Why My Hands Shake When I am Hungry? Get Immediate Relief Now!

When hungry, your hands shake due to low blood sugar levels causing a drop in energy supply to muscles. When you are hungry, a decrease in blood sugar levels occurs, leading to a lack of energy supply to the muscles.

This results in the shaking or trembling of your hands. This phenomenon is commonly known as hand tremors or essential tremors, and it is a temporary condition that occurs due to the body’s response to low blood sugar levels. These tremors are involuntary and can affect your daily activities, making it difficult to perform tasks that require steady hand movements.

We’ll look at the causes of your trembling hands when you’re hungry and talk about treatments and prevention options.

Hands Shake When Hungry

What Happens in the Body During Hunger?

Hunger is a natural physiological response that occurs when the body needs nourishment. When we haven’t eaten for a while, our blood glucose levels decrease, and our body starts signaling us to refuel.

In response to hunger, the body releases certain hormones such as ghrelin, often referred to as the “hunger hormone.” Ghrelin stimulates appetite and triggers the release of glucose from storage sites in the liver, ensuring that the body has a constant supply of energy.

As blood glucose levels continue to drop during prolonged hunger, the body enters a state called hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia can lead to various symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, and shakiness. It’s during this state that trembling hands become evident.

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How Does Hunger Affect the Nervous System?

The nervous system plays a crucial role in coordinating and controlling the body’s functions. It consists of two main components: the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS).

When hunger sets in, the body’s PNS is primarily affected. The PNS consists of nerves that extend from the brain and spinal cord to different parts of the body, including the hands. This network of nerves transmits signals and coordinates the actions of various organs and muscles.

During hunger, the PNS experiences alterations in its normal functioning. One primary effect of hunger on the nervous system is the activation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). The SNS is responsible for the body’s “fight or flight” response, often triggered in stressful situations or when the body is in need of energy.

When hunger persists, the SNS is stimulated, releasing stress hormones such as adrenaline and noradrenaline. These hormones increase heart rate, constrict blood vessels, and prepare the body for action.

Why Does Hunger Lead To Shaky Hands?

The combination of decreased blood glucose levels and the activation of the sympathetic nervous system during hunger leads to shaky hands. As the SNS increases heart rate and constricts blood vessels, the muscles in the hands may receive less blood flow, leading to reduced stability and control.

Additionally, the release of stress hormones can cause slight tremors in the muscles, further contributing to the shakiness. It’s important to note that hunger-induced shaky hands are typically temporary and subside once the body receives proper nourishment.

However, if you frequently experience shaky hands or other concerning symptoms during hunger, it is advisable to consult a medical professional for further evaluation.

Immediate Relief Measures For Shaky Hands Due To Hunger

When hunger strikes, it’s not unusual for our hands to start shaking. This can be quite unnerving and even interfere with daily activities. However, there are immediate relief measures that can help calm those shaky hands and make you feel more comfortable. By incorporating these simple steps into your routine, you can avoid the disruptive effects of hunger-induced hand tremors.

Having A Well-balanced Meal

One of the most effective ways to alleviate shaky hands caused by hunger is to have a well-balanced meal consisting of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

Protein-rich foods such as lean meats, eggs, and nuts help stabilize blood sugar levels, while carbohydrates provide the much-needed energy.

Including healthy fats like avocado or olive oil in your meal can also help regulate blood sugar and prevent the onset of hand tremors. Remember to focus on whole foods and avoid processed or sugary snacks which can lead to quick spikes and drops in blood sugar.

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Snacking On Foods That Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels

Choosing the right snacks is crucial in keeping your hands steady. Opt for snacks that contain complex carbohydrates, fiber, and protein, as these components slow down digestion and prevent sudden blood sugar fluctuations.

Some examples of blood sugar-stabilizing foods include:

Snack Ideas Effect on Blood Sugar
Apple slices with almond butter Stable blood sugar
Greek yogurt with berries Stable blood sugar
Vegetable crudites with hummus Stable blood sugar

By incorporating these snacks into your eating routine, you can provide your body with a steady supply of nutrients, thus reducing the likelihood of experiencing shaky hands due to hunger.

Drinking Enough Water

Dehydration can exacerbate hand tremors. It’s essential to stay hydrated throughout the day, especially when you start feeling hungry. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily or more if you engage in physical activity or live in a hot climate.

Proper hydration helps maintain proper bodily functions, including blood circulation and nerve function, which can significantly decrease the incidence of shaky hands.

Avoiding Excessive Caffeine Intake

Excessive caffeine intake can worsen tremors and make your hands even shakier when hungry. While a small amount of caffeine can provide a temporary energy boost, overconsumption can lead to restlessness, anxiety, and increased hand tremors.

Limit your caffeine intake to one or two cups of coffee or other caffeinated beverages per day, and opt for decaffeinated options if possible. By doing so, you can minimize the chances of experiencing exacerbated hand tremors due to caffeine-induced stimulation.

Managing Stress Levels

Stress is known to worsen hand tremors. When hungry, our bodies may already be in a state of stress and anxiety, leading to shaky hands. Implementing stress management techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or engaging in relaxing activities like listening to calming music can help alleviate the symptoms of both hunger and trembling hands.

Prioritize self-care practices that promote relaxation and reduce stress levels, as this can have a significant impact on reducing or preventing shaky hands associated with hunger. By incorporating these immediate relief measures into your routine, you can effectively manage shaky hands caused by hunger.

It’s important to prioritize your physical and mental well-being, and ensuring proper nutrition, hydration, and stress management can help you stay focused, steady, and in control.

When To Seek Medical Help For Shaky Hands?

In some cases, shaky hands may indicate an underlying medical condition rather than just temporary hunger-induced tremors. The following signs may suggest the need for medical attention:

  1. Severity: If your hands shake to an extent that it affects your ability to perform daily activities or tasks, it is advisable to seek medical help.
  2. Persistence: If the shaky hands persist even after eating or if they occur frequently, it may indicate an underlying medical condition.
  3. Other associated symptoms: Shaky hands accompanied by other worrisome symptoms such as weakness, dizziness, fatigue, weight loss, or changes in coordination may require medical evaluation.
  4. Progression: If the tremors in your hands worsen over time or if you start experiencing tremors in other parts of your body, it could be a sign of a more serious condition.

Several medical conditions can also cause tremors or shaky hands. Some of the possible underlying conditions include:

  • Essential tremor: This is the most common cause of shaky hands and is characterized by rhythmic shaking, usually worsened by certain actions or movements.
  • Parkinson’s disease: Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological disorder that can cause tremors in the hands, along with other symptoms like muscle stiffness and difficulty with coordination.
  • Hyperthyroidism: An overactive thyroid gland can lead to shaky hands as a result of increased metabolic activity.
  • Multiple sclerosis: This autoimmune disease can cause tremors, along with a wide range of neurological symptoms.

Treatment Options For Shaky Hands

The treatment for shaky hands depends on the underlying cause. Once a proper diagnosis is made, your healthcare provider will recommend the most appropriate treatment plan. Treatment options may include:

  • Medication: In some cases, medications such as beta blockers or antiseizure drugs may be prescribed to reduce tremors.
  • Physical therapy: Physical therapy exercises and techniques can help improve coordination and control of hand movements.
  • Lifestyle changes: Making certain lifestyle modifications, such as reducing stress, avoiding caffeine, and getting sufficient sleep, may help manage shaky hands.
  • Surgical interventions: In rare cases where tremors are severe and significantly impact daily life, surgical options like deep brain stimulation may be considered.

Remember, seeking medical help is essential if you are experiencing persistent or worsening shaky hands. A proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan can help you manage your symptoms and improve your overall well-being.


Experiencing hand shakes when hungry can be attributed to low blood sugar levels and the body’s natural response to maintain energy. Understanding the connection between hunger and hand tremors is essential in managing symptoms and preventing further complications.

By maintaining a balanced diet and recognizing early signs of hunger, individuals can mitigate these tremors and maintain their overall well-being.

Stay attentive to your body’s needs and prioritize regular meals to prevent any discomfort or unwanted shaking.