Optic neuritis: What is the cause and treatment?

optic neuritis

We are facing a disease, more common among women aged between 15 and 45 years, caused by inflammation of the optic nerve and loss manifests itself in just a few days, of the vision of one eye, but also can be affected both.

optic neuritis

Optic neuritis may result in loss of up to 20-30% of visual acuity and, in some cases, cause pain in the eye to make a move. What symptoms can alert us that something is wrong, how is optic neuritis?

Although a few weeks the symptoms may remit, it is necessary to avoid the relapse and, above all, keep in mind that the optic neuritis can be caused by the understanding of the optic nerve and even be a sign that anticipates multiple sclerosis.

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How to Clean the brackets

clean the brackets

The use of brackets makes it somewhat more complicated the task of brushing, and just happens to be more vital. Let’s see how to brush teeth with braces to keep them clean and healthy.

clean the brackets

The brackets are an invention that will give us a new set of teeth and will change our smile, greatly improving our image. But the success of this tool of orthodontics depends in good part of the cleaning and brushing, and today we will teach you how it is done.

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Blood test: what reveals to us?

blood test

Glucose, cholesterol levels, levels that determine the state of our liver and kidney and, of course, the levels of red blood cells and platelets. They are some of the information about our health that is going to throw the results of a blood test. Before alarmed by a value or a result we do not understand, you should consult your doctor, as normal values may be reflected in different ways according to the criteria established by the laboratory performing the analysis.

blood test

Did you know that a blood test may include more than a thousand of words whose meaning is beyond our control? Among them, there are a few known to us, such as blood cells, i.e., red cells, white cells and platelets. The red blood cells (RBCs, erythrocytes) have the function entrusted to transport oxygen to the body cells.

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Prevent or relieve heartburn symptoms in pregnancy

heartburn symptoms in pregnancy

Many intestinal disorders are common in pregnant women and the acidity is one of the most common, we tell you how you can prevent or relieve heartburn.

Heartburn and indigestion in pregnancy
Indigestion and heartburn are diseases that arise at some point of pregnancy in most women.

Causes of indigestion and heartburn in pregnancy
Although indigestion has the same reasons in a woman, being or not pregnant (food and drink in excess), there are also other reasons why pregnant women suffer from it more often. What happens during the pregnancy is that the hormones that increase during this state, make the intestine is relax and therefore begin to work more slowly, its favors the formation of gases, creating a burning sensation felt by pregnant women.

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How to brush children’s teeth

brush children teeth

Proper brushing, from an early age, encourages the development of healthy and strong teeth.

brush children teeth

Before the birth of the first tooth, cleaning should start from the gums, and varying the method as the first teeth are appearing. Initially, to clean baby’s teeth once a day is enough is the ideal time for the night, before bed and after the last bottle.

The milk teeth are as important as the definitive ones. This is, because if the milk teeth possess caries, the bacteria that produce it go on to the definitive tooth affecting it.

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Home remedies to eliminate Gingivitis

eliminate gingivitis

Gingivitis is manifested by inflammation, swelling and bleeding of the gum tissue caused by plaque which is then converted into tartar. This plaque contains bacteria and toxins that irritate and destroy gum tissue.

eliminate gingivitis

Causes that favor the occurrence of gingivitis

  • Improper oral hygiene
  • Emotional stress
  • Hormonal imbalances such as pregnancy, menstruation, and hormonal changes of adolescence
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Diseases such as diabetes and osteoporosis
  • Medications such as antibiotics and anticoagulants.

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Avoid varicose veins during pregnancy

varicose veins during pregnancy

Improve circulation, especially in the legs, during pregnancy, is essential if we wish to avoid the appearance of varicose veins and its complications.

varicose veins during pregnancy

Varicose veins in pregnancy
The veins, has the function of transporting blood that has used our bodies to feed and oxygenate back towards the heart, to oxygenate its way through the lungs.

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Relieve the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome

carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that occurs when the narrow passageway, through which pass nerves, veins and muscles to move the hand, is compressed by a repetitive task, normally produced in the workplace.

carpal tunnel syndrome

Treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome
According to specialists, the treatment to relieve the symptoms of this syndrome varies according to the seriousness and the degree of intensity of pain. For example, if the pain and tingling are just beginning, the treatment is to change hand position, stretching exercises and put some ice on your wrist to undo inflammation.

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What is laser resurfacing? Is It Right for You?

laser resurfacing

Are you upset with the appearance of your skin? Acne scarring, and minor facial flaws can be easily treated with laser resurfacing. Using a laser to smooth the skin will improve your appearance and can give you back the confidence you used to have.

laser resurfacing

There are two basic types of lasers used in Palm Beach laser resurfacing offices, they include:

  1. Ablative laser – this laser will remove layers of your skin.
  2. Nonablative laser – this laser will help to tighten your skin and will stimulate collagen growth.

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Get rid of bad smell in the feet

bad smell in the feet

The bad smell in the feet is disorder caused by infections and excessive sweating. Sometimes, it causes in the person who suffers from drawbacks in their social relationships.

bad smell in the feet

Foot odor causes
The bad smell in the feet can cause consequences in social work and, as the person who suffers often feel limited in their social relations, as it is aware of the strong odor given off their feet.

This excessive sweating with strong odor is not more than the result of the increase of organisms together with other factors. To avoid this, we just have to follow the following guidelines carefully.

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