Vitamin B6 for mood disorders

mood disorders

The vitamins B complex contain a range of interesting properties with respect to particular brain function, but that would have the greatest impact on everything related to neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin, in short, to connections that have an impact on our mood, this is vitamin B6. It is also prescribed to women with significant symptoms of mood disorders during PMS.

mood disorders

Vitamin B6 also ensures adequate oxygenation of the brain, a good immune defense and is a powerful antioxidant that helps rid the body of toxic substances that we absorb.

But this vitamin found in our diets could help more people than we think…

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Breathing Technique Against Fear And Anxiety

breathing technique

Breathing not only allows our survival in its most basic form, it can also help to calm the anxieties and fears, and our moods change and renew our energies needed for daily life. In this article we will learn a breathing technique well directed can apply at any time and place, to calm the anxieties and fears in a particular situation, or to start the day well refreshed and positive.

breathing technique

What is Anxiety

Anxiety and fear are two sensations characteristic of our current lifestyle. Stress, worries, obligations and responsibilities have loads of stress and anxiety, we must learn to manage and control.

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How to Stop Snoring

stop snoring

Snoring, like sleep apnea are very common ailments in our times. Its consequences are detrimental to the welfare and good rest of the person who is suffering, but also are a nuisance for those who share the room. To prevent and alleviate this condition somewhat noisy, we recommend the following tips.

stop snoring

Healthy Living to stop snoring
For some, snoring is the result of the excesses, mostly at night. Heavy eating, smoking and drinking a little more than the mind can exacerbate respiratory problems at bedtime. A good trick to alleviate their suffering is, simply, to moderate the consumption of these detractors of the well-being and, as far as possible, avoid them completely.

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Swollen belly? How to stop feeling full!

swollen belly

It is one of our worst enemies to sit at the table. The feeling of having the swollen belly can be so unpleasant that we often cause pain and nausea. To forget once and for all this uncomfortable feeling, next we discover some effective tricks that you can implement.

swollen belly

Very different causes are those that can cause swelling or bloating. To prevent it, there are some simple habits you can follow.

There are certain foods that can harm our stomach, causing heartburn, flatulence or awkward discomfort. This occurs when consumption exceeds fried or too fat foods, vegetables such as tomatoes, raw onion or vegetables like cauliflower. Yes, avoid soft drinks.

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Seasonal Affective Disorder

seasonal affective disorder

Are the dark days of autumn and winter make you want to hibernate? Do you want to eat greasy things, caloric and sleep all day? Since you may have the seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression that occurs at the same time every year, usually in winter.

seasonal affective disorder

Other symptoms include fatigue, lack of interest, lack of concentration and irritability. Some people describe it as being happy during the months of sun and the rest of the time they feel closed, inactive, and only hope that spring arrives.

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Insomnia: Tips for sleeping well!


Sleep and rest properly is not always as simple as it sounds. So if insomnia occasionally shows up in your room, we are giving you some suggestions to scare away once and for all.

Not only do we feel irritated and grumpy when, thanks to insomnia, got little sleep. We also occur when for some reason we do not do properly, we woke up tired before we started our day and the trouble with us throughout the entire day. If this scene is repeated frequently, then take into account the following tips to get a pleasant sleep overnight:

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The reiki: Relaxation and healing with the hands!


Reiki is an Eastern technique of curing diseases that increasingly is having a peak, but still remains largely unknown in the Western world, since, like most of the techniques from the eastern part of the world, still considered something mysterious and little scientific basis, although there is evidence that it is not.


The reiki consists in the healing of physical or mental disorders through the imposition of hands in the affected area. Thus the energy of the person who realizes it is canalized towards the focus of the pain, by acting directly on it and alleviating the problem.

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Night eating syndrome

night eating syndrome

The night eating syndrome is a disorder of eating behavior in addition to those already known eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia, Orthorexia and bigorexia.

night eating syndrome

At present not known very well the true prevalence of this syndrome, but it is estimated that suffers from a 1 to 3% of the population, and affects between 8 to 27% of obese people.

Night Eating Syndrome is characterized by overeating at night, both at dinner and afterward, even to get up during sleeping hours to eat because it appears the need to eat in abundance or hyperphagia.

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Traumatic stress: How to overcome

traumatic stress

Many societies in the world suffer from a progressive deterioration in their quality of life by different factors such as lack of opportunity in employment, economic inequality, family breakdown, a terrible justice. All this means that people in many places in different parts of the world face daily high rates of crime in the past were difficult to imagine.

traumatic stress

The most important symptom of PTSD is that the person who suffers he can not erase the strong impact that this experience has caused him and the scene is repeated continuously in his mind, something that causes distress and discomfort.

However, it is good that these people know the fact that specialized psychological and psychiatric help can learn to handle this situation and react in a less intense compared to the painful memories.

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Anxiety: Concept, types and how to treat


Anxiety and fear are two related but not equivalent concepts.

Fear is a normal body reaction to situations involving an external threat, since an increase in heart rate and level of alertness of the organism and other characteristic signs we have all experienced at one time when we felt threatened or endangered.


Anxiety: What it is

Anxiety is an unpleasant sensation accompanied by signs and symptoms similar to those found when we feel afraid, due to increased secretion of corticosteroids in the adrenal glands and by activation of the sympathetic nervous system with the release of adrenaline and noradrenalin, among others neurotransmitters and hormones.

Anxiety occurs in response to stress; it may be due to various circumstances, of such work, family, etc.

A certain level of anxiety is healthy and adaptive and allows us to cope with adverse life circumstances and solve problems that we encounter.

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