How to know if you have appendicitis: its symptoms

symptoms of appendicitis

Probably one of the words most feared by many people, especially those who have had a case closely, mainly because it can become a really serious condition, and because it is – in fact one of the most common causes of emergency surgery. We speak of appendicitis, which medically is the inflammation of the appendix, a small pouch connected to the large intestine of approximately 8 centimeters approximately.

symptoms of appendicitis

Usually it occurs when the opening of the appendix is blocked, either by the presence of feces or by a foreign body, and on rare occasions by the presence of a tumor. It can occur at any age, although it is much more common among 10 to 30 years, being more difficult to diagnose in children, women in fertile age and the elderly. In fact, in women of childbearing age it is much more difficult because certain gynecological disorders (such as an ectopic pregnancy, the process of ovulation during the menstrual cycle or torsion of an ovarian cyst) may present with abdominal pain without fever.

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