Side effects of medications for diabetes

The body’s defenses are inadequate to regenerate certain problems caused by the accumulation of sugars in the blood, to which the person is subject to certain strict rules of diet and many exercise routines, as well as be depending on drugs to stabilize the blood sugar.

Many people living with diabetes must follow a very strict life with respect to their diet and physical activity, please see your doctor or specialist for suggestions on what kind of medicine can take and what kind of diet should continue to better your health situation.

effects of medications for diabetes

In most cases, people with Type 2 diabetes use oral medications to control their blood sugar. These drugs along with a healthy eating plan and physical activity help keep diabetes under control.

There are several types of medications available. Each works differently. Many people take two or three types of pills, as it has been found that in some cases the combination of various drugs gives better results, but it depends on the patient. Some people take a medicine that combines two types of drugs in one tablet. In some cases it is necessary to take both pills and insulin.

Your doctor may ask you to try a type of pill to determine if it gives you result or not. Depending on the results may be that:

  • Have to take more of the same drug
  • Have to take two different drugs
  • Your doctor may prescribe another different medicine
  • The administration of insulin is necessary.

EYE: If your doctor prescribes insulin, NOT mean your diabetes is getting worse.

Side Effects
You’ve probably heard this term and you are worried or confused about whether your medications may cause a problem in your body. A side effect is a problem caused by a medicine. Most drugs brings adverse effects or discomfort by its intake, for example Bydureon side effects, this medicines can cause nausea or upset stomach when a person begins to take them.

Usually, the side effects of medications for diabetes are serious and not common either, so if you feel bad at some point you can talk to your doctor about this to find a solution or other form of treatment.

It is important that you do not stop taking medication without before talking to your doctor.

The side effects of oral diabetes medications may include the following:

  1. Nausea and vomiting
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Gas and bloating
  4. Decreased appetite
  5. Headache and muscle pain, or only the latter
  6. Flu or cold-like symptoms.

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