that cholesterol is a direct cause of heart disease.

lowering cholesterol

A healthy diet and life are the best way to lower cholesterol. High cholesterol can cause serious cardiovascular disease and even death because of a stroke or heart attack.

What is cholesterol

The cholesterol is a type of fat (lipid) essential for the proper functioning of our body. Cholesterol is present in our body performing important functions. Cholesterol is transported in blood by molecules called lipoproteins.

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Urinary incontinence in women

female urinary incontinence

The problem of female urinary incontinence is leakage that may occur when you sneeze, laugh, or make an effort or exercise.

female urinary incontinence

It is a matter of spilled, socially and psychologically, as it affects the daily activities of the women who are suffering and reduces their quality of life.

The causes of urinary incontinence in women
Urinary incontinence can occur at any age and both sexes. However, it is more common in women than in men. Incontinence occurs when the pressure is greater on the inside of the bladder that the pressure on the urethra.

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Green laser applications

green laser

The green laser is a fast, clean and safe for the treatment of various pathologies proctological.

green laser

Developed 25 years ago at the Mayo Clinic in the United States, the green laser has been improving its technology for application purposes in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. It is a ray of light with a length of 532 nm (nanometer) that produces the green light that vaporizes the tissue with a vascularized surface (if the tissue does not have blood, the laser does not work). By vaporizing the tissue that compresses the urethra increases the urinary flow, the discomfort caused by the prostatic enlargement disappears.

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Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

The Apple Cider Vinegar Diet is to take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar dissolved in half a glass of water before each meal. To improve the taste you can add a teaspoon of a natural sweetener like honey.

Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

Apple Cider vinegar for weight loss
Apple cider vinegar is rich in potassium, has diuretic properties, satiety and detoxifying:

Cleansing properties: Apple cider vinegar is a great intestinal cleanser, acetic acid content. It accelerates the metabolism, helps fight constipation and aids digestion, over all those who have slow digestion which it helps to deflate and lose volume.

Satiating properties: Drinking water with apple cider vinegar before or during the meal manages to satisfy us and makes disappear the sensation of hunger.

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How to combat stress

combat stress

If you’re wondering how to combat work stress, we offer a number of activities that will help you relax and find inner peace.

combat stress

Throughout the day we have too many obligations and activities – family, work, children, couples, which are often, accumulate too much tension and stress. To try to relax there are activities that can be performing even in our house.

Yoga and Pilates

Both are relaxation techniques and stress management very used nowadays both men and women. It is advisable (especially Pilates) start working with a monitor and once the essentials are known we can practice at home.

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