Leukemia in children: Most common cancer in children

overcoming leukemia

The leukemia is cancer more common in childhood. Any child can have it, from a newborn to a teenager, however, most small diagnosed with this disease are between 4 to 9 years old.

overcoming leukemia

It is proved that there is a better prognosis for children between 1 to 9 years. Those with 10 or more years are at increased risk for leukemia more aggressive, not responding to treatment, and children younger than 1 year have a more delicate situation.

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Basic needs of newborn baby

newborn baby basic needs

What a baby needs

There are certain physiological needs that are essential for the newborn baby to adjust to the new reality that has come to live from birth, but also occur in this same period, emotional needs that are equally basic and which is more easy sometimes forget:

newborn baby basic needs

Need for proximity: The neonate has a real need to be as close as possible to the mother, and have a physical contact with her to mitigate the disruption that has caused the exit of the womb.

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How to clean baby’s nose

clean baby nose

Clean the baby’s nose is usually a difficult task, especially as the child gets upset, so it is necessary to do it with patience. If your baby is cold and congested, surely he will plug nose and it will be turned hard to breathe and to sleep peacefully. That is why it is necessary to release his nostril of this so annoying mucus.

clean baby nose

Tips for cleaning baby’s nose
When you start to do it, talk to your baby in a calm voice, so that he can feel your peace and feel secure. The first few times will surely be frightened and try to prevent you wipe his nose, but do not worry, in little time you will manage to do it without problems.

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How to do your child stop breathing through the mouth

child stop breathing

Are you concerned that your child snores at night, or ride all the time with his mouth open? This is because he can not breathe normally, but calm, according to some studies is common that children have this difficulty due to a chronic inflammation of the tonsils.

child stop breathing

When child has annoying little runny nose, or mouth can not close, there is a strong chance he has adenoid hypertrophy, a disease of the adenoids which reduces the space through which the air passes through the nose into the larynx and trachea.

The adenoids are the first system of child protection. They are structures found in the pharynx, whose function is to control the entry of organisms’ attackers. When the adenoids become infected, they swell and increase in size, causing breathing difficulty.

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Baby Food

baby food

Lack of food appropriate for babies from the earliest age, can deprive them of the nutrients necessary for optimal physical and intellectual development. So you must ensure complete nutrition, healthy and appropriate diet for your child, according to each stage of his life.

baby food

In this article we will see some good pointers to follow, and we recommend consulting your pediatrician and coordinate with appropriate weekly diet.

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Avoid heat stroke in children

heat stroke in children

On summer days we must be extremely careful to avoid heat stroke in children. Follow these tips for high temperatures do not bring bad consequences.

heat stroke in children

Although more common in elderly people or with a health problem, heat stroke can also affect children. Exposure to the sun for a long time or inadequate exercises for hours of high temperatures are some factors that can cause heat stroke in a child, and yet can be avoided easily.

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Finding Information about Supplements for your kids

child supplement

Proper nutrition is of utmost importance to the development and growth of children. Many parents opt to give their children a supplement to ensure that they receive the recommended daily allowance of each vitamin and mineral.

child supplement

Unfortunately, not all supplements are created equal. Some children’s vitamins are made from insoluble sources with only 25% of the supplement being absorbed by the body.

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How to stimulate a 2 months baby

stimulate 2 months baby

Babies are not stimulated in their first months of life, typically have higher learning difficulties in the future.

stimulate 2 months baby

After two months, the baby usually identify where and is much more alert to all kinds of stimuli, demonstrating greater interest in their environment and stares at the objects, can smile and know with certainty that by crying can meet their needs and has begun to hold her head up for a few seconds.

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How to reduce the children fever

reduce the children fever

We must do and what not to do to reduce fever for a baby or toddler. Most febrile cases, do not require medical attention or special treatment, only those cases where the child to be too annoying.

reduce the children fever

The fever is generally the answer that gives the body to defend against some infectious. All children have fever at some time, and mostly, it disappears within a few days.

If we notice that a child has a fever, best thing is to try to please at home with simple methods.

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Enhancing Children’s Health By means of Integrated Public Health and Pediatrics

child health

In December 2012, a report was published while in the American Journal of Public Health (1) highlighting the significance of addressing environmental and social determinants of children’s health. Early on, children’s health was understood mostly as the absence of a condition.

child health

For instance, a 2004 Institute of Medicine report entitled Children’s Health, the Nation’s Wealth defined health more broadly, such as the extent to which kids can attain their likely, satisfy their demands, and build effective approaches to interact with their biological, physical and social environments. (2) This definition requires considerably more into consideration than just the bodily state of a child. Likewise, physicians themselves have begun to integrate the public healthiest method with much more standard clinical practice and utilized these two helping youngsters and their families.

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