Take note of the side effects of vitamin B

Our body is capable to sintering some vitamins and not others. The lack of vitamin B in anyone’s body damages their health. So it is necessary to consume it and include it in the daily diet. In addition to that, it is important to know the side effects of vitamin B.

side effects of vitamin B

Side effects of vitamin B

They occur when too many foods are consumed that contain the same vitamin or when following diets and taking vitamin supplements. In this way, an excess is generated.

It is true that the vitamins of vitamin B complex are expelled from the body through urine because they are soluble. But by consuming them inappropriately exceeding nutritional needs, they lead to negative effects on health.

Therefore, you must manage your intake properly. To know the side effects of excessive consumption of vitamin B, we bring you the following information.

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Why You Should Seek Help Before Hitting Rock Bottom


If you suffer from a drug or alcohol problem, then you know you need help. However, you may feel that you’re functioning well enough–that you haven’t hit rock bottom yet. Just because you haven’t hit rock bottom, however, doesn’t mean that you’re doing okay.

It doesn’t even necessarily mean that you are functioning–only coping. In order to truly help yourself, or someone you know, out of their habit, consider some of these reasons why you should be getting help before rock bottom hits.

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Kleptomania: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment


Kleptomania is an Impulse-control disorder (ICD) whose main characteristic is an intense impulse to steal unnecessary objects, almost always of little value. It is a rare mental illness, which is often accompanied by other emotional imbalances.

The kleptomaniac does not plan their robberies nor seeks to benefit from them. This imperious need to take control of what is foreign arises from the intense emotion caused by the act itself. However, later, they may experience a sense of shame or guilt.

Although there is currently no cure for kleptomania, medication treatment and psychological therapy can help reduce the cycle of compulsive theft. Unfortunately, many refuse to seek support, because they do not accept their problem or fear being judged.

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Special Challenges of Women’s Rehab

rehab treatment for drug

A growing number of people are seeking rehab treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. Many of these are women, including those with children. Recovery for women requires a different approach than for men.

According to an Elements Behavioral Health post about the special needs of women with substance abuse problems… “Treatment experts agree that substance abuse treatment for women needs to be approached from the perspective that includes the context of the women’s lives. These include her relationships with family, extended family, and support systems, social and economic environment, and the impact of gender and culture”. Here are some of the unique needs of women in recovery from substance abuse.

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Acanthosis Nigricans: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

acanthosis nigricans

Acanthosis Nigricans or Pigmentosa is a skin disorder characterized by areas of darkened, thick, rough and velvety skin. Normally, it affects the flexible areas and folds of the body, such as the armpits, groins, neck folds, elbows, hands and feet.

Among its most common causes are hyperinsulinism, diabetes or obesity, and although there is no specific treatment for its cure, the underlying disease or condition must be treated and some topical drugs can be applied to improve the appearance of the skin.

In very few occasions, this skin condition is a warning sign of the presence of a cancerous tumor in an internal organ, but in the diagnostic this must be taken into account.

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Homogenizer for your future research and analysis


In molecular biology, homogenization is a process of bringing the sample you took in equal fractions of composition. Now, you come to know about the biology department in which you will be seeing so many samples and those samples are taken from many living things like rabbit, rat, etc. You would wonder how those samples are produced, and you would wonder how it came into the small glass bottle, and how they are fresh without getting spoiled. The reason for this while doing your analysis you might be in situation to remove any of the part, if the sample is not homogenized properly, if you remove any part from the sample it can alter the whole part, whereas the sample that is homogenized in right way will not alter any of the other part or any of the molecules, if one part is removed.


You could see other process that is been simultaneously done with homogenization which is named as lysis, while autolysis is prevented by maintaining the temperature above zero in the place where tissue is kept. There is some solution that prevent them from getting spoiled, and to prepare that sample you need a living thing and a tissue homogenizer which help you prepare the sample efficiently as you expected.

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Simple Ways To Boost Your Vitamin Intake

vitamin intake

Feeling a little run down lately? The solution may be as simple as ensuring that you’re getting enough of the right vitamins and minerals from your daily diet. A poor diet can leave you feel sluggish, prone to illness, and weaker than you might expect. Boosting your vitamin intake can do wonders for your entire system, from your immune health to your digestive function. Make sure your body is getting all of the nutrients it needs with these quick tips.

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Hormone imbalance? Maybe it’s the fault of one of these everyday habits

hormone imbalance

Having a hormonal imbalance is not pleasant at all. In addition to mood swings, your body experiences various symptoms such as brittle nails, hot flashes, acne, appearance or increased hair on the face, swelling, among others, which can affect your health and your quality of life.

Because hormones are present in various processes such as metabolism, reproduction and sexual function, it is important that any signs of imbalance should come to the specialist. This will allow us to receive an adequate treatment and correctly address the situation.

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