3 Types of Joint Replacement Surgery

joint replacement

A number of different factors could lead to you needing a joint replacement. Heredity is one such factor, as some people are simply born more prone to these problems. In other cases, abnormalities can form while the joints are forming, leading to issues as you age. Finally, injuries are a factor in joint replacement. In some cases, minor, repetitive injuries are the cause, while in other situations a severe trauma damages the joint.

joint replacement

Hip Replacement

About 24,000 Americans have their hips replaced every year. In the majority of cases, hip replacement therapy is required after the surgery. Usually, hip replacement is performed when severe arthritis makes changes to the hip joint, making it almost impossible to walk without pain.

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Keeping Skin Looking Healthy As We Age


As we age, sun damage and high levels of the stress hormone cortisol can cause skin to become thin and fragile, or papery. This is often referred to as crepey skin. The loss of the production of estrogen and testosterone beginning when menopause starts can also cause thinning skin.


Aside from never sleeping on your side or face down, there are other tips to keep skin looking good as you get older. Remember, those creases in your face that you wake up with in the morning, just like the ones from squinting will eventually become lines and wrinkles, so sleep on your back and remember these timeless tips:

Tips for radiant skin 24/7

Remember, only you can prevent skin from aging too quickly. Hence, they’ve actually come up with a solution that may work quickly, although unproven: refrigerator facelifts.

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Sports Massage: Types, benefits and effects for health

sports massage

Every day, more people are addicted to the sport, discovering its benefits both physical and psychological and social. It is for this reason that sports massage is becoming increasingly important in society.

sports massage

This massage is used both as advance preparation for athletes who will perform a physical activity to stretch and relax the muscles after performing a full year. This does not include cases where the injuries from the sport make it indispensable.

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What is Marma massage?

Marma massage

The Ayurvedic medicine has a variety of therapies to improve health, and one of them is the Marma massage, which is used to stimulate specific vital points.

Marma massage

What is Marma massage?
In this massage oils are based on herbal infusions, and pressure on the points made by hand or feet (depending on the point). Marma points are known and are characterized by being in areas where two or more tissues (muscles, veins, ligaments, joints, bones).

What is Marma?
According to ayurveda, the marmas represent areas of vital energy, so they stimulate those areas can achieve improved health. The relief is achieved by activating the prana or life energy that controls the function of cells and systems.

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