You can lose weight without dieting by following a healthy balanced diet combined with light physical activity.
To look good body in summer we should start worrying us in winter. Burn stored fat is a slow process that depends on two factors:
- The number of calories you eat every day for meals.
- The amount of fat that can burn through the practice of physical activity.
Tips for losing weight without dieting
- The practice of physical activity helps reduce anxiety and stress, relax muscles and tone your body, while eliminating the sagging skin and combat localized fat.
- If you’ve been led a sedentary lifestyle it is important to start with a light physical activity and for no longer than 15 minutes at the beginning; after a few days, you can gradually increase the time spent on our physical activity.
- To reduce the number of calories per day, limit intake of high fat red meat, avoid convenience foods rich in sugar and alcohol.
- Cooking healthy is also vital: avoid fried and battered dishes, trying steamed, grilled, baked or with the help of a wok.