How to prevent childhood obesity

prevent childhood obesity

Recent studies show that following a few simple habits, parents can prevent childhood obesity. Some of the simplest and most important are:

prevent childhood obesity

Teach by example
One survey found that children whose parents decide to stay in shape are much more likely to have a healthy weight. There is nothing worse that tell a child what they need to do and what not to do it yourself.

Not say “clean your plate”
Young children instinctively know how much food they need. This instinct may disappear, however, when parents of children serve too large portions or push to eat more. A study illustrates this: When children three years of age were served a larger portion than usual of macaroni and cheese, eat only until hunger was satisfied. Encourage children to eat enough to satisfy their appetites and stop them before they are actually full.

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Reasons why you should eat watermelon


The warm weather arrives and with it come back on the market fruits and vegetables that are healthy and not to be missed in the daily diet. One is the watermelon. But why are you eating?


The answer is simple. The watermelon is a fruit which is characterized by nutrition as well as by presenting a number of high water; approximately 93% is water, giving rise to be advisable to be consumed in slimming diets by its low calories: approximately 20 per 100 grams. It is also very satiating.

But also has carbohydrates, fiber, potassium necessary for the nervous system and muscle activity, magnesium, folic acid and beta carotene. And a big plus is that it contains lycopene, a pigment that gives you that pink tone and has excellent antioxidant properties.

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Asthma: causes, symptoms and consequences

asthma attack

The asthma is a very serious problem because it causes the airways to swell becoming narrower. This leads to symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath or chest tightness, among others. When someone is presented with an asthma attack what is happening is that the muscles surrounding the airways, are in tension so that the coating of these, you end up inflaming.

asthma attack

In people who are very sensitive, these asthma attacks may be caused by allergens. Among those not so, the asthma can be triggered by:

  • Animals (pet dander or fur)
  • Dust
  • Changes in weather (most often cold weather)
  • Chemicals in the air or in food
  • Exercise
  • Mold
  • Pollen
  • Respiratory infections like the common cold
  • Strong emotions (stress)
  • Snuff smoke
  • Aspirin

The majority of people, who suffer from asthma, do not have attacks every day or known when he will. Some are even long periods without suffering them.

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What are styes and how to deal


The Styes are caused by an inflammation of glands located in the bottom of the tabs. When these glands are blocked, fluid builds up and the area becomes inflamed. When inflammation arises not on the basis of the tabs, but rather in the interior of the eyelid (usually the upper one), then also called chalazion.


Usually does not cause any serious complication, although it is very annoying for those who suffer, as the inflamed area is in direct contact with the eye, which is an extremely sensitive area of ​​the body. But, as always, it is best to go to a doctor to guide us on the exact nature of the disease.

What causes styes?
The most common cause of this inflammation is the presence of a bacterium, to proliferate, it clogs the sebaceous glands. Of all bacteria, the most common is the Staphylococcus aureus.

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Vitamin D, a good ally!

vitamin D

It’s no secret the importance of vitamins and nutrients in our diet, and without them our health is compromised. But it is clear that each group offers different contributions, discover all they have for you vitamin D.

vitamin D

The summer day brings more relaxed, warm and lots of outdoor options, but also opens a window to improve our health and it is precisely thanks to sun that our skin is able to produce vitamin D, essential to keep our bones strong and improve the appearance of teeth.

But this is not its only function; it is also closely linked with calcium absorption as it increases making them inseparable companions. Our body is also benefit to including it in the diet to increase the absorption of phosphorus.

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Meet the group of blood can save your life

blood groups

blood groups

Most people really do not know the group they may belong. Experts say that knowing your blood type is a very important thing, and you really can save your life.

Recent studies found that people who belong to these blood groups: types A, B and AB have a greater chance of developing a dangerous condition known in the medical world as deep vein thrombosis, which is caused by a mutant protein, known as V Leiden.

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Prevention and treatment of influenza with homeopathy

prevention influenza

Homeopathy is useful in the prevention and treatment of influenza processes.

prevention influenza

The prevention of influenza requires action to increase our body’s defenses, among which lifestyle modifications are consistent in maintaining a good diet that is healthy and balanced properly shelter in cold areas, perform a level of physical exercise adjusted to our physical needs and maintain a State of balanced mind.

If we take it with homeopathic medication is indicated for the prevention of influenza in a significant percentage will reduce the chances of contracting the disease.

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When not to use vibration machines

vibration machine

Currently the trend is exercised in vibrated machines, a trend that grows and several sporting venues included in their bids. These machines take advantage of the vibration and movement of the body to tone and strengthen muscles throughout the body. But sometimes we overlook the contraindications that may be.

vibration machine

Although it is training accessible to all, not everyone can use these machines. People who suffer an injury should avoid these machines, because the movement can worsen the situation and spoil the natural healing process initiated by the body. Best thing is to wait before training with vibratory movements.

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Antipsychotics can increase cardiac risk


Antipsychotics, which had already given warning signals, increase the risk of developing heart disease by simply taking it for a few months, a new study.


Among patients treated with these drugs are schizophrenics, which usually have a shorter life expectancy, so you have to deal with the role of antipsychotics in heart disease, said Debra Foley, Center for Youth Mental Health at the University of Melbourne, Australia. It is known that the newer antipsychotics are associated with an increased risk of developing diabetes.

According to a new study, published in Archives of General Psychiatry, patients treated with antipsychotics tended to gain weight and suffer monthly increases in cholesterol after three or four months. Obesity, high cholesterol and diabetes increase the risk of heart disease.

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Evening primrose oil: Vitamin E and premenstrual syndrome

evening primrose oil

Today I remember a fatty acid that give very useful in Orthomolecular Nutrition and helps improve PMS. The evening primrose, associated with vitamin E.

evening primrose oil

The Evening Primrose is a plant whose qualities have been so little known eighties. But research conducted in the early eighties showed that evening primrose oil has some interesting medicinal properties.

The oil extracted from the seeds of evening primrose is very rich in essential fatty acids among which linoleic acid essential for the stability of the membranes of cells throughout the body, for neural development, to balance the hormonal system and the regulation of blood coagulation among other functions.

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