Consume vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin, so named because it dissolves in water. Let’s see where to increase the daily dose.

Vitamin C is not stored in the body, so it is essential to have a regular intake of it so that our body does not lack the same.

As the excess of water soluble vitamins are eliminated through the urine, not risk causing the excess of vitamin toxicity to the body.

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Consume vitamin B

consume vitamin B

Vitamin B, like C, is water soluble, that means they are dissolved in water. Storage thereof in the body is minimal, making it necessary to ingest in our daily diet.

consume vitamin B

Too much of this vitamin is excreted in the urine (mostly). This guide will help you know what foods and what is the function of each type of vitamin B.

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How to consume vitamin E

consume vitamin E

Vitamin E is fat soluble. Such vitamin dissolved in fats and oils and stored in adipose tissue and liver. In our body it acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from the harmful effects caused by free radicals but also stimulates our immune system helping it to protect us from viruses and bacteria, among many other functions.

consume vitamin E

Given the importance of their performance, when we do not consume sufficient vitamin E with our diet we can suffer some problems, hence the importance of vitamin capsules to supply these deficiencies.

Importance of vitamin E

Vitamin E is more important than we imagine. It is fat-soluble (also belong to this type of vitamins A and D), stored in the liver and fatty tissues. This allows us to go consuming reserves so that our body does not suffer the consequences of its failure.

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Habits to increase your defenses

green leafy vegetables

In these months of cold and temperature changes, it is important that our immune system is well prepared. Therefore, it is suitable that attention you lend to your defenses and extra contributions help to your body. Continue reading and discover the habits and foods that will help you.

green leafy vegetables

The power is more than essential to have defenses in good shape. Nutrition experts recommend contributes to our body vitamin A, C, E and minerals such as zinc or iron, to encourage our immune response.

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Does low mood? Perhaps you are missing vitamin B1

low mood

Do you feel listless, irritable or weak? One possible cause is that you lack vitamin B1, which helps transform carbohydrates into energy. It affects the nervous system, in intellectual ability and mood. Check if you take all that you need.

low mood

How much do we need

The recommended daily allowance for adults is between 1.1 mg for women and 1.5 mg for men, although there are conditions that may increase this amount, such as pregnancy and the period of lactation or stages in which we carry out a great physical effort. The best way to make a contribution just follow a balanced diet, rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and as varied as possible.

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Food is key for people with HIV

foods for HIV

Food in persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is very important.

foods for HIV

As a metabolic disease is not common to associate HIV with food, but a proper diet is very important because it helps slow the symptoms generated by this ailment.

It should take into account several concepts to take care of the patient nutritionally and health giving a strict diet with specific foods.

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Vitamin D, a good ally!

vitamin D

It’s no secret the importance of vitamins and nutrients in our diet, and without them our health is compromised. But it is clear that each group offers different contributions, discover all they have for you vitamin D.

vitamin D

The summer day brings more relaxed, warm and lots of outdoor options, but also opens a window to improve our health and it is precisely thanks to sun that our skin is able to produce vitamin D, essential to keep our bones strong and improve the appearance of teeth.

But this is not its only function; it is also closely linked with calcium absorption as it increases making them inseparable companions. Our body is also benefit to including it in the diet to increase the absorption of phosphorus.

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Evening primrose oil: Vitamin E and premenstrual syndrome

evening primrose oil

Today I remember a fatty acid that give very useful in Orthomolecular Nutrition and helps improve PMS. The evening primrose, associated with vitamin E.

evening primrose oil

The Evening Primrose is a plant whose qualities have been so little known eighties. But research conducted in the early eighties showed that evening primrose oil has some interesting medicinal properties.

The oil extracted from the seeds of evening primrose is very rich in essential fatty acids among which linoleic acid essential for the stability of the membranes of cells throughout the body, for neural development, to balance the hormonal system and the regulation of blood coagulation among other functions.

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What to do to reduce the effect of a cold?

cold effect

Usually when you get hit by a cold, it lasts seven days; following are some tips to reduce this time:

cold effect

Take more vitamin D for three days
The decrease of vitamin D in the body is known among people who live in cold regions and as soon as the temperature begins to fall. What makes the body vulnerable against viruses.

More Vitamin G
Vitamin G increases the body’s immunity and therefore more strength to fight the virus by stimulating white blood cells. One study found that this vitamin increases the power of white blood cells in its attack against the causes of the disease.

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