Dignicap: an alternative to save the hair in chemotherapy

Dignicap testing

Dignicap testing

For women with cancer, hair loss can be devastating. However, there is a clinical trial a device that can save their hair, Called “Dignicap”. It’s used to cool the scalp during chemotherapy.

According to investigators, the scalp cooling reduces blood flow to this and follicles, to build the capillaries. Less blood means less damage to the follicles, and less hair loss. Before chemotherapy, an investigator placed a cap refrigerator directly on the patient’s head. This cap contains tubes through which coolant is pumped. Above, there is another cap to keep cool. Both are connected to an external refrigerator unit, and reach the temperature of 5 degrees Celsius. The patient must wear the cap during chemotherapy and an hour later.

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Natural medicine as a solution to circulatory problems

natural medicine

No doubt people go to a specialist when illness occurs, get your doctor’s instructions but in many cases do not comply with the letter. Whether the side affects that can produce drugs or the high cost of these, there are a lot of individuals who favor the use of natural products, known as natural medicine.

natural medicine

This term is intended primarily as a preventive medicine, which at the time of attending the event and his constant becomes curative treatment.

People look for natural products for the confidence to fully heal the condition, permanently following their consumption without suffering any side effects, as they often cause some drugs. They are people with circulatory problems who come constantly looking for products.

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4 Steps to eliminate fat from your body

remove excess fat

Are you ready to finally remove excess fat in your body, quickly and permanently? Well, take a few minutes of your time and read this article, you will find a few points which would guide easily.

remove excess fat

  1. Raise your metabolism, accelerate the same doing to burn the fat faster. Make sure no fad diets (low in carbohydrates, low in calories from fat, etc..). In addition, recommend you avoid diet products. To grow your natural metabolism, recommend that you choose to do with the routine of eating right and most appropriate subject is the natural food.
  2. Speaking of nutrition, make sure you get all types of nutrients in your diet to get best results. Your body loves many types of nutrients and while restricted to get any other, that go into making your body … consequently altered their metabolism slow.
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When psoriasis affects the scalp

psoriasis afftects scalp

In case of psoriasis, it is common that the scalp is affected. However, this location causes the hair to lose its aesthetics and causing a series of itching. In parallel, the treatment of psoriasis is difficult and more specific. It is based on the calcipotriol, an analogue of vitamin D3.

psoriasis afftects scalp

Variable locations of psoriasis
Psoriasis is a disease that can be cataloged benign, but whose impacts on daily life are very important. The disease manifests itself in a number of red patches, covered with pearly white scales, more or less thick. The number, size and location of the plates are very variable and evolve with time even in a same person.

The most common is to be presented at the elbows, the folds, and knees. The scalp is often one of the areas most affected by psoriasis.

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Ultrasound used to relieve chronic pain

chronic pain

There are two distinct forms of the acute pain caused by trauma such as physical and chronic disorders that can cause a person for years, and is currently used ultrasound to relieve chronic pain.

chronic pain

Acute pain can be caused by physical trauma and is usually treated with analgesics.

Reason for study, this type of pain according to the researchers is actually a behavioral state that begins with the actual injury but where the pain lasts more than enough time and then become pathology.

Patients suffering from arthritis for example depends on analgesics are powerful enough to soothe the pain and this commonly come a situation that becomes cyclical pain from inactivity and finally to depression.

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The virtues of the cucumber on the Mediterranean diet


The cucumber is the quintessential food of any self-respecting regime. However, many people who complain of being a product indigestible. Despite this small drawback, you recognize virtues anticancer properties and excellent care skin tone.


The cucumber and slimming regime
Cucumber is a fresh vegetable. Composed of 95% water, is part of food that have less calories. Therefore, it is an excellent ally for those who undergo a hypocaloric diet to lose weight, besides being an excellent satiating to suppress hunger.

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Responses of homeopathy to anorexia and bulimia

eating disorder

Eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia are a real problem not only have the youngest, too many adults today have begun to be affected by this condition.

eating disorder

Many experts speak of the longing that many people have to imitate the “models” socially accepted beauty as well as oppressive family environment as a basis for developing such problems.

Homeopathy has not been kept out of this problem of modern society and offers to those who suffer from eating disorders such as emotional support as drugs that help to successfully overcome these ailments.

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Can a person with hypertension to do fitness?


Exercise is beneficial for everyone, we are healthy or have a disease, but in this case the indication of the doctor or specialist is vital to determine what type of exercise is most appropriate.


Aerobic exercise is best for patients with hypertension because it manages to increase the body’s oxygen demand, increases cardiac output, per minute ventilation and muscle movement.

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Advances in the detection of fibromyalgia


Fibromyalgia is a common rheumatic syndrome that affects approximately 3% of the population, mostly women.


It indicates widespread pain in fibrous tissues, muscles, tendons and other connective tissues, causing muscle pain without weakness. The cause of this disorder is unknown, although it is a chronic problem that may come and go for years.

Among other symptoms, causes muscle pain, fatigue, depression and insomnia. Diagnose can take two to three years, even more, because so far the only way is to discard all rheumatological and neurological diseases with similar symptoms.

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Important exercises for computer users

computer users

The use of computers for long periods can cause real problems in the body, muscles, the spine and joints of the hands. Due to these multiple reason, experts suggest to do the following exercises:

computer users

Exercise for the shoulders
Keep the normal level of the shoulder, then turned with the left ear to left shoulder, then with the right ear to right shoulder, after carried out this exercise with the inclined head towards the back then the in front of.

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