Hypertension: 6 Foods to Avoid

foods influence hypertension

Some foods influence hypertension and, therefore, health. Monitoring what we eat is a key premise for controlling blood pressure levels. We discover what foods we should avoid on a priority basis.

If you have high blood pressure you are putting your heart and cerebrovascular health at risk. What to do? First, check the diet and avoid salty foods as a priority, since salt is the main enemy.

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The 3 phases of menopause

phases of menopause

Menopause is a natural process that occurs in the woman’s body with the arrival of the last period. This is not something that happens immediately, but on the contrary, the process can be extended up to five years. The approximate age of menopause ranges from 45 to 53 years. Women, who experience menopause, go through different phases and have a series of consequences associated with them. Here are the three phases of menopause.

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How to know which vitamins you are missing: Symptoms and solutions

lack of vitamins

To know which vitamin you lack just have to pay attention to your body. Hair loss, trouble in sleeping, and even the sudden appearance of gray hair can be signs of lack of vitamins.

lack of vitamins

Vitamins are one of the essential nutrients of a healthy and balanced diet. Vitamin supplements should only be used by medical prescription, to compensate for the deficiency of these nutrients in very specific stages. Similarly, do not abuse vitamins, because an excess or hypervitaminosis may have counter-productive effects on health in the same way.

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Ushnodaka Therapy: Trick to detox with hot water

ushnodaka therapy

There are plenty of depurative diets to be able to detoxify the body and lose fat. Well, the ushnodaka therapy, is to remove toxins from the body through the use of hot water or included in the diet or through some other practical application. It is very simple, and it will also help you to be healthier, lose weight and improve the appearance of your skin or even your hair.

ushnodaka therapy

What is Ushnodaka Therapy
It is an alternative and very old therapy, which consists in the treatment of evils related to the fat or toxins produced by the same body and its incorrect elimination. The only element that uses this therapy to treat all those problems associated with the consumption of an unbalanced diet or lack of exercise, is very simple and economical. It is enough to have a container of hot or boiling water to deal with all these problems associated with lack of time and the advancement of age. In order to use hot water as a remedy we only have to include it in our diet, beauty ritual or apply locally in the affected area.

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Fibromyalgia: Possible Problems in Sexual Relationships


The fibromyalgia is one of the pathologies with woman’s face, that is, these are the most vulnerable to suffer from it.

A disorder whose main symptoms are fatigue and continuous muscle aches, that others may also have difficulty sleeping, headache, generalized or localized stiffness in the morning, tingling or numbness in the hands and feet, digestive disturbances, difficulty concentrating or painful menstrual periods.

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Eggs freezing: New techniques and progress

eggs freezing

The delay in the maternity age is a reality, with many factors influencing this decision. But delaying motherhood does not necessarily mean that women do not want to be mothers, but consider that it is not the most appropriate time (by personal, professional, family situation …).

The freezing or vitrification, one of the assisted reproduction techniques in which more progress has been made in recent years, allows women to preserve their eggs for a long period of time and delay, therefore motherhood.

Logically, opting for this technique is not a decision that should be delayed too much, since, for example, from the age of 40, The fertility of the eggs is greatly reduced. The best age, according to experts, to freeze the eggs is before the age of 35.

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Types of Sugar: How each type of sugar influences our health

types of sugar

Our body needs sugars to function, but too much of it can seriously weaken our health. In fact, over-consumption of sugar is the main cause of diabetes, a serious disease that according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is one of the leading causes of death in the world. In addition, diabetes can be the cause of other diseases, such as heart, eye or stomach problems.

types of sugar

That is why, more and more people who want to have a healthy diet, decide to reduce the consumption of sugar in their diet. However, they often do not know what types of sugars exist and what impact it have on their health. A person may think that quitting sugar in coffee is the solution, but still consuming processed foods such as soda, breakfast cereal or industrial bakery containing high fructose corn syrup, a type of sugar that increases glucose levels in blood much faster than a teaspoon of sugar in the coffee.

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How to relieve bunion pain

bunion pain

If there is a tremendously common foot condition that affects many people today, bunions are probably one of the most normal and common. What are the causes? Actually they are more varied than you are thought, and although genetic influences in its appearance (for example because there is a defect in the mechanical structure of the foot), our habits are also crucial.

bunion pain

Inadequate use of footwear, which tends to press the fingers on the inside of the shoe, limiting the normal movement of the fingers. In this sense, there exist two footwears that commonly influence the formation of the annoying bunions: on the one hand, high-heeled shoes, and on the other, both flip-flops and sandals. This is why it is very common in women.

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What are the preventable causes of colon cancer?

causes of colon cancer

It is estimated that each year in the US about 140,000 new cases are diagnosed of colorectal cancer, among which is the colon cancer and rectal cancer.

Colon cancer is a disease that usually appears on a polyp in the mucosa of the colon, which from different causes evolves into a malignant tumor. Usually the malignant cells are located in the longest part of the large intestine, as well as in the intermediate portion.

causes of colon cancer

As surely you know, the colon is the place where stool is stored before being expelled to the outside through the anus. That is, it accumulates waste substances, so it becomes a place certainly conducive to the appearance of a malignant tumor.

It is a type of cancer that usually appears from the age of 40. That is why more and more experts are asking for early detection tests to be carried out at younger ages, rather than from the age of 50-55.

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