10 points for the control of diabetes

control diabetes

Prevention is the best weapon against any disease, in the case of diabetes an important part of this prevention is related to the daily diet, this is a selection of 10 key points for perfect feeding in the fight against diabetes mellitus.

control diabetes

Controlling the level of glucose in blood
Always prefer low-glycemic foods, avoid simple sugars as far as possible without leading to an absolute prohibition, and choose those that do not contain sugar, like fructose, recommended consumption of whole grains and high fiber foods in general.

Maintain a healthy weight
Excess body fat makes it harder for people with type II diabetes to use its own insulin.

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Fatigue and exhaustion how to treat with homeopathy

fatigue and exhaustion

Both fatigue and exhaustion are two problems that affect many people in modern society.

fatigue and exhaustion

Homeopathy is a very useful form of therapy to treat people suffering from such difficulties, however that may be prescribed medications are important and have a positive effect as long as the patient also make changes to your lifestyle.

Today, feeling fatigue seem to be something totally “normal”, the man has become accustomed to living in a hurry and it is very hard to set aside the concerns that generate factors like the economy, mortgage, relationships, children, sex life and overcoming personal level all this added to the duties.

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Fibromyalgia: Yoga may help relieve your symptoms


Yoga is recommended to help alleviate some problems, because within its practice include meditation and movement and gentle stretching.


Today it has been found that Yoga may relieve the symptoms of fibromyalgia, a chronic pain syndrome among other things brings fatigue and chronic fatigue.

A study by the Health and Science University of Oregon in Portland, formed two groups of 25 women each, all diagnosed with fibromyalgia, the members of one group were told they had to take a yoga class two hours, once a week for eight weeks and who were the other group were told to continue their normal routine treatment.

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Food is key for people with HIV

foods for HIV

Food in persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is very important.

foods for HIV

As a metabolic disease is not common to associate HIV with food, but a proper diet is very important because it helps slow the symptoms generated by this ailment.

It should take into account several concepts to take care of the patient nutritionally and health giving a strict diet with specific foods.

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The problem of male workaholic

male workaholic

Many men work tirelessly and in most cases state that this work is aimed at exhausting the personal welfare of his family.

male workaholic

However, this large amount of activity can turn into a serious obsession that actually hides a way to escape from realities that are favorable. They say that this type of addict is at work all the success you can not get in other areas of your life.

Workaholic: what is it?

The work, as such, besides being a common means to earn your daily bread, an activity that allows the man to strengthen their skills in addition to their creativity and nurture their self-esteem and this is normal and satisfactory to make this happen.

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Osteoporosis, benefits of exercise


Our body is a perfect natural structure formed by a skeleton which has large number of bones which fulfill different functions, including support, calcium deposition and protector of the viscera.


Bone is a dynamic tissue types varies according to the forces that must withstand, besides being one of the heavy elements from the body.

The osteoporosis is a disease that affects the whole skeleton bone mass decreased with a progressive deterioration of bone tissue resulting in a weakening of bones often cause fractures.

When you have osteoporosis evidenced a decrease in bone mass and alteration of some body structures.

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Fasting can reduce the risk of heart disease


Since ancient times, fasting has always been associated with religious rituals type, political protests and diets. However, new tests conducted by researchers at Intermountain Medical Center have demonstrated that the performance of a routine periodic fasting is good for general health and heart in particular.

These researchers have found that fasting not only decreases the risk of coronary artery disease or diabetes, but also produces important changes in the levels of cholesterol in blood.

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Glasses: The importance of proper prescription

prescription glasses

In the past, who used eyeglasses complained about how uncomfortable and unsightly it were, something was happening at the low range of existing frames and were usually of significant size and too heavy.

prescription glasses

Today, advances in the area of ​​optics and ophthalmology have also managed to solve such problems as you may choose from a wide variety of models of glasses.

This has ensured that the glasses no longer be a problem transforming the great solution for problems such as eyestrain, myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.

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Hypertension myths and beliefs

hypertension myths

Many people suffer from hypertension and in some cases care and specialist visits are neglected. This happens in most cases because there are myths about high blood pressure and beliefs that have no scientific basis and can lead to serious health problems if not properly clarified.

hypertension myths

One of the most common myths is to think that high blood pressure is due to a nervous state, ruling out the real reason is a disease of the arterial wall.

A person who holds a normal artery a situation of stress or nerves can make its pressure rise but to a minimum degree. Nevertheless, in a hypertensive person presents a totally exaggerated response to the same stimulus and it is thought that the origin of high pressure is nervous.

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Bluefish and benefits of consuming

Oily fish

Oily fish and the benefits of consuming it have been revealed after investigations concerning nutritional issues where this food is recommended as part of the weekly menu.

Oily fish

All fish have varied nutritional properties and therefore should be part of within the considered balanced and healthy diet.

Furthermore, fish consumption, and kind of oily fish, significantly improves the symptoms of certain diseases contributing also to prevent the occurrence of others among the cardiovascular diseases, but always alternating fish consumption with other foods that provide animal and vegetable proteins.

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