How to detox your body?

detox your body

Are you feeling lethargic or tired? Do you suffer from skin disorders, get sick quickly or have digestive problems? Do you have trouble losing weight? It might be a good idea to go on a detox.

detox your body

There are so many different kinds of detoxes that it might be hard to know which one to choose – thin tea detox, smoothie detox or soup detox.

Detoxing has been around for centuries but only recently has it gained a lot of attention and become popular. Detoxing is a way of cleansing your body from the inside out. This results in removal of toxins, cleaning and nourishing your body and then feeding it with healthy food and essential nutrients.

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Supplements for Energy and Weight Loss

supplements for energy

The weight loss industry is worth billions of dollars. A cursory search along the supplement aisle in the supermarket will show you hundreds of products that are designed to enhance the production of lean muscle mass and help you lose weight simultaneously.

However, many people don’t like using supplements. They believe in using all-natural products in order to maximize their impact and sculpt a strong-looking body. Many believe using substances that are infused with chemicals isn’t a wise idea.

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How to stay healthy and change our lifestyle habits

stay healthy

The number one killer in the majority of developed countries is not a murderer, a terrorist, or even a gun-wielding maniac. It’s heart disease. Why would a seemingly age-related disease be so prevalent among those over 40? The answer is bad lifestyle choices. One of the deadliest diseases in modern history is caused by our … Read more

The Most Effective Types of Supplements to Start Building Muscle Mass

types of supplements

Specialised supplements for gym goers comes in many forms and are meant to help build muscle mass in a natural way – by providing the body with the necessary nutrition, in order to protect the existing muscle cells and boost the volume, thus increasing the lean mass. These are meant to cover your nutrition and energy needs when training hard day after day.

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Benefits of drinking coffee daily

drinking coffee daily

According to numerous studies, many people like to drink at least one cup of coffee a day and quite a number of them report to not being able to start their day without it. Even though there is a lot of news stating coffee is not good for our heart and our overall health, there is a lot more research proving that this drink can actually be good for us in many ways.

drinking coffee daily

You can get a cup of freshly brewed coffee straight from the local coffee shop or even have them made at your very own coffee machines Melbourne. Keep reading to find out why this bitter, dark coloured beverage is a hot favourite amongst many morning commuters and why you should be drinking a cup of it every day.

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How to know if you have appendicitis: its symptoms

symptoms of appendicitis

Probably one of the words most feared by many people, especially those who have had a case closely, mainly because it can become a really serious condition, and because it is – in fact one of the most common causes of emergency surgery. We speak of appendicitis, which medically is the inflammation of the appendix, a small pouch connected to the large intestine of approximately 8 centimeters approximately.

symptoms of appendicitis

Usually it occurs when the opening of the appendix is blocked, either by the presence of feces or by a foreign body, and on rare occasions by the presence of a tumor. It can occur at any age, although it is much more common among 10 to 30 years, being more difficult to diagnose in children, women in fertile age and the elderly. In fact, in women of childbearing age it is much more difficult because certain gynecological disorders (such as an ectopic pregnancy, the process of ovulation during the menstrual cycle or torsion of an ovarian cyst) may present with abdominal pain without fever.

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What is mycosis: Causes, symptoms and treatment

causes of mycosis

The mycosis is basically different diseases caused by microscopic fungi, which tend to multiply on the skin surface (superficial mycosis) or do so at own organs. When this disease appears for the first time are common relapses, while medical treatment tends to be generally quite long.

That is, we are faced with fungal diseases. These are also known by the names of fungal infections, and characterized by frequent and contagious diseases, but that can be curable by administering adequate medical treatment.

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Physical therapy: Radiation, ultrasound, magnetic therapy, balneotherapy

applications of physical therapy

What is physical therapy?

We call physical therapy to all those which use physical media (radiations, heat, cold, etc.) to perform its therapeutic action. Within physical therapies we can consider different sections:

applications of physical therapy

  • Therapy with non-ionizing radiation (which do not exert direct damage to cells, as if it can do ionizing radiation: among others, ultraviolet rays, X-rays, gamma rays), which are mainly: infrared, microwave, and laser
  • Therapy with pressure waves (ultrasonic)
  • Electrotherapy
  • Magnet therapy, and
  • Hydrotherapy.

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5 foods that help strengthen your joints

strengthen joints

Every athlete has suffered in some moment some injury to articulate as a result of an excess of exercise, poor training or inadequate warm up. These are annoying lesions that involve pain and inflammations causing the athlete have ceased its activity to get a proper recovery.

strengthen joints

But what power can do in this regard? A good joint health also depends on proper nutrition, as some foods have certain properties that can help maintain it.

Water: The joints are bathed in synovial fluid, which allows to reduce the friction between the cartilage and other tissues, quilting them and lubricating them in the movement. Water intake contributes to synthesize the synovial fluid and get adequate lubrication to articulate level. It is therefore very important to take an adequate intake of water or isotonic drinks before, during and after exercise. Drink 2L of water a day is enough to meet the body’s needs.

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Pneumonia: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

pneumonia treatment

The pneumonia is a common disease of the respiratory system, often derived from a previous infection, such as flu or strep throat. Although pneumonia can be cured also it can have serious consequences if not properly diagnosed or treated, being responsible for a high number of deaths per year.

pneumonia treatment

Pneumonia is a disease that affects both adults and children, so we must be alert to the presence of this symptoms. In this article we will detail to you what are the signs of this respiratory condition, why arises and how its treatment is.

Basically it involves inflammation of the lungs as a result of an infection caused by a virus or bacteria. As we know in the following sections, symptoms tend to be characteristic to severe pain usually occur on the affected side of the chest.

In addition, it becomes one of the infections that commonly cause the hospitalization.

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