What is Mindfulness and its characteristics and methods


The term Mindfulness is widely used today in regards to the therapies applicable to the reduction of stress and relaxation of people. Some consider it the fashion technique, but in reality it has its basis in the ancestral knowledge of Buddhism.

In the following article we will try to give a clear definition of it, in conjunction with all its characteristics and methods of psychology arising from it. In the same way, we present quality information about its applicability in children.

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How to breathe when lifting weights

breathe when lifting weights

Your sessions in the gym will be more efficient if you learn to breathe when you force your muscles to respond better than ever. Here we show you the best technique.

If you want your muscles work of thousand wonders when you do your routine in the gym, you need to learn how to breathe when lifting weights.

You see, if you keep the air inside when you should not, or if you do not take oxygen when your muscles need it, the body is forced to operate in an inappropriate way. This only provokes that you become exhausted, which droop in energies, and until you expose to injury. But everything is solved very easy when you understand what is the cycle that your body needs in regard to the breath.

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5 ways in which meditation improves life

meditation improves life

Several studies have shown that meditation can bring more health benefits than previously believed. Far from being a practice developed by ancient religions such as Buddhism or Hinduism, now scientists become convinced of meditation as a vehicle to achieve mental and physical wellbeing. Here is a list of the main benefits.

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Exercises to overcome the foot pain

overcome foot pain

One of the most common problems of the feet is the foot pain, a pain that most times we cause ourselves by choosing footwear and lack of foot care. But it’s never too late to remedy and we have some exercises to overcome the sore feet.

overcome foot pain

Easy exercises to relieve foot pain

It is time to remedy those problems that prevent us from having a more beautiful and healthier foot. To relieve foot pain can start with simple exercises such as walking barefoot. Walking barefoot on the beach, on the lawn or even the hallway of the house is one of those exercises that quickly relieve pain and help us recover the rest they need.

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Kegel Exercises: Strengthen the pelvic floor in pregnancy

kegel exercise

During pregnancy need to practice different types of exercises that will help us so much during the 9 months of pregnancy and during labor and postpartum. A variety of these exercises are called Kegel exercises, which serve to strengthen the area of the pelvic floor and have a lot of benefits that will notice quickly, and it can perform at home without equipment. Go ahead and test some of them, its really will help to avoid many inconveniences of pregnancy.

kegel exercise

During the months of pregnancy, all doctors recommend to get plenty of exercise, as the water aerobics for its large benefits, but we propose another type which are called Kegel exercises.

These are designed to strengthen the area called pelvic floor, neither more nor less supportive where our internal organs, and during pregnancy can suffer much more than normal.

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Climbing stairs: Healthy benefits

climbing stairs

A simple exercise, which we can incorporate into our daily routine, we can draw the interesting benefits as climbing stairs helps strengthen our muscles, improves cardiovascular health and also helps to burn calories.

climbing stairs

Improving our heart and helps us to lose weight, because climbing stairs is one of the most effective ways to burn calories. A simple practice that we can be incorporating into our daily routine so that it does not turn out to be to us too strenuous. As walking is one of the most natural exercise, climbing stairs is an everyday action that virtually without noticing it, we can find a number of benefits to improve our physical condition, with the particularity that consumed two times more calories than walking.

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Physical exercise: What suits you to keep fit

choose exercise

There are plenty of different exercises that anyone can practice in the gym, the outdoors or in our own house, and there is almost always someone who stands fashion and promises to be the panacea, for so all we set out to do. As this is a serious mistake, because depending on the needs of each exercise can be good and bring results, or conversely may be even harmful. It is best to learn on the internet, or an expert in the field, as some exercises can have very serious consequences.

choose exercise

Each person is different, and every body needs a series of exercises, depending on what we want to do. Not the same that wants to lose weight that only wants to stay, and we must take into account problems of each.

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Back: 5 Steps to take care of fitness

back exercise

Do you exercise daily? Much of the back pains are the result of a sedentary life. And it is not just poor posture, sitting cross-legged, with the back bent while it is in front of the computer or do not do stretching exercises – can end up by spending invoice to our back.

back exercise

Something as simple as walking at least half an hour a day, we will bring benefits and help us protect the health of our backs.

Lack of time is no excuse for not taking a few minutes of attention at our backs. Some simple exercises to get up and go to bed will help us regain our back flexibility and elasticity, while protect of discomfort as common as cervical pain or lumbar. In this case, the proposal goes through five simple exercises.

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Jacobson Method: Learn this method of progressive relaxation

jacobson method

Who denies the pleasure of enjoying a few minutes of relaxation? It is not a trivial matter, on the contrary, our body needs and body relaxation, among other reasons, to combat the effects of stress, the anxiety or nervousness. Not only the rhythm or lifestyle can provoke stress, also the physical and vital changes that we will be facing throughout our lives. The Jacobson method is based on the principle of stress/relaxation muscle.

jacobson method

Before starting the session, should follow a series of preparatory tips such as choosing a comfortable place, best in the evening; wear comfortable clothing and ensure that the temperature is adequate. Good to accompany the session with soft music and dim light and, if possible, do it sitting in a chair or stretched out on the bed.

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Diabetes: Activate to control sugar

diabetes and exercise

The benefits of exercise are many, and among them is to help control blood sugar levels, making it a good ally for those diagnosed with diabetes. Playing sports, stay active, lowers risk of developing a complication of diabetes or cardiovascular disorder.

We must also not forget that a sedentary lifestyle or lack of physical exercise is one of the main enemies of health by making us more vulnerable to other problems behind which diabetes may also appear, such as the problems of obesity.

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