5 benefits of eating spinach

eating spinach

The spinach are considered one of the foods with health benefits for people, because in addition to having a high content of vitamins and minerals, helps prevent various diseases, among other things, for its high content of antioxidants.

eating spinach

Spinach Benefits

Protect your vision. Both antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin are especially plentiful in spinach and protect the eye from cataracts and macular degeneration related to age. When you eat cooked spinach your beta carotene goes straight to your eyes; it can help people suffer from vitamin A deficiency, as well as itchy eyes, sore eyes and dry eyes.

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How to prevent teenage acne

teenage acne

The teenage acne is very common. Adolescence is a wonderful stage of life. From age 13, approximately, is when we began to relate to people who like us physically, so that the aesthetic plays a big role.

Acne can be caused of a crackdown on teenagers who may think that too many pimples affect his image. This is why acne is a very annoying problem in many young people.

teenage acne

There are many myths about acne, many beliefs about how to fight and many ideas about what really acne causes in teenagers.

Many of these beliefs are not true, at best do nothing, but can also occur that are counterproductive to the skin. It is essential when fighting acne, have good hygiene. But here we must be careful as it is not recommended to wash the skin with any soap, but only with those who have a neutral pH, for example, glycerin soap.

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Recommendations to control hunger

control hunger

In order to lose weight or keep the weight are the main thing is not to eat more than it should and we must be able to control hunger. Moreover, we do physical exercises at least three times a week.

control hunger

Here we explain some key tips to control hunger:

  • Keep hydrated, you should consume at least two liters of water per day, you can make natural fruit juices that your body absorbs the properties of the fruits and stay hydrated at the same time.
  • Do not skip meals, quitting breakfast, lunch and dinner you will not slim. On the contrary is proven that people who skip meals hunger accumulate and when they eat they do in large quantities and body fails to digest everything they ate.
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Requirements to become a donor

donate sperm

To be a sperm donor must meet many requirements that make the candidate of percentage is very high. Donors must not only have perfect health, but also must have high quality semen and a family history of inherited diseases that do not appear.

donate sperm

They are also taken into account factors such as physical appearance and personality, although these features are primarily collected to help select a candidate based on their affinity for the receptors of the sperm donation. In terms of the intelligence just have a normal IQ to be a donor.

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Health begins with prevention

prevent health deteriorate

Before reaching the point where our health is affected by following a few bad habits, we need to decant to maintain a lifestyle habits that prevent our health deteriorate. That there is what is known as preventive medicine that specializes in anticipating all symptoms and thus prevent the development of diseases whose cure and treatment would be much more complicated and expensive, sometimes even impossible to cure.

prevent health deteriorate

One of the things we need to do to prevent our body from getting sick is to dedicate the hours needed to rest. Neither likely or unlikely but we need, since sleep less or more can cause overweight problems that can drag syndromes such as diabetes, obesity or excess cholesterol, the result can lead to other health problems which is much more serious.

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Prefer to eat fruits with empty stomach

eat fruits

Intake of fruit is the only food that makes the brain work. This provides the maximum amount of energy and requires minimum time to be digested, therefore is the perfect food.

eat fruits

The fruit can be readily converted into glucose and fructose which is basically also is mostly water, specifically between 90 and 95%. This means that while always fulfilling the function of nourishing and cleansing the body.

In general people do not know when is the best time to eat fruit and assimilate nutrients from it. In nutritional terms tell you that when you’re with your empty stomach, this will be the right time to eat fruit.

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Insulin could slow Alzheimer’s

insulin slow alzheimers

According to medical research have been studying the brain with Alzheimer found that this disease would be cerebral diabetes, therefore they would need patients afflicted with the same, would insulin.

insulin slow alzheimers

The lack of insulin would be one of the most important causes for this disease. It is explained that this discovery process can be reversed by a healthy diet and the insulin that is needed to give the brain.

The other thing that occurs to the brain is affected with this cerebral diabetes would be processed foods with nitrates. In the most processed foods used sodium nitrate and other nitrates. Normally does not appear in the labels because they have used it for many years and they say without danger.

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Five Tips For Keeping Your Aging Parents Healthy and Safe

aging parents

If you have elderly parents, chances are that they are not as healthy and strong as they used to be. That is why it so important for you to take care of them and look out for their best interests. Here are five tips for keeping your aging parents healthy and safe.

aging parents

Prepare Their Meals
Aging parents sometimes have trouble cooking for themselves and will not always eat the healthiest foods. If you have the time, you should prepare your parent’s meals. Cooking them healthy and nutritious meals will improve their health and make them liver longer.

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How to start your day

start day

The wake up and start a day is the basis for a good or bad day. It is important. And here we explain how we rested for the night and what we expect from the day that we just started.

start day

First depend on what we take forward from the previous day. If we’ve taken a little care will be a major handicap for our health and fitness. Seek rest well enough to begin with as clean as possible the day, if to make matters worse we rest bad, can be a very difficult to shoot during the day.

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Consume fruits and not juices to prevent diabetes

consume fruits

A recent study suggests that eating whole fruit is much healthier to consume natural juices from them. Researchers from the UK, USA and Singapore studied nearly 200 000 people over 25 years to determine the way we consume certain fruits helps or prevents the development of type 2 diabetes.

Of the 187 000 people who participated in the study, 12,198 (6.5%) developed type 2 diabetes. The research followed the consumption of certain fruits such as grapes, peaches, plums, apricots, prunes, peaches, melons, apples, pears, oranges, grapefruit, strawberries and blueberries of subjects. Every four years they were asked how often they consumed a portion of each fruit.

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