What is Sundown Syndrome?

sundown syndrome

The Sundowning, also known as Sundown Syndrome is a feature of some cases of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in which symptoms and behavioral changes occur simultaneously with the sunset. To learn what it is, why it happens and how to catch it early in elderly, whether or not these have been diagnosed with neurological or dementia disorders.

sundown syndrome

What is Sundown Syndrome and why it happens?

The sundowning is a fairly common phenomenon among patients with Alzheimer’s, dementia and other diseases of geriatric medicine, characterized by the presence of behavioral changes and cognitive in the last hours of the afternoon and into the evening. Patients may become irritable, aggressive, depressive, or also present problems of memory and cognition that, usually are generally absent in the daytime.

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How to respond to a medical emergency

medical emergency

What is a medical emergency

In medical emergencies, we must act quickly and very efficiently. There are many common errors that are most often committed, only due to ignorance. Therefore, here are some tips to know how to act in emergencies, without worsening the injury or condition, and in the best possible way.

medical emergency

An emergency or medical emergency is that condition or situation that requires immediate medical attention. If you are a health professional, you surely know how to act. But if you’re not (even if you have some other knowledge, but you’re not a trained physician), you should know how to control the situation and notify the service, so that the person in trouble can expect the service without further complications.

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What is Preeclampsia, symptoms, causes and how to detect it


If you have heard of the preeclampsia, perhaps you will know that it is a disorder that occurs during pregnancy.

It generates a set of symptoms that can affect both mother and baby. Depending on the severity of each case, there are various treatments to address this problem.


However, less is known about the causes of this disease. If you are pregnant it is therefore good that you internalize on major risk factors that produce preeclampsia and what are the signals that must be attentive.

What is preeclampsia?

Preeclampsia is a condition that occurs during pregnancy, affecting about 15% of pregnant women. It consists of a rise tension caused by pregnancy. It is a potentially dangerous condition for both the mother and baby and can damage the liver, kidneys and the coagulation system of the mother.

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Why Do You Have A Low Sex Drive?

low self esteem

If you believed everything you read in the media, you would think it impossible that any man could have a low sex drive. Men are sexual beings, aren’t they? Yes, men, like women, are sexual beings. And, like women, men also suffer from a low libido. You could well be one of the many thousands of men that are dealing with this condition, and you want it to stop. To make it stop, you need to understand why the conditions exist in the first place. Below are the reasons why you have a low sex drive and how to treat it.

low self esteem

Low Self-Esteem

Again, this is a condition that most people don’t associate with men. Men don’t care about their looks or about how they feel – they just get on with life. That is a myth because men are just as susceptible to low self-esteem as anyone else. And, like everyone else, it affects their sex drive. If your confidence is low, your sex drive will lower too. The two are directly linked because you feel your most sexual when you feel your most confident.

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Remedies for prostate cancer

symptoms of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in the prostate; gland the size of a walnut, located below the bladder and produces the fluid portion of semen.

symptoms of prostate cancer

Initially, the tumor remains within the outer capsule of the prostate, but with increasing size, is spread through the capsule and into the tissues surrounding the prostate.

Cancer cells also can be inferred from the primary tumor.

The lymphatic ganglion, near to the prostate, traps and becomes secondary tumors, or metastases. In addition, the tumor can spread through the blood vessels, producing metastases in the back, spine and pelvis…

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Six good tips for taking medicines properly

tips for taking medicine

When speaking of “complete treatment” doctors often think that patients have no more doubts. However many times this is not so and patients must deal with questions and problems of all kinds: from the lack of money for access to the complete series of drugs up to think, in good faith, they already feel better and not further treatment is necessary or, simply, is complex comply with a medicines that involves various pills at various times.

tips for taking medicine

Problems related to the right taking medicines called technically “lack of adherence to treatment” and in many cases this problem can cause a disease take longer to heal or cause complications or reduce the quality of patient life.

The antibiotics

With certain medications is, yet, more important to complete the next decision cycle strictly as indicated by your doctor. Typically occurs with antibiotics after a few days of taking them, the patient feel better, saw their improved and be tempted to stop the pills thinking that the disease “is now cured”.

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Tips for take care a patient at home

take care a patient

We can not always count on help from a professional to care for a patient in our home. Learn the basics to do so it will make us feel safer and yet we can contribute efficiently to that person. To do best, today we provide tips on caring for a patient at home.

take care a patient

Care of patients at home
When caring for someone at home must be taken into account:

  • Age
  • Sex
  • Physical disabilities
  • Attitudes and feelings about their illness
  • Diagnosis of disease
  • Patient’s physical condition.

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Signs And Symptoms of Egg Allergy

symptoms of egg allergy

The egg has a high nutritional value, due to the high amount of proteins it contains. It provides all the essential amino acids that our body needs for a good nutritional status. It contains vitamins A, B and D, and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and zinc. But, what happens if you are allergic?

We know that allergies affect millions of people worldwide, and there are all kinds. Some of the most common allergies are to food when consumed or simply manipulated generates an adverse reaction to the body. Therefore we must be attentive to the presence of certain symptoms and signs as we could be allergic to a particular food, and unknowingly continue consuming what affects us. Today we discuss in detail one of these foods: the chicken egg.

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Zika virus: What it is, symptoms, causes and treatment

zika virus

In recent weeks the news about a virus known popularly with the name of Zika virus has begun to appear in the majority of media around the world, causing alarm and alert in the town to become an emerging virus at the high number of cases for some time they have been recorded in different countries, even to cause the emergency committee of the wHO (World Health Organization) should meet urgency to treat all information collected so far.

zika virus

It is true that we are facing an unknown virus so far for the majority of the population, but on which there originally recorded for decades. In fact the virus was first identified in 1947 in Uganda, specifically in the forests of Zika, discovered in a Rhesus Monkey when it carried out a study on the transmission of yellow fever in the jungle.

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