The more curious myths on cold and flu

myths on cold and flu

Did you know that you can catch cold in summer and winter? In fact, one might almost say that we can all catch cold practically all year. We just need a body to ‘infect’, a virus that spread it and weakened defenses. Once these three questions come into contact, everything is done. However, it is true that in winter tend to produce more cases fundamentally for several reasons: the combination of cold and low humidity, tend to live longer at home and indoors, is more common than our dry nose more easily by making them more susceptible to the virus…

myths on cold and flu

But in summer it is also possible to catch a cold. For example, just a little sweats on the street as a result of high temperatures and sun, and walk into a store or a house with strong air conditioning. The sudden change in temperature affect negatively our defenses, so that makes us more susceptible to infection from the viruses that cause colds or flu.

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Swollen lymph: Why enlarge

swollen lymph

The immune system of our body is a complex system made up of different structures, viscera and organs that work in harmony with a purpose: protect our body from external aggressions of infectious agents (both viruses and bacteria), and in some cases directly involved in various important functions such as acting as a filter circulation or participate in the transport and absorption of nutrients. This is the case of the spleen, formed by cells, especially by-lymphocytes and blood we found in the abdomen to the right of the stomach.

swollen lymph

The lymph nodes are also part of our immune system. They consist of small, oval and encapsulated structures that are interspersed throughout the course of the lymphatic vessels, sometimes quite scattered throughout our body and in some areas are grouped in larger numbers (that is what happens to areas such as the neck, armpits and groin). Inside we find fibrous trabeculae through which flows the lymph.

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Eye pain: Can it hurt or annoy?

eye pain

We can see through the eyes, these visual organs able to detect light and convert it into electrochemical impulses that then travel through the neurons. They consist of a complex system that captures optimal light intensity regulated through the iris, focus the lens thanks to the lens in order to form the image, and then converted into a set of electrical signals that ultimately reach the brain through of neural pathways connecting through optimal nerve.

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Vaginal bleeding without menstruation: what is that?

abnormal vaginal bleeding

The menstruation (also known by the names of period) is the bleeding that women have when the egg is not fertilized, which was expelled from the ovary to be fertilized. It occurs as part of the menstrual cycle of women, and we can consider it as a normal vaginal bleeding. This bleeding can be excessive and abundant (what is medically known as menorrhagia) or be totally and absolutely normal.

abnormal vaginal bleeding

Menstruation is part of the menstrual cycle, which begins on the first day of menstruation and tends to last around 28 days, although a cycle may actually last for between 23 to 35 days, be completely regular, however stays ahead or delayed.

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Starting Your Family down the Path to a Healthier Lifestyle

path to healthier lifestyle

Nothing is more important to you than the wellbeing of your family. That being the case, you can’t help but be bothered by the increasingly unhealthy lifestyle your loved ones lead. An utter lack of exercise and no regard for nutrition have turned your partner and children into bone fide couch potatoes.

path to healthier lifestyle

Rather than allow this unsettling trend to continue, why not take measures to improve their quality of life? When looking for ways to promote a healthy lifestyle in your nearest and dearest, you can’t go wrong with the following tips.

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3 Types of Joint Replacement Surgery

joint replacement

A number of different factors could lead to you needing a joint replacement. Heredity is one such factor, as some people are simply born more prone to these problems. In other cases, abnormalities can form while the joints are forming, leading to issues as you age. Finally, injuries are a factor in joint replacement. In some cases, minor, repetitive injuries are the cause, while in other situations a severe trauma damages the joint.

joint replacement

Hip Replacement

About 24,000 Americans have their hips replaced every year. In the majority of cases, hip replacement therapy is required after the surgery. Usually, hip replacement is performed when severe arthritis makes changes to the hip joint, making it almost impossible to walk without pain.

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How to measure obesity and to know if you’re fat

measure obesity

To measure obesity, how to know if you’re fat, body mass index, waist circumference, body fat and indicators of obesity.

measure obesity

Instrumental methods of measurement of obesity

Anthropometric, based on the realization of body measurements.

  • Weight and height.
  • Measurement of skin folds, held exerting a fold compression of subcutaneous fat in a particular location.
  • Measurement of perimeters or circumferences of the waist and of the hip. The measure of the average arm circumference is used for the assessment of the individual muscle mass.
  • Measure the diameters of bone in the elbow or wrist that is used to define the “Constitution of the individual” that reflects the contribution of the skeletal proportions.

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5 effective remedies for stomach pain

alleviate stomach pain

The stomach pain can be caused by several reasons. Generally, those abdominal ailments that have a mild or moderate nature tend to be caused by an excess of gas, for constipation, by the suffering of an influenza process, caused by indigestion or intoxication with food that we have eaten. Since any of these cases, we could treat these minor ailments with homemade, traditional or natural remedies. In any other circumstances, it is more accurate and manifesting.

alleviate stomach pain

Remedies to alleviate stomach pain

  1. Make cooking 30 grams of chamomile flowers in a quart of water for about twenty minutes. Once prepared the mixture, only we ingesting it in the case of feeling pains in the stomach after eating a very abundant meal.
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What foods to eat during menopause

food during menopause

The menopause is a phase of life that every woman fears that comes because the body changes dramatically due to a hormonal revolution that result in symptoms such as hot flashes or headaches. In many occasions a considerable weight gain, which is why it is important to know what foods should take and what you should remove from your diet routine.

food during menopause

Foods you can eat during menopause

Soy. Soy is a type of legume particularly rich in isoflavones. According to some studies, the intake of isoflavones helps reduce the symptoms produced by the menopause. If you want to avoid hot flashes caused by menopause not forget to include soy in your daily diet.

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Substance abuse treatment: What You Can Do

substance abuse

For most of the people, coping with substance abuse is one of the toughest moves. There are many reasons why substance abuse has become such a major issue. According to several reports, the easy available of drugs is one of the main reasons why the number of people addicted to some kind of drugs is increasing day by day.

substance abuse

There are laws against the use and trade of drugs, but it always finds its way through one way or another. The government and other authority bodies are doing their part to prevent drugs from reading our children and adults, but this is a very difficult task. Conversely, we should try to stop people from getting out of this mess.

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