How to learn to love your body: Tips that work

love your body

Loving your body is very important and the first step that you must take to get an iron health. If you want to know how to do it, do not miss the article.

love your body

In many cases we punish the body without thinking about the consequences that this may have for our body, without appreciating the great importance of maintaining the physical and emotional state. As well, the difference that love can bring to our body in terms of quality of life is concerned, it is very considerable. There are countless guidelines that can help you maintain this love relationship with your body, and then we show you the best.

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Changes in the body due to anxiety: 10 physical signs

anxiety crisis

Unrest, fear, despair and daily stress are factors that can lead to an anxiety crisis. Generally, when one of these crises occurs, it is not an isolated episode and often repeated over time in such a way that it becomes a chronic illness. The effects of anxiety are not only psychological, this nervous condition has a series of symptoms or physical signs that we present below…..

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Immunotherapy: Advances in the fight against cancer


Immunotherapy consists of the treatment of diseases through the support of the immune system. It is a considerable help for our own body to be able to defeat the enemy in this case, many different types of cancers that have little or little chance of being overcome by the body naturally. Below we tell you more about this hopeful news about immunotherapy and its power to treat cancer.


What is immunotherapy?

Immunotherapy focuses on the problem directly. It is the introduction of the drug directly into the focus of infection of the disease. Currently in the University of Navarra, has developed an experimental drug called BO-112 that would be able to destroy the majority of cancer cells with difficult treatment such as those with large malignant tumors.

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Shinrin Yoku: Benefits of Forest Baths

forest bath

The Shinrin Yoku or Forest Baths is a technique originally from Japan with therapeutic benefits as helping to combat anxiety, stress and lowering blood pressure. The Shinrin Yoku not only proposes to soak in nature with the five senses, but to solve what is already known as a deficit of nature or landscape. Green, as we will discover, is a safe bet for health and well-being. The best medicine for body and mind.

forest bath

Forest baths emerged in the 1980’s in Japan as a therapy for disease prevention. A technique that combines nature and health and has already spread to other countries such as South Korea, United States and other European country.

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How to get vitamin B at breakfast

vitamin B at breakfast

Getting a rich, varied and balanced breakfast that provides us with the necessary nutrients is often not easy because of the pace of life we ​​have, so in many cases, it is important to have quality nutritional supplements that help us get necessary vitamin B at breakfast. Here we give you the keys to get it.

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Healthy Living: Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick

Some people lead a healthy life that helps them to get sick little or almost not at all. This is because they lead a healthy lifestyle that makes them much stronger in the face of illness. There are a number of tips or lifestyle habits that can help make this happen. Next we discover the best habits to avoid getting sick and being much stronger.

healthy living

Tips for maintaining a healthy life and not falling ill

Healthy life is essential to avoid falling ill, to lead a life that helps you avoid diseases, the most important is to follow a series of simple guidelines or habits that can make you fall sick many times, some of these habits are those that we describe below:

Maintain a healthy lifestyle helps your defenses
There is a time of year when it is much easier to fall ill because of illnesses like the flu or a severe cold. This season is the change of season that happens between the farewell of autumn and the arrival of winter. To avoid contagion during this time of the year, the most important thing is that we strengthen our defenses. For this, it is necessary to leave well sheltered from home regardless of the fact that during the day it is hot, since the sudden temperature drop that happens at dusk lowers our defenses leaving us more vulnerable to catch this type of disease. In addition you should consume large amounts of vitamin C found naturally in citrus fruits and many vegetables.

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Hypertension: 6 Foods to Avoid

foods influence hypertension

Some foods influence hypertension and, therefore, health. Monitoring what we eat is a key premise for controlling blood pressure levels. We discover what foods we should avoid on a priority basis.

If you have high blood pressure you are putting your heart and cerebrovascular health at risk. What to do? First, check the diet and avoid salty foods as a priority, since salt is the main enemy.

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The 3 phases of menopause

phases of menopause

Menopause is a natural process that occurs in the woman’s body with the arrival of the last period. This is not something that happens immediately, but on the contrary, the process can be extended up to five years. The approximate age of menopause ranges from 45 to 53 years. Women, who experience menopause, go through different phases and have a series of consequences associated with them. Here are the three phases of menopause.

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How to know which vitamins you are missing: Symptoms and solutions

lack of vitamins

To know which vitamin you lack just have to pay attention to your body. Hair loss, trouble in sleeping, and even the sudden appearance of gray hair can be signs of lack of vitamins.

lack of vitamins

Vitamins are one of the essential nutrients of a healthy and balanced diet. Vitamin supplements should only be used by medical prescription, to compensate for the deficiency of these nutrients in very specific stages. Similarly, do not abuse vitamins, because an excess or hypervitaminosis may have counter-productive effects on health in the same way.

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Ushnodaka Therapy: Trick to detox with hot water

ushnodaka therapy

There are plenty of depurative diets to be able to detoxify the body and lose fat. Well, the ushnodaka therapy, is to remove toxins from the body through the use of hot water or included in the diet or through some other practical application. It is very simple, and it will also help you to be healthier, lose weight and improve the appearance of your skin or even your hair.

ushnodaka therapy

What is Ushnodaka Therapy
It is an alternative and very old therapy, which consists in the treatment of evils related to the fat or toxins produced by the same body and its incorrect elimination. The only element that uses this therapy to treat all those problems associated with the consumption of an unbalanced diet or lack of exercise, is very simple and economical. It is enough to have a container of hot or boiling water to deal with all these problems associated with lack of time and the advancement of age. In order to use hot water as a remedy we only have to include it in our diet, beauty ritual or apply locally in the affected area.

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