Prevent and care for dry skin

care for dry skin

Dry skin can be a characteristic of each person, however, adequate food and some simple home treatments can reverse the situation and moisturize skin deeply, especially from within the body.

care for dry skin

Natural treatments for dry skin
The skin is the largest organ in the body and may have features in some people fat and dry in others, and also present the two conditions, but in the case of dry it can occur only in certain parts of our body that usually are most exposed to natural elements, such as face and limbs, so are those that should be protected with a constant hydration.

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What is laser resurfacing? Is It Right for You?

laser resurfacing

Are you upset with the appearance of your skin? Acne scarring, and minor facial flaws can be easily treated with laser resurfacing. Using a laser to smooth the skin will improve your appearance and can give you back the confidence you used to have.

laser resurfacing

There are two basic types of lasers used in Palm Beach laser resurfacing offices, they include:

  1. Ablative laser – this laser will remove layers of your skin.
  2. Nonablative laser – this laser will help to tighten your skin and will stimulate collagen growth.

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Benefits Of Botox Liverpool

botox treatment

If you wish to get rid of wrinkles and furrows from your face, consider botox treatment. The procedure has become widely popular in recent years among majority of people; some folks even host “botox parties” to share their experience with friends and relatives.

botox treatment

Still, many individuals doubt whether the treatment is really effective in easing furrows and wrinkle lines. Hence, getting familiar with the benefits of Botox Liverpool by Epilight is essential before opting for the treatment.

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Viral Warts: Causes, Treatment and Home Remedy

viral warts

The wart is a small bump in the hard and often rough skin. Appear most frequently on the hands and face. Its occurrence is more frequent in childhood and adolescence.

viral warts

Often spontaneous disappearance of warts but can sometimes takes several years. In adult patients tend to be more persistent.

Symptoms of viral warts

The viral or petty warts usually do not cause pain or other discomfort, while the plantar warts can be painful, especially when walking, since the infected person feels as if he had a stone in his shoe; with the passage of time it is common the slight bleeding inside the lesion, characteristic that gives it the appearance of “fish eye”; in both cases, as in other types of skin infections, warts usually spread to other parts of the body through scratching.

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Child Health – Chickenpox


Chickenpox is a common contagious childhood disease. The disease occurs mainly in children, because most adults have become immune to. The severity of chickenpox is small unless newborns, pregnant women and adults are infected with it. They experience the illness as violent and have a greater chance of complications. What is chickenpox? How do you get it? How do you deal with? And when should you go to the doctor?


Chickenpox is characterized by spots, blisters and scabs on the skin. It is a very common childhood disease. 75% of the people get chickenpox between the 1st to 6th years of life. When the disease among members has had one here is generally immune. If the disease is a mild disease course had then the chance that a child again in a load can get chickenpox. A mild course of disease is most common in babies until their first birthday, as they have antibodies to that time with them that they have inherited from their mother.

The probability that an adult gets sick of chicken pox is very small, even if they never become infected with the virus. Over the years, builds a person had sufficient antibodies to counter the disease at bay. Touch your old age will become infected the disease process and potential complications are more severe than in children. Even newborn babies and pregnant women will experience severe disease.

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Fungi on the skin: clinical and therapeutic approach

fungal skin

Fungal diseases of the skin are called “cutaneous mycoses”. These infections in the surface layer of the skins (stratum corneum) that normally do not penetrate to deeper levels of the organism.

fungal skin

Depending on the location, skin, nails, scalp, mucous membranes of the mouth, genitals, etc., adopt an appearance or another.

These infections are more common in humid areas of the body surface, since moisture encourages the growth of fungi, under the breasts, underarms, etc.., and are, in turn, more frequent in obese people with multiple skin folds.

It is also more common in people who are immunocompromised and in some people taking antibiotics.

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Treatment for Acne

acne problem

The acne is a much hated word, especially in young people because most are the ones who suffer most, but no one is free of suffering.

acne problem

What is acne?

The acne is a skin infection that is causing us the annoying pimples or blackheads. This includes whiteheads, blackheads and red, inflamed patches of skin.

When we suffer from acne?

    • We can distinguish acne, because it presented a few bumps on the skin. This happens when the foot holes are plugged. That is, when a pore becomes clogged, we get a point.
    • Each pore has access to a hair and a sebaceous gland. This gland secretes oil that is responsible to help eliminate old cells and helps keep skin soft. When this gland secretes too much oil, pores begin to clog giving way to accumulate lots of dirt, dead cells or bacteria. That’s when a plug is formed.

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When psoriasis affects the scalp

psoriasis afftects scalp

In case of psoriasis, it is common that the scalp is affected. However, this location causes the hair to lose its aesthetics and causing a series of itching. In parallel, the treatment of psoriasis is difficult and more specific. It is based on the calcipotriol, an analogue of vitamin D3.

psoriasis afftects scalp

Variable locations of psoriasis
Psoriasis is a disease that can be cataloged benign, but whose impacts on daily life are very important. The disease manifests itself in a number of red patches, covered with pearly white scales, more or less thick. The number, size and location of the plates are very variable and evolve with time even in a same person.

The most common is to be presented at the elbows, the folds, and knees. The scalp is often one of the areas most affected by psoriasis.

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