Kegel Exercises: Strengthen the pelvic floor in pregnancy

kegel exercise

During pregnancy need to practice different types of exercises that will help us so much during the 9 months of pregnancy and during labor and postpartum. A variety of these exercises are called Kegel exercises, which serve to strengthen the area of the pelvic floor and have a lot of benefits that will notice quickly, and it can perform at home without equipment. Go ahead and test some of them, its really will help to avoid many inconveniences of pregnancy.

kegel exercise

During the months of pregnancy, all doctors recommend to get plenty of exercise, as the water aerobics for its large benefits, but we propose another type which are called Kegel exercises.

These are designed to strengthen the area called pelvic floor, neither more nor less supportive where our internal organs, and during pregnancy can suffer much more than normal.

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Pregnancy: How long to work?

work during pregnancy

Can we work until the end of pregnancy? We can, but we should not, because as recommended by doctors and specialists work beyond the eighth month of gestation period can be as harmful to the baby as the habit of smoking during pregnancy.

work during pregnancy

There might be exaggerated comparison, but in terms of medical and health, it is not, since among other risks has found that babies of mothers who continued to work during the final stages of pregnancy are born with less weight. A similar effect to that produced by nicotine and other unhealthy substances that enter our body through the cigarette. In fact, being pregnant is one of the best arguments for quitting.

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The main symptoms of pregnancy

pregnancy symptoms

When we get pregnant our body gives us some signals. Then we tell you what, for you are careful and know to identify them.

pregnancy symptoms

Tenderness and swelling of the breasts
The increased hormone levels can cause bloating and breast tenderness. This sensation is similar to that experienced during the period, but more intense.

In the first weeks of pregnancy is very common to feel very tired and fatigued. This may have to do with the increase of the hormone progesterone.

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How to carry the pregnancy if you are diabetic

diabetes in pregnancy

We want to start this article by reassuring expectant mothers with insulin problems: If a woman with diabetes maintains a rigorous control of their situation, are as likely to have children as a completely healthy person.

However, it is necessary to take note of what you have to consider in this type of pregnancy, and of course, to ignore anything that say your doctor.

Some people have diabetes before pregnancy, but others are diagnosed after conceiving. One of the reasons attributed to this case is poor diet, due to hormonal changes.

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Prevent or relieve heartburn symptoms in pregnancy

heartburn symptoms in pregnancy

Many intestinal disorders are common in pregnant women and the acidity is one of the most common, we tell you how you can prevent or relieve heartburn.

Heartburn and indigestion in pregnancy
Indigestion and heartburn are diseases that arise at some point of pregnancy in most women.

Causes of indigestion and heartburn in pregnancy
Although indigestion has the same reasons in a woman, being or not pregnant (food and drink in excess), there are also other reasons why pregnant women suffer from it more often. What happens during the pregnancy is that the hormones that increase during this state, make the intestine is relax and therefore begin to work more slowly, its favors the formation of gases, creating a burning sensation felt by pregnant women.

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Avoid varicose veins during pregnancy

varicose veins during pregnancy

Improve circulation, especially in the legs, during pregnancy, is essential if we wish to avoid the appearance of varicose veins and its complications.

varicose veins during pregnancy

Varicose veins in pregnancy
The veins, has the function of transporting blood that has used our bodies to feed and oxygenate back towards the heart, to oxygenate its way through the lungs.

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Pregnancy: What is the best age to give birth to her baby?

late pregnancy

Pregnancy would be more immune to the risk of birth if it comes at a young age, in any case, it is demonstrated what a study by scientists from the Royal Faculty of the Gynecologists of United Kingdom.

late pregnancy

Poor tend to give birth late

The study has shown that the ideal age for women to give birth to a baby is between 20 to 35 years.

The same study also indicated that there is more risk of abortion, caesarean section, fetal death and complexities of birth after the age of 35. Moreover, the success rate of fertilization in vitro was 31% for women aged less than 35 years, while among women aged over 42 years, this rate is 5%.

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