The problem of male workaholic

male workaholic

Many men work tirelessly and in most cases state that this work is aimed at exhausting the personal welfare of his family.

male workaholic

However, this large amount of activity can turn into a serious obsession that actually hides a way to escape from realities that are favorable. They say that this type of addict is at work all the success you can not get in other areas of your life.

Workaholic: what is it?

The work, as such, besides being a common means to earn your daily bread, an activity that allows the man to strengthen their skills in addition to their creativity and nurture their self-esteem and this is normal and satisfactory to make this happen.

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Osteoporosis, benefits of exercise


Our body is a perfect natural structure formed by a skeleton which has large number of bones which fulfill different functions, including support, calcium deposition and protector of the viscera.


Bone is a dynamic tissue types varies according to the forces that must withstand, besides being one of the heavy elements from the body.

The osteoporosis is a disease that affects the whole skeleton bone mass decreased with a progressive deterioration of bone tissue resulting in a weakening of bones often cause fractures.

When you have osteoporosis evidenced a decrease in bone mass and alteration of some body structures.

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Fasting can reduce the risk of heart disease


Since ancient times, fasting has always been associated with religious rituals type, political protests and diets. However, new tests conducted by researchers at Intermountain Medical Center have demonstrated that the performance of a routine periodic fasting is good for general health and heart in particular.

These researchers have found that fasting not only decreases the risk of coronary artery disease or diabetes, but also produces important changes in the levels of cholesterol in blood.

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Glasses: The importance of proper prescription

prescription glasses

In the past, who used eyeglasses complained about how uncomfortable and unsightly it were, something was happening at the low range of existing frames and were usually of significant size and too heavy.

prescription glasses

Today, advances in the area of ​​optics and ophthalmology have also managed to solve such problems as you may choose from a wide variety of models of glasses.

This has ensured that the glasses no longer be a problem transforming the great solution for problems such as eyestrain, myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.

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Hypertension myths and beliefs

hypertension myths

Many people suffer from hypertension and in some cases care and specialist visits are neglected. This happens in most cases because there are myths about high blood pressure and beliefs that have no scientific basis and can lead to serious health problems if not properly clarified.

hypertension myths

One of the most common myths is to think that high blood pressure is due to a nervous state, ruling out the real reason is a disease of the arterial wall.

A person who holds a normal artery a situation of stress or nerves can make its pressure rise but to a minimum degree. Nevertheless, in a hypertensive person presents a totally exaggerated response to the same stimulus and it is thought that the origin of high pressure is nervous.

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Bluefish and benefits of consuming

Oily fish

Oily fish and the benefits of consuming it have been revealed after investigations concerning nutritional issues where this food is recommended as part of the weekly menu.

Oily fish

All fish have varied nutritional properties and therefore should be part of within the considered balanced and healthy diet.

Furthermore, fish consumption, and kind of oily fish, significantly improves the symptoms of certain diseases contributing also to prevent the occurrence of others among the cardiovascular diseases, but always alternating fish consumption with other foods that provide animal and vegetable proteins.

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The green tea to prevent cardiovascular disease

benefits of green tea

To combat the cancer, the infarction, and dental caries, the benefits of tea are invaluable. Apparently, the most powerful effects of green tea acting as a preventative on cardiovascular diseases, representing the leading cause of death in the world.

benefits of green tea

The benefits of tea

The tea has been subject of numerous studies, since this plant contains interesting properties for health. These are attributable to the polyphenols. These powerful antioxidants help fight aging of the organism and protect against different aggression, such as inflammation, usually at the origin of cancer.

But the effect of polyphenols the tea is the most spectacular in the cardiovascular field. More than 50,000 people aged between 40 to 79 years have taken serving tea for eleven years. All these people were initially unaffected by cancer, to cardiovascular disease, or a vascular brain accident.

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Homeopathic products to relieve endometriosis

endometriosis treatment

Endometriosis affects about 10% of women worldwide. Despite being a common problem detection and diagnosis is often difficult. In many cases fertility problems can come arising from endometriosis. Endometriosis is the abnormal development of tissue in the womb, can cause abdominal pain, cramps or even infertility. In some cases there are no hassles, making it difficult to diagnosis. Endometriosis can have different levels, but is benign.

endometriosis treatment

The causes of endometriosis are often different and vary from woman to woman. It is therefore difficult to determine a range of women prone to this type of malformation. For detecting endometriosis is usually necessary to perform a laparoscopy, by which, in some cases, it may be treated with laser some affected areas. In many cases a simple treatment is sufficient to eliminate pain and discomfort.

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Treatment of bronchiolitis in children

bronchiolitis in children

The treatment consists of bronchiolitis flushing the airways via the high suction on demand. Then ordinary food, fractionated, ensuring adequate hydration (if not possible, parenteral hydration). Oxygen is the only essential drug in the treatment of bronchiolitis requiring hospitalization. It can be administered by nasal cannula (appropriate to the age of the patient) or mask, does not require humidification.

bronchiolitis in children

If after being inhaled properly, hydrated and oxygenated the child shows no signs of improvement, you will have therapeutic test with bronchodilators beta 2 agonists by inhalation.

This test can be repeated after 20 minutes if no response. If after 2 doses there is no improvement in respiratory rate of circulation or oxygenation is not continued with this medication.

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Fungi on the skin: clinical and therapeutic approach

fungal skin

Fungal diseases of the skin are called “cutaneous mycoses”. These infections in the surface layer of the skins (stratum corneum) that normally do not penetrate to deeper levels of the organism.

fungal skin

Depending on the location, skin, nails, scalp, mucous membranes of the mouth, genitals, etc., adopt an appearance or another.

These infections are more common in humid areas of the body surface, since moisture encourages the growth of fungi, under the breasts, underarms, etc.., and are, in turn, more frequent in obese people with multiple skin folds.

It is also more common in people who are immunocompromised and in some people taking antibiotics.

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