Care for the eyes!

care of our eyes

The view is of all our senses, the more we use. Therefore it is said that is the most important sense that human beings possess. The problem is that over the years, the wear and the exertion, it is degenerating and deteriorating since it is a sense so fragile that it should be carefully noted.

care of our eyes

To better care of our eyes, there are several tips and good manners that periodically performing them is able to extend the vision and keep younger and healthier.

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Avoid colds and flu

colds and flu

With the arrival of cold and constant changes in temperature, our body is more likely to stay with low defenses. In autumn and winter, make a good dose of minerals and vitamins can help prevent or milder symptoms of colds and flu. Here we give a few simple dietary tips to boost your defenses.

colds and flu

Strengthens immunity
Increases Vitamin C: Everyone knows that citrus are a potent source of vitamin C, ideal for preventing colds. So our body needs daily ingest a minimum of 90 to 100 mg of vitamin. Opt for two oranges or one kiwi.

More eggs or fish: Another nutrient that our body requires is selenium. This mineral helps us increase the production of white blood cells involved in defense against viruses. A fish portion provides the necessary amount of selenium. Another option is to include in the diet eggs, whole grains, meat and dairy products.

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Insomnia: Tips for sleeping well!


Sleep and rest properly is not always as simple as it sounds. So if insomnia occasionally shows up in your room, we are giving you some suggestions to scare away once and for all.

Not only do we feel irritated and grumpy when, thanks to insomnia, got little sleep. We also occur when for some reason we do not do properly, we woke up tired before we started our day and the trouble with us throughout the entire day. If this scene is repeated frequently, then take into account the following tips to get a pleasant sleep overnight:

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Adolescents with back pain

adolescents back pains

Many adolescents suffering from back pain. A bad postural hygiene when sitting or sleeping, overweight or sedentary lifestyles are some of the risk factors for this disease. Correcting bad posture habits at an early age is crucial, since adolescents with persistent back pains are at greater risk of suffering from chronic form when they are adults. How?

adolescents back pains

Well, first, it is essential to do exercise to strengthen the back muscles and to prevent overweight. On the contrary, resign yourself to the pain at an early age and allow you to limit your daily activity will not benefit the youth in any way. Many sports recommended strengthening the back but certainly one of the most complete is swimming. Yes, it is important to ensure warm muscles before starting to avoid injury.

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Different types of diabetes

types of diabetes

The diabetes affects people of all ages, colors, sizes and locations worldwide. Several types, but type 2 diabetes is the most currently attacking.

Although most humans develop type 2 diabetes, many have other types of diabetes; it always involves a change in the lifestyle of the people:

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Green Tea and How It Can Fight Disease

green tea

We can make a little stretch and consider green tea a magical potion. It has been used for centuries to treat various afflictions – in Asia they knew it lowered blood pressure and prevented cancer thousands of years before we even know of its existence.

green tea

Green tea also has more health benefits than black tea does because of the method through which they are processed – the black tea goes through a fermentation process whereas green tea doesn’t; this keeps all the substances inside the tea leaves, such as antioxidants. Let’s take a look some of the tea’s benefits.

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Exercises for stronger bones

exercise for stronger bones

All we know: Osteoporosis is a ghost that stalks us constantly. But besides food, some activities can help strengthen our bones and keep them healthy for longer.

exercise for stronger bones

Although as we get older our bone mass is decreasing, the arrival of menopause represents a period of important vulnerability, therefore it is necessary to work from early prevention to strengthen our bones and reduce the effects of aging.

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Affordable Global Healthcare Access


Affordable access to medicine and adequate healthcare on a global scale is possible, but it is often hindered by disorganization, inefficiency, and a shortage of human resources. It is just such problems that leave many people all over the world in need of professional medical attention and without a feasible way to obtain it. There are organizations around the world, such as Clinton Health Access Initiative, or CHAI, that work specifically toward combating the organizational issues within the global medicine supply.


CHAI helps to promote and maintain access to sufficient long-term medical care for those in underprivileged nations in a number of ways. Each and every year several billion dollars is spent on developing medications, vaccinations, and other medical supplies for use in low- and middle-income countries.

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Worried about Hair Loss

hair loss

We wash our hair and create a scare: we see that in our hand or on the floor is an incalculable number of strands. The hair is falling and we don’t know what to do.

hair loss

Firstly there is no need to panic. We must remember that a person can lose about a hundred hairs from the head every day. This is completely normal and these hairs grow back.

Hair loss can also be related to aging, particularly male, although women can also suffer as a result. However, we must be careful, because this problem can be a symptom of certain diseases such as thyroid problems, diabetes or lupus.

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Beware of food addiction

food addiction

Food brings pleasure. So be a little sweet or a plate of pasta. What we eat with appetite, it provokes a sense of well-being. The problem is that there are foods that are easier to eat in amounts up to harmful and that, to make matters worse, we can not stop eating. Just as people become addicted to alcohol, drugs or launch parachute, also you can get addicted to food.

food addiction

Experts say addiction to food is handled neurobiological level as addiction to drugs, gambling or alcohol. And this type of foods that we describe now, releases dopamine as any drug, on stimulating the pleasure center of your brain, so attentive:

Fast food: High in fat, with unpronounceable additives and where at most, a french fry is anything but a real pope.

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