Obesity, overweight and heart problems

Obesity is one of the public health problems currently affecting a large number of people worldwide, is an excess of body fat that usually, not always, is accompanied by increased body weight.

obesity and overweight

Overweight occurs when the amount of energy ingested with food is higher than is spent, becoming the body stores fat, the causes of obesity are multiple and include factors such as genetics, behavior nervous system, endocrine and metabolic, and lifestyle that takes.

At the onset of obesity are involved both simple and complex factors are the nature of metabolic, psychological, sociocultural, high-calorie nutrition, sedentary lifestyle and other causes multifunctional.

Obesity raises the rates of injuries and deaths by increasing cardiometabolic risk, including dyslipidemia, hypertension, high blood sugar levels, inflammation, thrombosis, and increased abdominal fat among others, which together increase the likelihood of developing diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

People with abdominal obesity, as waist circumference is above the recommended values ​​are at greater risk of developing diabetes, often have one or more additional cardiovascular risk factors, such as high triglycerides, low good cholesterol and elevated blood sugar.

The occurrence of abdominal obesity is related to the amount and distribution of body fat; identify two ways typical bodily: pear-shaped, when it accumulates more fat in the hips and thighs, and apple shape, where fat accumulates more in the abdominal area.

Measuring waist circumference is one of the most recommended mechanisms, it is a simple procedure to determine the amount of fat and thus prevent these risks.

It’s performed by placing the measuring tape around bare abdomen, midway between the lower edge of the rib cage and the top of the hipbone, the tape should be parallel to the floor, snug but not compressing the skin it is necessary that the person is relaxed and exhale while performing the measurement.

According to the International Diabetes Federation the normal waist measurement for men is 90 inches, while for women it is 80 inches.

We must begin by changing our habits to reduce cardiometabolic risk and have a better quality of life, healthy eating, sports and increase physical activity are some things we can do in this regard.

If you have high cholesterol, diabetes, high triglycerides or your waist circumference is above the range set as normal; see your doctor who will advise you on what to do to prevent greater evils.

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