Home Remedies for Tonsillitis


The tonsillitis – commonly called angina – is a condition that occurs when our tonsils become inflamed as a result of an assault by some kind of virus or bacteria. This situation generates a scenario where it is usual to have symptoms such as pain, discomfort, fever or even infections.


Since this part of our body is one of the first lines of defense so that external bodies do not penetrate the inside of our body, we must take care of it as soon as possible once it is inflamed. With this objective in mind, we can resort to a series of home remedies of easy preparation.

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Signs that you have lack of protein

lack of protein

Do you have tiredness or lack of energy? You’re perhaps not feeding well and your diet is low in protein and don’t know it. Here we explains the fundamental role of proteins in our diet, and even despite the fact that the common is to eat them in excess, there is also the other extreme where its absence or deprivation wreak havoc on our body. Here are five signs that indicate you are missing proteins.

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Reasons of why your fingers are always cold

fingers always cold

When it is cold and the temperature is low, it is normal that our fingers to be cold, because the limbs receive less blood pressure because it is focused more on the vital organs.

But what happens when our fingers are always cold even though the temperature is warm. The reasons can be more than one.

Raynaud’s Disorder

Raynaud’s disorder is a rare condition in which there is a narrowing of the blood vessels in the fingers (sometimes also the toes and the nose), which causes the fingers to cool down, become white, then blue and once the blood flow returns it turn red; we also feel numbness and tingling.

The good thing that Raynaud’s disorder is transient, can be avoided with a change of diet, wearing gloves and avoiding emotional stress, which is almost always the cause of this evil.

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The lowdown on dentistry sedation

dentistry sedation

For some people, it’s one of the scariest visits they’ll make all year. For others, the dentist is a medical necessity. In a lot of cases a bout of sedation is required to at least numb the potential pain although few of us know exactly how this happens. When we do arrive in the practice, … Read more

Nutrition in childhood cancer

nutritional status of children

The nutritional status of children with cancer is of great importance, because both cancer and its treatment can affect the child’s appetite, tolerance to food and the body’s ability to absorb nutrients.

nutritional status of children

A suitable nutrition can improve the clinical evolution, outcome and quality of life of patients undergoing cancer treatment. Recommendations during treatment may focus on eating foods high in energy, protein and micronutrients to help maintain nutritional status. The habitual nutritional advices include eating many fruit, vegetables and cereals, with a moderate consumption of meat, fatty products and milk derivatives.

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Foods that can cause swelling

cause swelling

Many people know that foods high in fat cause stomach bloating and heaviness, but they are not the only ones. A recent study discovered a group of foods that can also be the cause of that annoying swelling. Let’s know what they are, because it cause swelling and we should avoid it.

cause swelling

It is said that probiotics that contains the yogurt operate as a stomach soothing, worse some types of yogurt may be doing more harm than good. Some dairy products contain levels of lactose sugar molecule, which in turn produce gas bubbles and swelling. Not all yogurts are bad, if they are below 12 grams of sugar may be out of this list, unfortunately most exceeds 30 grams.

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Restoring the Lost Firmness of Your Skin

lost firmness of your skin

Aging brings with it different problems, with our facial skin being affected at the most and it starts to sag. Sadly, our face is highly noticeable and any simple issue can be detected in the blink of an eye. Fine lines, wrinkles and other aging signs are there to spoil your look.

lost firmness of your skin

Stop aging with perfect treatments
Thankfully, there are enough options available in Melbourne as well as in Mornington, Victoria to treat aging skin. Professional experts of cosmetic injections Mornington clinics will help clients to have a younger looking flawless and healthy skin with modern and advanced treatments. They offer a range of treatments that include anti-wrinkle injections, dermal fillers and hyperhidrosis. All of these procedures are proven highly effective in restoring a sagging and aging skin to its tight and youthful state.

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Rejuvenate Your Skin to Help Younger Layers Resurface

rejuvenate your skin

Skin with a bad appearance and problems, like scaling, spots, acne scars, dryness and blemishes, is not a bad skin all throughout its deeper layers. These are usually problems of the surface layers and can be removed through specialised procedures. Two of such specialised procedures are dermabrasion and microdermabrasion.

rejuvenate your skin

Is microdermabrasion an invasive, potentially harmful procedure?
No. Microdermabrasion is non-invasive, does not employ surgical means or chemicals that can harm you. It uses microcrystals that are sprayed onto the surface of your skin, to remove a more or less thick layer of dead cells, dry skin and scars. The procedure resembles sanding your skin; only that it is milder and acts at a micro level. These are very tiny exfoliating crystals we are talking about. Dermabrasion, however, uses a special instrument along with anesthetics to get the job done. Both represent exfoliation procedures that rejuvenate skin and help younger, healthier layers resurface.

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Things You Can Do If Baldness is Setting in

balding head

Hair loss can be a difficult time for anyone, the idea of your hair disappearing before your eyes is tough to take. You may have seen it coming for sometime, extra hair coming out in the shower or you may have seen that hairline gradually receding for some years. As the early signs of baldness start to set in, so too does panic and it is in this moment that you need to start thinking about what you are going to do about your inevitable baldness. If you are in this situation right now then here are some steps that you can take to approach your balding head.

balding head

Embrace it
An option that many take is simply to embrace it, get the hair clippers out and shave off what you have left. The biggest crime when it comes to going bald is not to accept it, there are many out there who try to cover up their bald spots by sweeping hair over the gap, this never looks very good and embracing it is a far better option. It will be difficult at first but after a few years your friends will be making comments like “I can’t remember what you looked like with hair”, that’s where you need to get to in order to feel truly comfortable.

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Known Ways That You Can Reduce Your Risk of Cancer

risk of cancer

The statistics for people who have or people who know someone who suffer from cancer are startlingly high, thankfully the last 20 years have seen some incredible advancements in cancer care and treatment and the number of people who now die from cancer related illnesses has come down by up to 75% in some forms of cancer and the improvements continue to be made year on year.

risk of cancer

Whilst medical treatment can give you amazing results should you find yourself with cancer, the onus is still on you to do all that you can to cut your risk. Even cancers that are hereditary can be avoided for a longer period of time if you live your life right and here are just some of the ways that you can cut your risk of cancer.

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