The more curious myths on cold and flu

myths on cold and flu

Did you know that you can catch cold in summer and winter? In fact, one might almost say that we can all catch cold practically all year. We just need a body to ‘infect’, a virus that spread it and weakened defenses. Once these three questions come into contact, everything is done. However, it is true that in winter tend to produce more cases fundamentally for several reasons: the combination of cold and low humidity, tend to live longer at home and indoors, is more common than our dry nose more easily by making them more susceptible to the virus…

myths on cold and flu

But in summer it is also possible to catch a cold. For example, just a little sweats on the street as a result of high temperatures and sun, and walk into a store or a house with strong air conditioning. The sudden change in temperature affect negatively our defenses, so that makes us more susceptible to infection from the viruses that cause colds or flu.

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