Brightening up Your Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry

cosmetic dentistry

If there’s one thing you’re known for, it’s your winning smile. Over the years, it’s served you well at countless social gatherings, dates and job interviews. Dazzling though it is, your smile has a number of minor imperfections you’ve been meaning to attend to.

However, after writing these problems off as too expensive to fix, you’ve reached a standstill. As it turns out, many of the cosmetic issues you’re experiencing can be fixed for a reasonable price – and in a timely manner – by a reliable dentist.

cosmetic dentistry

Dental Bonding

If you have any tooth gaps you’d like to take care of, visit a dental specialist. When setting out to fix a problem of this nature, a practice that specializes in cosmetic dentistry can be a valuable ally.

People who have gone through life with gaps in their teeth will be pleased to learn that dental bonding can make short work of the spaces between your chompers. Using a specially-formulated resin, a skilled dentist will carefully fill in the gaps, giving you a space-free smile. Although bonding resin will need to be periodically reapplied, a typical bond will last between three to 10 years.

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Five effective ways to whiten your teeth

whiten teeth

How do get stained teeth?
The enamel that covers the teeth is slightly porous, provoking that residues stay whenever we eat. Usually, just brushing to remove this debris is not possible, there are foods and beverages such as coffee, tea or soft drinks that stain in a more penetrating way and as a result, our teeth gradually begin to acquire a yellow tone.

whiten teeth

The good news is that return the brightness to your teeth is not an impossible task. Try these tips:

Baking soda:
Apply some baking soda to your toothpaste and brush as usual. Repeated two or three times a week. The results will surprise you!

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Ways to prevent 5 common dental conditions

prevent dental conditions

Dental appointments are never any fun, yet the good news is that most of them can be effortlessly prevented. Brushing twice every day, flossing every day, eating healthy, and general dental checkups are key in preventing dental issues. Learning about common dental issues and their reasons can likewise go far in prevention.

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Teeth Whitening: When it is contraindicated?

teeth whitening

You have tooth decay, one of the most common dental problems; it is one of the reasons, although not the only, for those who may be contraindicated to teeth whitening, safe and effective techniques that has evolved greatly in recent years and has become an alternative to achieve and maintain a beautiful smile. Caring for our oral health is essential, so we must pay special attention.

teeth whitening

Advances in dental care allow fully trust techniques for whitening, among whose innovations is the application of chemical substances – intradental or extradental – to combat or treat discoloration of the teeth. It should be noted, as explained by specialists, the tonality of our teeth changes as we age, with a tendency to darken. This should add the harm that can result in tobacco, caffeine-containing beverages, the coloring foodstuffs or certain drugs.

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Bruxism: Why grind your teeth at night?


Bruxism is defined as teeth grinding during the hours of sleep, so involuntary. However, it should not be a problem to not pay attention, quite the opposite, as it can take even another set of problems for our health, both of the mouth in particular and our health in general.


So, physicians and specialists remember that bruxism not only damages teeth, but can also cause pain in head, neck, face and ears.

When speaking of bruxism, dental health specialists distinguish between bruxism downtown (characterized by a tightening of the jaw) and eccentric (teeth grinding). Why bruxism appears? The main risk factor is the stress, but it is also related to a problem of stability when biting, i.e., there is no a correct gear assembly of the teeth.

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Children’s Oral Health: Prevention Tips

child oral health

It is estimated, according to medical data, it is estimated that one of every three children under six years of age have or had cavities in the teeth. A fact confirms the importance of continuing a series of preventive measures from childhood.

Measures not only hygienic, i.e., on proper cleaning of the teeth and mouth, also diet. Cavities, or the progressive destruction of the tooth, not related to age, can appear at any stage.

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Periodontal Disease: What it is and How to detect it?

periodontal disease

What is periodontal disease or periodontitis?

Bleeding and inflammation of the gums is a problem that can be serious. The processes that affect our mouths are many and varied, and these can affect other organs or systems of our body that apparently have nothing to do with them.

One of the most topical for its incidence in the population in general, a process that affecting the gums and bone elements of fastening of the teeth can cause us to lose our teeth and even affect other organs of our body as just related.

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Yellow teeth? How to get rid…

yellow teeth

The smile is a valuable part of our face and personality. Weapon of seduction, demonstration of our happiness and our joy of life, we will like to show it in all its glory. There are, however, sometimes small problems: small yellow spots on teeth are obscure our smile. These spots cause slight discomfort which quickly disappear expression “toothy smile”. It is possible to hide those little imperfections.

yellow teeth

Yellow teeth: why?
This may surprise you, but the teeth, except at birth, are rarely white. In general, and often they are gray … yellow.

Two main reasons cause yellowing of teeth:

  • First, it can be a simple act of nature at birth. For difficult to grasp, and are apparently not hereditary reasons, some people are born with big yellow spots on teeth. In this case, it is the same color of the enamel is yellow, which makes more difficult as possible bleaching.
  • The second cause of yellowing of teeth is simply the passage of time.

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5 remedies for teeth whitening

whitening teeth

Many products guarantee you more white and bright teeth, but with really high prices. Even you can also brush your teeth twice a day and use some of the economic and natural remedies that will help you get soft and shiny teeth. These are some of the most popular remedies to whiten teeth naturally.

remedies for teeth whitening


Celery is a vegetable with a lot of health benefits, lower blood pressure, prevents cancer and also has much calcium that teeth needed. Celery has a fibrous texture and is composed mostly of water that is very good for whitening teeth. We recommend eating celery because it helps prevent germs.

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How to Clean the brackets

clean the brackets

The use of brackets makes it somewhat more complicated the task of brushing, and just happens to be more vital. Let’s see how to brush teeth with braces to keep them clean and healthy.

clean the brackets

The brackets are an invention that will give us a new set of teeth and will change our smile, greatly improving our image. But the success of this tool of orthodontics depends in good part of the cleaning and brushing, and today we will teach you how it is done.

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