Anxiety: Concept, types and how to treat


Anxiety and fear are two related but not equivalent concepts.

Fear is a normal body reaction to situations involving an external threat, since an increase in heart rate and level of alertness of the organism and other characteristic signs we have all experienced at one time when we felt threatened or endangered.


Anxiety: What it is

Anxiety is an unpleasant sensation accompanied by signs and symptoms similar to those found when we feel afraid, due to increased secretion of corticosteroids in the adrenal glands and by activation of the sympathetic nervous system with the release of adrenaline and noradrenalin, among others neurotransmitters and hormones.

Anxiety occurs in response to stress; it may be due to various circumstances, of such work, family, etc.

A certain level of anxiety is healthy and adaptive and allows us to cope with adverse life circumstances and solve problems that we encounter.

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Week 5 of pregnancy

5 week pregnancy

This stage of your little one is especially exciting must follow the pregnancy week by week, because his heart has independently developed and may soon begin to beat. Important members such as blood vessels, the spine, the digestive and brain are also now being developed, spine, digestive system and brain.

5 week pregnancy

Baby development
This is a very important moment for your child. In the fifth week the embryo has developed between 0.5 to 1 millimeter in a small oval plate. Now it seems rather like a small flying saucer from another world. It consists of three embryonic germ layers or (ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm), from which the various organs develop.

The external germinal layer cells to form the developing nervous system, sensory system and skin. The mesoderm (embryonic layer media) develops the heart, vascular system and connective tissue (CT). Endoderm layer (innermost embryonic tissue) develop internal organs as the intestines, lungs and reproductive system. In the middle of the inside of the embryo, there is a slight thickening, a neuronal line that later will develop your child’s nervous system.

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How to prevent childhood obesity

prevent childhood obesity

Recent studies show that following a few simple habits, parents can prevent childhood obesity. Some of the simplest and most important are:

prevent childhood obesity

Teach by example
One survey found that children whose parents decide to stay in shape are much more likely to have a healthy weight. There is nothing worse that tell a child what they need to do and what not to do it yourself.

Not say “clean your plate”
Young children instinctively know how much food they need. This instinct may disappear, however, when parents of children serve too large portions or push to eat more. A study illustrates this: When children three years of age were served a larger portion than usual of macaroni and cheese, eat only until hunger was satisfied. Encourage children to eat enough to satisfy their appetites and stop them before they are actually full.

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Reasons why you should eat watermelon


The warm weather arrives and with it come back on the market fruits and vegetables that are healthy and not to be missed in the daily diet. One is the watermelon. But why are you eating?


The answer is simple. The watermelon is a fruit which is characterized by nutrition as well as by presenting a number of high water; approximately 93% is water, giving rise to be advisable to be consumed in slimming diets by its low calories: approximately 20 per 100 grams. It is also very satiating.

But also has carbohydrates, fiber, potassium necessary for the nervous system and muscle activity, magnesium, folic acid and beta carotene. And a big plus is that it contains lycopene, a pigment that gives you that pink tone and has excellent antioxidant properties.

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Diet against prostate cancer

prevent prostate cancer

Let’s see how we can protect the prostate and prevent serious diseases with a proper diet. A wide variety of foods that help a maintenance of this important gland in men.

prevent prostate cancer

More and more studies showing the importance of diet in preventing prostate cancer, a disease that unfortunately afflicts more and more men. We know for example that eating too much red meat or animal fats in general contributes to the appearance of the tumor.

What foods are recommended?

Foods rich in Vitamin E: Vitamin E, among other properties, is anti-inflammatory and inhibition the growth of cancer cells. It is therefore appropriate to prevent inflammation of the prostate, it has antitumor properties capable of inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.

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Asthma: causes, symptoms and consequences

asthma attack

The asthma is a very serious problem because it causes the airways to swell becoming narrower. This leads to symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath or chest tightness, among others. When someone is presented with an asthma attack what is happening is that the muscles surrounding the airways, are in tension so that the coating of these, you end up inflaming.

asthma attack

In people who are very sensitive, these asthma attacks may be caused by allergens. Among those not so, the asthma can be triggered by:

  • Animals (pet dander or fur)
  • Dust
  • Changes in weather (most often cold weather)
  • Chemicals in the air or in food
  • Exercise
  • Mold
  • Pollen
  • Respiratory infections like the common cold
  • Strong emotions (stress)
  • Snuff smoke
  • Aspirin

The majority of people, who suffer from asthma, do not have attacks every day or known when he will. Some are even long periods without suffering them.

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What are styes and how to deal


The Styes are caused by an inflammation of glands located in the bottom of the tabs. When these glands are blocked, fluid builds up and the area becomes inflamed. When inflammation arises not on the basis of the tabs, but rather in the interior of the eyelid (usually the upper one), then also called chalazion.


Usually does not cause any serious complication, although it is very annoying for those who suffer, as the inflamed area is in direct contact with the eye, which is an extremely sensitive area of ​​the body. But, as always, it is best to go to a doctor to guide us on the exact nature of the disease.

What causes styes?
The most common cause of this inflammation is the presence of a bacterium, to proliferate, it clogs the sebaceous glands. Of all bacteria, the most common is the Staphylococcus aureus.

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Arthritis or joint pain


The arthritis is when one or more joints become inflamed. A joint is the point at which two bones meet.

What is joint pain?
The joint pain is caused most often by some types of injuries or conditions without apparent cause, which can be quite annoying for the sufferer.


The rheumatoid arthritis is a autoimmune disorder makes joints stiff and cause pain to the sufferer. The osteoarthritis comes to giving, when it degenerate the joint cartilage or growth bone spurs. This is very common in people over 45 years and can cause joint pain.

The joint pain can also come from inflammation of the bags.

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Care for your teeth

teeth care

Oral health is an important aspect because it has influence on the overall health of our body, which is why the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene habits.

teeth care

If you want to show off a healthy smile should consider the following:

  • Check if your teeth are clean and has no food waste.
  • The gums should be pink and should not bleed or hurt while you brush.
  • Bad breath should not be a constant problem.

It is important to see your doctor immediately if you notice any symptoms of decay, bad breath or bleeding gums when you brush your teeth.

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Vision problems in older

vision problem

Although we can all have vision loss at some point, the elderly and children are the people most often suffer.

vision problem

Children can detect easily the loss of vision, and its notes will begin to get worse or perhaps always poor grades were due to a poor vision. It is advisable that you check the view children often, they complain of this or not. Frequent headaches, may also cause of poor vision.

The largest yet not complain about their vision problems and most of the times even hide it, but all they end up having a problem. As children, it is also advisable that accompanies the revised view, since in most cases the difficulty seeing, and causes it to fall at home or lack the confidence to perform well on the street, which can make suddenly have a different behavior with others.

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